Chapter 22

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Amethyst’s POV 1… 2… 3… I took one shot after another. I don’t know how much alcohol I’ve drank but all I know is it’s a lot. Like a lot A LOT. “Let’s go to the dance floor!” Celine said. I nodded and agreed. I was more than just tipsy now. I can feel my insides burning. I needed to let the steam out. Celine and I went down and she pulled me to the dance floor. There were a lot of people but I couldn’t care less. I needed to move around. I needed to clear my head. I needed to forget even if it was just for one night. I just wanted to leave everything behind just for this one night. Celine and I danced together with everyone else. I felt pumped up and excited. I guess the club can be fun if I’m not overthinking about anything and everything. “Are you having fun?” Celine shouted by my ear. I nodded vigorously. “I am!” I told her. Celine smiled widely. “I told you!” she said giggling. I giggled with her. Celine and I continued to dance. After a while, a pair of dudes came to us. One went to Celine and the other went to me. Although I was already drunk, I could see their faces clearly. They were good looking; I’ll give them that. Dang. They can even pass as runway models. “Hey, girls!” they greeted us. “Hi!” I greeted back. “Are you guys together?” the other guy with Celine asked. Celine and I nodded. “We’re best friends” Celine said. “Cool. We are too” the guy with Celine said. “What’s your name?” the guy with me asked as he leaned closer to my ear. “Amy!” I said leaning into him as well so he can hear me. “Nice! I’m Dex! Nice to meet you, Amy!” he said. I giggled. “Nice to meet you too, Dex!” I said. Dex smiled. Ooooooh. He’s cute CUTE. Dex and I started dancing together. Then, he held me by the waist as we danced. I smirked as I looked at him. He had a mischievous smile on his face. This is getting interesting. Dex and I became closer and closer. I held on to his shoulders as we danced. I can feel my body burning up even more. Ghad. “Amy!” Celine called me. “What?” I said. “Aron and I are going to the side!” she told me. I nodded. “Okay!” I said. Then, Celine and his date left. Dex and I continued to dance. “Do you want to go too?” he asked me. I immediately shook my head. “No!” I refused. “I want to keep dancing” I told him. Dex chuckled and nodded. We continued to dance to the rhythm. I was actually enjoying myself more than I imagined. Not to mention with a guy. It was amazing what alcohol can do to you. After a while, I felt thirsty. I leaned into Dex to say something to him so he can hear me. “I’m thirsty! Let’s go for a drink!” I told him. Dex nodded and let my waist go. Then, he held my hand and pulled me out of the dance floor. We went to get drinks. After I got my drink, my eyes roamed around to find Celine. Then, I saw her by the corner. She was already making out with Dex’s friend. “Woah. That was fast” I said. Dex followed my gaze. He chuckled and laughed. “Of course” he said as he took a sip of his drink. Dex looked at me. “I’m guessing that your friend is a wild one” he said. I nodded. “You guessed right” I said giggling. Dex smiled. “And you?” he said. I shook my head. “I’m the boring one” I told him. Dex laughed. “You don’t seem boring to me at all” he said. I chuckled. “Oh believe me when I say that I am” I said. Dex chuckled. “You don’t come here often then?” he asked. I nodded. “Yeah. I’ve only ever went to the club like thrice, I think. And it was all because of my best friend” I said. I glanced at Celine’s direction again. She was still making out with Dex’s friend. It was a very disturbing scene. “How about you?” I asked Dex. He seemed like the type who really likes to party and pick up girls from here and there. “Not too often. I go clubbing every now and then. The one who really enjoys going to clubs is my friend” he said. I nodded. Then, we’re alike then. We’re the less interesting ones. “What do you do?” he suddenly asked. “I’m in the fashion industry” I told him. “Wow. So I’m assuming that you’re a model?’ he asked. I shook my head. “I’m an apprentice” I said. Dex made an ‘ohh’ expression. “I was so sure that you were a model when you said when you were in the fashion industry” he said chuckling. I smiled and chuckled. “Nah” I said. “I think you’d make a really good model though” he said with a shrug. I giggled. “Thanks” I said. “How about you? What do you do?” I asked curiously. “Me? I’m a model” he said with a shrug. My jaw slightly dropped and Dex laughed. I lightly punched him in the arm. “So you’re the model among the two of us” I said and playfully rolled my eyes at him. Dex nodded and laughed. “Yeah” he said with a smile. “That’s amazing. You really fit the part” I told him. Dex smiled. “Thank you” he said. I smiled at him. “Oh yeah. You said you were an apprentice. Whose apprentice are you?” he asked curiously. “Lady A” I answered. Dex looked at me wide eyed. “Lady A? As in THE Lady A?” he said. I nodded. “Yeah” I said. “Wow. That’s amazing” he said. I saw the adoration in his eyes. It was cute. “Lady A is my favorite designer. Her pieces are a work of art” he said. I smiled. “I’ll let her know about what you think of her” I told him. “Really?” he said excitedly. I nodded. Dex smiled widely. “Let’s toast to that” he said. I chuckled and we made a toast. After that, Dex and I had more drinks. Then, we went back to the dance floor. I was all charged up. I can feel that hot sensation inside of me all over again. Dex held me by the waist as we danced. I was giggling and laughing as I danced with him. I was all over the place. Dex let me go as we still danced. Then suddenly, someone pulled me and dragged me. I squeaked in surprise as we stopped and I hit something hard. I looked up and saw a familiar pair of eyes. Him? What is he doing here? “What are you doing here?” I said frowning at him. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?” he said giving me a look. I rolled my eyes at him. “It’s none of your business, Shaw” I said glaring at him. Shaw frowned at me. “You’re drunk” he said. I raised a brow at him. “And so? What is it to you?” I said. Shaw stared at me. “Let’s go” he said and held me by the wrist. “No!” I refused. “Dex is going to be looking for me!” I shouted as Shaw dragged me. Shaw stopped as he looked back at me with a glare. “What?” he spat. I squinted my eyes at him. “Are you deaf? I said Dex will---” I was about to repeat myself but Shaw suddenly pulled me to him. Shaw’s lips clashed with mine. My eyes widened. Shaw wrapped his arms on my waist as he pulled me closer to him. Then, I felt his lips move. I don’t know what got into me as I suddenly closed my eyes and responded to his kiss. I felt Shaw smirk a little as we kissed. He tightened his hold on me and placed my arms on his shoulders. Oh ghad. What was I doing? This was wrong. So wrong. But it felt so good. The kiss ended and Shaw placed his forehead in mine. “You were saying?” he asked with a smirk. I gulped and shook my head. Shaw smiled. “Good” he said. Shaw was about to drag me again but I pulled him back. He glanced at me and raised his brow, I bit my lower lip as I looked at him. “What is it?” he asked. I took a deep breath. Then, I stepped forward and held Shaw on his nape before pulling him down. Our lips met again. I saw Shaw’s shocked expression but he quickly responded to my kiss. It was even more intense than the last one. We separated and I gasped for air. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me, Wright” he said close to my ears. I bit my lower lip as I blushed. “What do I do to you, Shaw?” I asked seductively. Shaw looked at me. “Do you want me to show you?” he said. I smirked. “Show me” I said. Shaw smirked as he pulled me outside to leave the club. I looked back once. I don’t know what got into me but I didn’t care anymore. I wanted more. I wanted so much more. Shaw opened his car for me and I got in. He got in the driver’s seat and we immediately drove off. I didn’t know where we were going but I didn’t ask either. After a while, we arrived at a hotel and Shaw opened the door for me and I got off. Shaw held my hand as we went inside. Then, we got in the elevator. As soon as the elevator closed, Shaw pulled me to him and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him as he held my waist. We deepened the kiss even more. I gasped for air when we separated. Shaw didn’t stop. He started to kiss my neck and I bit my lower lip as I held into his shirt. “What were you doing in a club?” he said as continued kissing my neck. I gulped. The way he talked to me sent shivers down my spine. “I was accompanying my friend” I said and a moan escaped my mouth when he started sucking on my neck. My hand immediately flew to my mouth to stop myself from making such strange sounds. Shaw didn’t stop though. “What friend? A she or a he?” he asked. What’s with all the questions? “She” I answered. I squeaked when Shaw suddenly pulled me to him even more. “Then who was the guy that you were with earlier?” he said in gritted teeth. I looked at him. He looked beyond pissed. “Dex?” I asked. Shaw frowned at me. “I didn’t ask his name. I asked who he was to you” he said. I rolled my eyes. “We just met and talked, okay?” I said. Shaw just looked at me for a moment. Then, the elevator door opened. Shaw pulled me out with him then we entered a hotel room. As soon as he closed the door, Shaw pushed me to the door as he kissed me again. His hand was placed on my side of my neck while the other was on my hips. His kisses started to go down to my neck and to my collarbone. I moaned. Then, he suddenly stopped. Shaw looked at me wide eyed as if he suddenly remembered something. “What is it?” I asked with furrowed brows. “Aren’t you pregnant?” he suddenly asked. “What? Where did you get that from?” I said. Shaw looked at my stomach with furrowed brows. “Aren’t you?” he asked again. “No” I said confused. Shaw smiled. “That’s all I needed to know” he said then pulled me to him again. I don’t know where that suddenly came from but I was already drowned in our kisses and in alcohol to care. Shaw lifted me up and wrapped my legs on him. Then, we made our way to his room. We continued to kiss as he laid me down his bed. I felt Shaw taking off my dress and I let him. I also started unbuttoning his shirt. Until finally, we were left with nothing. I stared at Shaw. He looked so fcking fine. Why did I never notice it before? Maybe because I wasn’t drunk. Shaw looked like a God. “I’m going to make you mine tonight” he whispered in my ears. I gulped.
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