Anthony: Chapter 14: So Beautiful

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The pack party starts at six in the evening. I make small talk with my aunt and uncle who are Alpha and Luna, currently. I keep watching the door. Charity hasn't arrived, yet. We are all dressed in formal attire, which is making me uncomfortable. I just want to take it off and run free. Suddenly, the talking and festivities just come to a deafening silence. I turn to look at why and I see Charity standing at the edge of the garden. I can feel my jaw drop. Her waist length hair is tied back with a little up. Tight curls are framing her face where the different colors streak her hair. She starts walking toward me and the light catches her dress in a way that she simply sparkles. My aunt smiles at me as she pats my back. It no longer matters to me that I am wearing a tuxedo and surrounded by other wolves; there's only her, only my sweet Charity. She is the only one I see. She makes her way slowly, stopping to talk to everyone who is between us. I want to run to her, but I keep my feet firmly planted and my eyes on her. It feel like an eternity passes before she's standing in front of me. "Babe, why are you standing alone?" she asks. "What?" I look around me. "I was with my aunt and uncle." They must have wandered away. Her eyes seem to sparkle when she looks at me. I can't take my eyes off her. She watches me stare at her for a few minutes. She gives me a playful nudge in my stomach. Her touch sends sparks flying through my body. "Come on. We've got mingling to do, Alpha." She brings my focus back to the people at the party. I don't want to mingle. I don't want to share her. But because she's my mate, I will be Alpha and it's my duty to interact with my pack. Her hand brushes mine and I entwine our fingers together. I raise her hand to my lips and kiss the back. "If you insist, Luna." We wander through the party for hours. Her smile is genuine toward everyone. Some questions are asked of her and she answers with confidence. She is admirable and I find myself feeling like the luckiest man alive. My uncle takes the stage to start the Alpha ceremony. He talks about the history of the pack and some history of his family. He calls me and Jeremy to join him on stage. He talks about the duties of the Alpha and Beta. The current Beta stands beside Jeremy and he stands beside me. My aunt hands him the ceremonial blade, but he doesn't take it immediately. He calls for Charity to join us. He talks briefly about a Luna's place in the pack. Together with my aunt, Charity makes a cut in our hands and we clasp them together. This is the blood bond that will help him tutor me through a stronger mind-link. They wipe the blade and do the same with the new and current Beta. The wounds heal as soon as the pact is made. My aunt talks into the microphone and tells us to be merry and enjoy the evening. The music starts up again and I take Charity to the dance floor. I hold her close and inhale her sweet scent of honey and cherry blossoms. "Mine," I say and she blushes. She turns even deeper crimson when I say, "You look incredible tonight." I don't want to be around the rest of the pack any longer, but I can't just leave. I have to stay for a while after the ceremony. The wolves need to see their Alpha so they see him as approachable, one of them. So I dance with my beautiful mate. My uncle taps me on the shoulder after several songs. "May I cut in?" I begrudgingly hand Charity's hand to my uncle. I dance with my aunt. Jeremy is off in a corner by himself. I can hear Charity and my uncle talking in hushed tones. I don't want to eavesdrop. They will tell me if I need to know. He brings Charity back to me, but I take her to Jeremy. He looks surprised that I am going to let him dance with her. My aunt and uncle motion me to a table. "Charity's father was my best friend," Alpha Steven starts. "You were only a year old when the Rogues came. I made a promise, though. That promise was moot since the Moon Goddess took their pup away the same night they were killed. So I am asking you to honor the promise I made to Alpha Jax." I nod. "Promise you will cherish her and keep her safe for all of your lives." "On my life, Sir, nothing will ever hurt her." I feel so formal telling him this, but the reality is that I would rather cut off my own arm than see her hurt in any way. My aunt pulls me into a tight hug. She is crying. I wipe a tear away from her cheek. "Don't cry, Aunt Corrine." "You're just so grown up now. It feels like yesterday that you and Jeremy were tugging at my apron and begging for cookies. Now, you're on your way to becoming Alpha and your mate is the loveliest wolf I have ever laid eyes on. I am so proud of you, nephew." My uncle nudges me. "Go. Have a private moment with your mate away from prying eyes. We'll hold the wolves at bay," he says the last part as a joke. I don't have to be told twice and I bolt from the table. I take her away from Jeremy without so much as an apology. I feel like I haven't touched her in years, but it's only been about ten minutes. I take her just past the tree line at the edge of the garden. We get to a secluded spot and she looks at me with those amazing green eyes and I am instantly lost as to why I brought her out here. I cup her face gently in my hands and lean toward her lips. My lips barely brush hers. From my lips through my whole body I am electrified. I couldn't move from this moment even if I wanted to. I know she feels it, too. She parts her lips slightly and we deepen the kiss a little. I feel her arms wrap around my waist. As much as I don't want to, I break the kiss. I am content to just touch her and have her touch me. I rest my forehead against hers. "Have I told you that I am the happiest man around?"
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