Anthony: Chapter 10: The New Girl

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Someone had told me today that there was a new girl. At first, I didn't care. That is until that same person said I was her after lunch partner. I have to show her around for the last three classes of the day. That makes me anxious. I've already been on the outs with my girlfriend, Mandy, for a few days. All Mandy needs to hear now is that I am hanging around a new girl. Mandy is a pettite redhead with a feiry temper. As strange as it sounds, I am afraid of her. Me! A six foot three basketball player afraid of a little redhead. I am rushing to get to class so I can get this day over with. My phone vibrates in my pocket six times. I sigh at myself and don't see the tall blonde in front of me stop. She seems like she's lost. I skirt around her and she brushes my arm with her fingertips. "I'm sorry," she starts. "I can't find A416 on this. Please help," she says, half-thrusting her school map at me. I look at her only to find that I don't have to look down to see her eyes. They're stunning and intense. They're pale green surrounded with a dark grey rim. She blinks at me. "Oh, hey! I am sorry I bothered you, but since you're here. It's ok that you bumped into me this morning. I was probably in the way." Is she serious? She's taking the blame for me running into her before school? I knew it was my fault since I was texting Mandy this morning and didn't watch where I was going. I shrug at her. "No, it was my fault. A416 is this way." We walk quietly for a moment until I turn left into class. I know we are late. She hands the teacher her hall pass. Just for a second I envy her. This is my fourth tardy to my after lunch class this month and I know I am facing detention. "Class, this is Charity Wilson. She will be joining us for the rest of the school year," Mrs. Thurmburg introduces her. "You've already met Anthony Collins so you can sit in front of him today until we get you a permanent seat." I stare at the back of Charity's head as Mrs. Thurmburg drones on. She sounds so far away. She instructs us to read the chapter quietly and sits down behind her desk. I wait for the detention slip to come. Class ends and no detention slip in sight. I sigh with relief until she calls me to her desk before I walk out of class. Charity stands by the door. "Do you know how pairing works, Anthony?" "Not entirely, ma'am," I say. "Well, you're saved from detention this time because her pass covered you. If you're late again, you will get detention," she smiles sweetly at me. I know I am hit. Mandy likes to make me late after lunch because she likes to leave campus. I don't drive, yet. I'm almost sixteen. I practically run from the classroom and heave a huge sigh of relief. Charity giggles at me. The sound is so melodious that I could listen all day. What the hell has gotten into me? I don't usually like when people laugh at me, but her laugh is infectious and I find myself laughing, too. Her beauty is striking. I just want to stare at her. I can't explain why. I check my phone while we walk and see the six new messages from Mandy. I just hit the home button on my phone, putting her messages on read with no response. She hates when I do that, but she's been making me crazy mad lately and I don't want to argue with her any more times today. The last two teachers of the day seat Charity close to me. This causes me to daydream a bit. I don't normally daydream. Before the final bell of the day, Charity raises her hand timidly. The teacher comes over to her. They talk quietly for a second. Charity grabs her things and leaves the room. I know I shouldn't, but my werewolf hearing let me eavesdrop. Charity had to relieve herself rather urgently and I felt stupid for just dragging her to class without asking her if she had bathroom needs. I mentally kick myself. 'Stupid, stupid, Anthony,' I admonish myself in my head.
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