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CHAPTER 2 Hearing the kids screaming "Ian!" had him backing into a corner, hoping the darkness would hide him. No one had hurt him yet, but he knew...he knew it was only a matter of time. "Hey there, remember me? My name is Ian." Nodding, he often wished he could speak, but he learned at a very young age to say nothing. The quieter he was, the less pain he would feel. Well, unless the mean ones tried to touch the children. Then he would make all kinds of noise. Better for him to be hurt than one of the little ones. Ian pursed his lips, saying, "Okay, I don't know if you won't talk or can't talk, but I refuse to keep calling you The Quiet One. Sounds like a bad movie. So, until you can tell us your name, I think I'll call you Q. Is that okay with you?" Q felt tears come to his eyes. He had never been given a name before, well, not a real one at least. He didn't think that w***e, slut, or f**k thing were names he wanted to be known as for the rest of his life. "Hey, if you don't like Q, I can think of something else, but I'd rather you tell us what that is." Looking at Ian, he nodded. Smiling wide, Ian said, "Okay, now I know that you don't like a lot of people around you, but everyone is going to the big game and so I am here to escort you and the kids.” Shaking his head, Q tried to push himself further into the corner of the tent, but Ian shook his head, "Oh no. You have to go and help me cheer on Colby. He plays center on the football team and Derk is the quarterback. Joop thinks because Kahn has big badass vamps for players that they can kick my man's ass. I say we go and show that beaver butt a thing or two." Ian got a sad look on his face, "Q, I know you're scared, but you have to come out of the tent sometime. Besides, I need help keeping an eye on the kids. How can I watch my man and the kids, too? What if I am focused so much on Colby's sexy ass, in those tight pants he wears, and one of the kids gets hurt?" Q didn't know whether Ian was serious or not, but he wasn't willing to let one of the little ones get hurt because of his fear, he had been through that once already and swore it would never happen again. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Q tried to draw in courage and stepped closer to Ian. "Very nice! Thanks, Q." Ian said with a big smile as he started out of the tent. The crowd was loud and "Q" felt out of place. He didn't like being surrounded by so many people in one place. It was too hard to see a threat coming, and much too hard to protect himself if danger came from more than one person. "It's okay, Q. Nothing is going to happen to you here, I promise." Ian said with a gentle smile. Q didn't trust many, but Ian and Colby had shown him kindness, like he had never known in the past. Besides, Mary said they were good people and she was his friend. Q figured he may not completely trust Ian and Colby, but he couldn't just live in complete fear, either. He would just try and stay on guard, in case they were not as nice as they seemed to be. A loud horn and scream of, "Let's get this game moving!" caused Q to jump and gasp. "Q, have you ever been to a football game before?" Ian asked. Shaking his head, Q tried to understand all the things going on around him. He wished he could just go back to his tent and try and figure out what he was going to do. Q had never been out of his cell, unless Troy was having them move locations. He had listened to the guards regularly and watched a lot of television. Q had taught himself to read and write, even talk in his own way, but he had never been outside for longer than it took to load them up in the vans. The activity around him was extremely overwhelming. All the noises, talking, and movements. It was too much. Q felt like he wasn't getting enough air into his lungs and he tried, without success, to breath but nothing was happening. Everything started to look so far away, and sounds began to come at him from a distance. Suddenly, Q felt a small hand in his own, and Mary's soft little voice speaking to him, "It's okay, Q. Don't be scared." Then he felt little arms surrounding his neck and small lips kissing his cheek. Blinking, Q looked up and found Mary standing there with large tears in her eyes, and worry etched into her delicate little features, as he knelt on his hands and knees on the ground. Looking around the crowd, he noticed how things had quieted, and everyone was watching him. Some looked at him with interest, some with pity. Ian knelt and whispered, "Just take a few in and out breaths, Q. I know you can do this, buddy. We'll go as slow as you need." Mary held her hand out to Q, softly saying, "We'll go sit down together, okay?" Gently taking Mary's hand, Q stood up and slowly followed the little girl. She took him up the wood steps, until they came to a nice-looking couple sitting at the top. "Uncle Joop! Uncle Kahn! This is my friend, Q." Mary said with bubbling excitement as she kissed each man's cheek. "Q? He finally told you his name?" The little man asked Ian. Shaking his head, Ian replied, "No, but I wasn't going to keep calling him that other name, either." "And Q was the best you could do?" The larger man asked. Ian's voice sounded annoyed with his friends, as he said, "I figured, until he is ready to tell us his real name, Q would do, Kahn." "Aren't people that don't know their names called John?" Joop asked. Snorting, Ian said, "He isn't a hooker, Joop." "You know, I would have thought mating would have made you have a nicer disposition. s**t, as much as you and Colby go at it, you should either be smiling or in a coma." Joop said with a tight smile. Ian snorted, "And with a vamp for a mate, and how often you go at it, you should be a zombie by now, or resemble a dried up fly." Joop stood up quickly and Q gasped and hid his head. When the blow didn't come, Q took a chance and peeked up. The three men looked at him with shock and Mary looked at him with sadness. "Q, you have to know none of us would ever raise a hand to you?" Ian asked. Mary began to lightly pet his hair, saying, "The mean men would get mad and hit Q." Joop's eyes went wide, "Q, Ian and I always snipe at each other, but he and Ricky are my brothers, maybe not by blood, but from something even more.... love. We would never hurt each other, or anyone else." Kahn gave a little growl and immediately placed Joop on his lap, "Q, their relationship is unique, to say the least, but never forget, they started the wheels turning that lead to your and the others release from that prison." Q relaxed slowly, nodded and jumped once more when Ian suddenly shouted, "Hey, stink ass! We're up here!" Looking in the direction Ian was yelling, Q felt a mix of feelings run through him at once.... fear, lust, anxiety, and curiosity. Q recognized Ricky, Gladys, and Molly but he had no idea who the man was with them. He must have been close to seven feet tall and there were muscles on top of muscles bulging from the tight black t-shirt and tight fitting jeans he wore. Q felt his heart rate pick up speed as a gentle breeze blew his long black, wavy hair away from his face, showing just enough facial hair to make the man look like he had gone without a shave for a couple of days. The energy this man exuded was powerful and Q felt his palms begin to sweat as his breathing increased. "Q, it's all right. That's Councilman Egan. He's a really nice man." Mary whispered. He couldn't catch his breath. He was confused by everything he felt. This man was a leader and Q had never experienced anything from powerful men except pain. However, for the first time in all his life, his p***s was hard and Q felt a wanting he never had felt in all his life. Q lowered his eyes, praying the man wouldn't notice him, but still wishing he could hear him speak. None of this made sense. "I see we were both successful with our tasks. Granted it took mom and Molly to get it to happen, but Jotham is here as we agreed." Ricky said as he got closer to them. "s**t, I wish I could take credit, Ricky, but I had to call in the Mary card." Ian said with a laugh. Wiggling uncomfortably, Q continued to refuse to look up until he heard a low growl. Q's golden eyes met the most beautiful lavender eyes he had ever seen. They were filled with an intensity that put Q on edge, but not as much as the deep vibrato of the man's voice made him shiver with anything but fear, "Hello, little one. I have waited many centuries for you. What is your name?" Q squirmed under the man's deep scrutiny, and then his voice went even lower, "Do not ignore me. I must know your name." "Joth, you're scaring the s**t out of him. Back off." Ian said in Q's defense. Jotham looked at Ian with sadness, "But Ian, I just want to know my mate’s name."
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