Chapter 168

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She focused back on the grass to begin her explanation. "The ground was converted from ice to fertile and rich land and that was the only change made. We were given all of the resources to build a new civilization, but had to do it with our own hands. Protecting our land is the barrier I spoke of before created at the same time. It also maintains the atmosphere and weather. And to protect us, there are the four gates, North, East, South and West Gates." Acting unusually serious, Seiji lifted his hand up like a part of a classroom. He managed to catch her eye long enough to know that she was listening. "I heard you mention it before. That we came through the South Gate, but aren't we already as south as it gets? You can't really go that much more south can you? So shouldn't it be north?" Everyone stared back at Seiji stunned by him saying something actually intelligent and purposeful (that and he actually seemed to understand everything that Eudokia told him). Yori took up the cue to explain. "You're correct, but I'd imagine having four North Gates would be quite confusing. It also probably provides a certain sense of familiarity and comfort in a location that only as one direction." "But how do you decide which is north then?" The Atlantean sighed to herself seeing how it had become thrown off track again. The details that they debated over meant little in the grand scheme. However, they seemed set on figuring out an answer. "North is the direction that we arrived from when we first settled on this land." "Oh…that makes sense." She tilted her head away from them. 'I don't really know either… I'm just glad that accepted the answer…' Behind them, now an hour past, arrived a new squad of men to the remains of the ruined search party. Most of the men still laid unconscious from the assault that they took. Those few that managed to come around had a fog that settled over them. They seemed confused more than anything and not even the arrival of the Captain of the South Gate improved their attitude. The Captain stood tall in a black uniform with gold embroidering along the seam to highlight his rank. The uniform covered up much of his muscular figure, but left well built arms and legs exposed. He was a man of action that did not hesitate to take a personal hand in matters. "Report, Commander!" he ordered of his second in command. His second had led the search party personally. The failure to capture the intruders weighed on his shoulders making it difficult for him to face his superior. "I'm uncertain of what happened, sir. The best answer I have is that we were ambushed and instantly wiped out." "Any loses?" "None, but most of the men are still out." The Captain looked over the horizon to where the invaders must have gone. He calculated tactics in his mind quickly to form his strategy. Once he finished he turned back to his Commander. "I shall go ahead to continue the search. Form squads out of those able to stand and spread out in flanking positions to my team. Stay behind until all of the men are back on their feet and out. After all are awake resume the search as well." "Yes, sir!" "The honor of the South Gate Division is at stake. Never in the history of our people have we let intruders past the border villages and that will not change today! We'll crush these foreigners!" Back in time before all of the chaos that had engulfed Japan, as cliché as it sounds, things were happier. The clock placed the time before Yuki had lost his parents and before he knew anything of his destiny. Before he met Ayumi and lost a friend. Life was simpler for him, though the world remained as complicated as ever. At the end of another day in elementary school, Yuki (age seven) exited the building alone. He smiled to himself with a single thought on his mind. Today was his birthday, his seventh in fact. His parents made sure to get off work early for him promising a large party for him. The thought of presents and cake made him excited to get home. 'I can't wait! I wonder how big the cake is?' His daydreams drifted him off from reality for a moment before being rudely popped. A scream of a girl reached him from around the school. Yuki's eye widened recognizing the voice immediately. "Saki! She's in trouble!" He ran off in the direction without a second thought. In the back of the building by the trash dumpsters he saw the backs of three older boys. Yuki charged from his position and rammed his head into the first kid. A little dazed, Yuki staggered around to get in between them and Saki. "What are you doing picking on a girl?" The chaos Yuki caused threw them all off balance. The boy Yuki plowed into tried to recover from being on top of the second boy he collapsed into. Only the third boy stayed out of harm. He reached out for Yuki, but missed when Yuki ducked down. The older boy glared down at Yuki frustrated that a little kid gave him trouble. "Get lost kid! This doesn't have anything to do with you!" "Yeah, it does! You're trying to hurt my friend! I won't let you do that!" The other two boys finally made it back to their feet and snickered feeling that they had the advantage. "Whatcha going to do about it?" "I've got no problem beating up a little kid first!" The two boys grabbed a hold of Yuki before he escaped and pinned him to the ground. The third boy grinned with pleasure as he raised his foot. "Why'd you do that Yuki?" asked Saki helping him off the ground. She waited until the boys left to come to his assistance. They gave up trying to go after Saki through the efforts of Yuki's determination. All she got in response was his grin like nothing was wrong. "Why did you let them beat you up so much? They were bigger, but I know you could have stood your ground!" Yuki kept smiling to her not letting her see the pain. "I didn't want to embarrass them with my awesome martial arts skills!" he boasted striking a quick pose for her. He hoped that she might smile back. Saki sniffed back some tears feeling sorry for herself getting Yuki into trouble. "It's my fault again! You're always rescuing me and getting hurt!" She tried to hold back her tears, but it seemed fruitless. "Hey, it's not your fault! It's my choice and you shouldn't feel bad about what I do, Saki! You're my best friend, right?" He reached out for Saki trying to focus her on him. "…yeah…" "And best friends stick together no matter what, right?!" "…I…think…so…" "So you don't have anything to worry about then!" He managed to get her to take his hand. Yuki gave her another smile encouraging her to smile as well. It took a little bit, but he saw his happiness start to break through her tears. "Ready to go home?!" "Yeah!" They ran out of the school laughing to themselves until they tired out. The walk back to the neighborhood gave them plenty of time to talk. They made their routine pass quickly with never ending chatter. The neighbors kept things pretty active so they never lack something interesting to see. The path they took brought them to Saki's apartment building first. "Hey, Yuki! Let's go up and get my mom to clean you up!" "Oh ok!" He followed behind her up the rickety stairs and groaning floor boards. They jumped around as they ascended creating a playful chorus from the differently tuned wood. At the top they both came down hard to accent their arrival bellowing out a deep base note. A few flakes of dust from overhead settled on their noses making Yuki sneeze. "Made it!" Saki giggled and raced to her door. Already unlocked, she opened it slowly inviting Yuki in with her. "I'm home, Mom! I brought Yuki with me!" They managed to get their shoes off before Saki's mother appearance carrying Saki's baby sister in her arms. "Welcome home, dear!" She kneeled down carefully to look at Saki at eye level. The sight of Yuki's bruising and dirt marks alerted her. "Oh my, Yuki! What's happened to you?" "I tripped playing with Saki on the way here!" he replied sheepishly. He did not want to worry her about Saki getting bullied again. It happened often because her father was a teacher and it made her a target of those that got upset. They found it easier to take it out on her knowing that Saki just accepted the a***e without running to her parents. Yuki took it upon himself to make sure it stopped. "You should be more careful, Yuki. You've only got one life." "I'm sorry, Mrs. Furukawa! I'll be more careful." "Well let's see about cleaning you up so your parents don't worry about you!" She walked them into the main room that barely managed to be called a living room. "Wait here and I'll be back in a minute. Saki can you watch your little sister for me?" "Sure!" Saki accepted Noriko from her mother and carefully set her next to her. Yuki and Saki played with Noriko until their mother returned. Most of the injuries he took from the bullies only looked worse than they actually turned out. He got away with only a couple of band-aids and the rest just cleaned up scraps. Down the block and around the intersection at Yuki's house a visitor came knocking in middle of birthday preparations. The Hayashi house fluttered about with Momoko running around eagerly following their very pregnant mother with decorations for each room. Their father dropped the presents he carried at an end table to answer the door. He opened the door not checking who stood on the stoop. "Hello? Oh!" When he finally looked at their visitor it took him back a step. "It's been a while! Please come in!" "Thank you, but I shouldn't," an elderly man's voice protested, "I came to deliver a present. I don't want to take up your time." "Nonsense! You're a friend. It'd be rude not to invite you inside. Tomiko'll be pleased to see you as well." He insisted lightly holding onto the old man's arm to invite him inside. A little more protesting gave up the struggle and Yuki's father closed the door behind them. "Tomiko! You won't believe who showed up!"
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