Chapter 7 - Fired Up

2077 Words
Shea’s P.O.V. It’s been a long week between work being slow and not seeing Jayden much because he was working on his truck. My home life sucks, so I try not to stay home much. I still live with my mother while I am going to college to save money. It’s OK when she is not here. I have the house to myself. It’s so peaceful. Living with her is difficult, though. She is overbearing and wants to control my life for me. She doesn’t think much of Jayden. Her exact words are he’s worthless. The past week was quiet since she wasn’t here much. I spent time in the barn working with the horses. We take them to shows now and then, but not as much since my dad abandoned us. He couldn’t stand being around my mother either and up and left one day. We haven’t seen him in a few years. I still was mad at him for not taking me with him. It hurts knowing he never told me he was leaving. I’m heading over to Jayden’s tonight to see how fixing the truck was going. He lived on the opposite side of town from me. I still find it surprising that we had never met before growing up in the same city. The only reason is that my mother sent me to a private school. Jayden and his friends went to public school. There are times I wish I led a basic teenage life. Maybe things could have been different. I guess those are the cards life has dealt me. I pulled into Jayden’s driveway and parked behind the line of vehicles. It looked as if it was a used car lot with so many cars. Someone was working in the garage on the truck, so I headed in that direction. I found Jayden’s with his head stuck in the engine bay. For fun, I sneaked up behind his rear end. I got close enough and gave his butt a big squeeze. “Hey handsome, what are you doing in there?” I purred. He stopped what he was doing. “I thought I’d you a better view of my backside,” a voice chuckled from the engine bay. That is not Jayden’s voice. He stood up and turned as I glanced up and realized who it was. My face turned bright red, and I covered my mouth, “Oh s**t, Dakota. I’m so sorry!” He laughed, “I’m not sorry. That was a good squeeze.” I reached up and smacked his arm. He was looking hot, though. He had an old dirty baseball cap on backward instead of his cowboy hat. His black hair curled out from underneath it. My heart raced by only looking at him. Damn girl, pull yourself together. “What are you doing here?” I asked as I laughed at what I did. “Someone has to get this truck back together,” he grinned. It made me happy to see him smiling. I have talked to him a few times this week. Jayden got suspicious when I asked for his number, but I told him I was checking up on him to make sure he was doing OK. He is a great guy. It doesn’t surprise me Dakota was here helping Jayden. “It’s good to see you again. You look good, happier,” I said. “I am better, that’s for sure. Thank you for checking in on me this week. It was nicer talking to you than one of these dipshits,” Dakota laughed. I smiled back, “What else are friends for now?” He had such a charming smile. Last weekend looked to be a turning point for him. We talked for a few hours. I felt as if I could trust him. It was as if he was my big brother that I could tell everything. We even discussed the issues I have with my mother. Jayden walked into the garage, “Hello, gorgeous. When did you arrive?” I smiled and walked over and gave him a peck on the lips, “A few minutes ago.” “Yeah, she came in here and assaulted me,” Dakota chimed in with a sly grin. I gave him a death glare. I can’t believe he said that. “Oh?” Jayden quizzed, looking at me. I turn bright red again. I stuttered, “I-I-I thought it was you, so I grabbed his butt.” “You mistook that ass for mine,” he smirked, pointing at Dakota. “Hey, I have a damn nice ass, thank you very much,” Dakota defended. I damn near agreed with Dakota but decided that wasn’t a good idea. They both started laughing. The assholes were messing with me. This time I hauled off and smacked Jayden’s arm. “You assholes, you had me scared,” I pouted. Jayden put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed me. “I’m sorry, but it was too easy.” “Whatever,” I said as I shrugged his arm off my shoulders. “I’m sorry, Shea, I just couldn’t pass it up,” Dakota apologized with a smile. “You wait. I will get you back for that,” I glared at Dakota, trying not to crack a smile. “What else do you guys have to fix?” “Not much. I was hooking up the fuel line when I got a pleasant interruption. I need to set the timing. Once that is complete, we will be ready to fire it up,” Dakota said, giving me a wink. I felt my face heating again. I will say Dakota looked damn hot working on Jayden’s truck. The sweat glistened on his tan, toned arms as he worked on the motor. I had to look away to control my heart rate again. Why do I keep doing that? I have to keep reminding myself I’m dating Jayden, not Dakota. But I will say he has a nice firm ass. I watched as Dakota set up the timing of the motor. Jayden bumped the engine over until the number cylinder was top dead center. He fastened the distributor. I knew a little about cars because my dad made me learn to work on cars when I was little. “OK, crank it,” Dakota told Jayden. Jayden turned the key, and the motor came to life. Dakota adjusted the distributor until it satisfied him with how it sounded. “OK, shut it off,” Dakota yelled over the rumble of the motor. He slammed the hood shut. “Alright, ready to roll,” Jayden said, hopping out of the truck and giving Dakota a high five. Melody came into the garage, giving me a wave. “I heard the truck running. Is it ready to go?” Melody asked. “Yep, I told you I had to finish it up for him,” Dakota smiled. “YAY!” she yelled, jumping up and hugging Dakota. “Easy, I got dirty hands,” he said. She let go and started walking over towards me. Dakota turned and smacked her ass with his dirty hand, causing her to yelp. He had a smirk on his face because he left a handprint on her jeans. She glared at him, “You asshole.” When she turned back towards me, I saw she was biting her bottom lip. I think she enjoyed that. I raised my eyebrows at her. She realized I saw what she was doing. The boys cleaned up and grabbed a few beers, then pulled chairs out in the garage. Jayden sat in one as I sat in his lap. Dakota went to sit and realized Melody did not have a chair. “Here, you take the chair. I will stand,” Dakota said. She shook her head, “No, you can sit. I am fine.” Dakota shrugged and sat on the chair. We sat and talked for a few minutes as Dakota watched Melody sway back-and-forth. “Come here,” he said, patting his leg. “Sit before you drive me crazy,” Dakota smiled. She turned bright red but walked over and sat on his knee. Dakota placed his hand on the small of her back, which caused her to bite her bottom lip again. God, she was so into him. I smiled at her. She looked at me and mouthed the words ‘Shut Up’ to me. I giggled, which caused her to follow. “Why are you two giggling?” Jayden asked. “No reason,” I lied. Dakota knew better. He recognized what he was doing to her. Melody told me she had gone to his house after the party and helped him out. They have been talking this week, but neither of them has made a move. They keep messing with each other. Jayden is blind or doesn’t care because he has said nothing to either of them. We sat for an hour talking until it started getting dark out. “I should get home. I need to get the bike loaded up so we can get started early tomorrow,” Dakota said. Melody gave him a frown, “So soon?” He nodded. Melody got up off his lap. “I will see y’all tomorrow,” he said as he gave us a wave. We waved back, then Melody said, “I will walk you to your truck.” They both walked out of the garage. I waited until they left and turned to Jayden, “You do realize they like each other?” He gave me a grin, “Yeah, I figured that out a while ago. It’s funny to watch them squirm.” “You don’t care?” I quizzed. “Why should I? He’s my best friend. I trust him over one of those other bozos she brings home,” he stated. “Don’t you think you should tell that to them?” I said. “No, it’d ruin my fun.” he chuckled. “You can be a d**k sometimes,” I growled as I smacked his chest. “I know, but you love me for it,” he smirked. I let out a huff as I reached in and kissed him. He grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me closer and kissing me back roughly. I whimpered as his tongue ran along my lower lip. I open my mouth, allowing him access. His tongue went searching for mine, then massaged against it. I leaned my head back as his kisses left a trail of fire from my jawline to my neck. My hand ran through his hair, tugging at it. Jayden growled when I did that, making me giggle. He reached for the bottom of my shirt, his fingers going underneath it. His fingertips left a trail of goosebumps up my back. I pull his hair, making him look back up at me, and crashed my lips back into his. He growled into my lips. Our make-out session continued to get more heated. I had to pull away to catch my breath. “We should head up to my room and continue this,” Jayden panted. I giggled, “OK, but no full-on s*x, not with everyone here.” I nipped at his neck, teasing him. He smirked, “You tease. OK, but you keep doing that, then I’m going to have a hard time stopping myself.” I got up from his lap, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of his chair. He reached around and grabbed my ass with both hands, pulling me back into him and kissing me. I whimpered into his lips, feeling his member grind into me. “Easy there, big boy, you will get what you want soon enough,” I teased. Jayden gave me a growl as he took my hand and led me to the house up to his room.
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