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Reginald's eyes bulged in disbelief as he stared at his TV. "Ronny Cray, New CEO of Juvy Group has just been confirmed." The headline read. Reginald grabbed his phone and started to call his ex-fiance and owner of Juvy Group, Scarlet Juvy. Scarlet Juvy 26 years old and flourishing as a billionaire heiress, sat by her pool, taking in the evening sunset when her phone nudged her. She was having a quiet time, so a friend creased her forehead when her phone rang. As if the phone call was not enough, it was also from someone that she was not interested in hearing from. It was her ex-fiance, Reginald Cray. Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Don't you ever give up?" She was too annoyed to hide her feelings. "Did you have to go that far?" Reginald screamed into the phone, ignoring Scarlet's question. Scarlet rolled her eyes again. Of course, she knew what he was talking about but she feigned ignorance. "I'm in my house. I didn't go anywhere. What are you talking about?" Scarlet laughed silently at her wit. "Ronnie! Really? You installed my twin as CEO?" Reginald was going insane. "Oh, that? Well, he's capable, isn't he?" Scarlet's voice carried an air of mockery and mischief that Reginald could detect. He knew that she was not only talking about Ronnie's capability as CEO, but his capability in bed as well. "He's the closest I could get to your excellence. I'm sure over time, hell out-do you." Scarlet was not sparing Reginald's ego. Reginald was fuming. Reginald and Ronnie Cray were identical twins who were in competition with themselves. Everything Reginald achieved, Ronnie wanted, and vice versa. It was so bad that they even went after the same women in a bid to see who would bed her first. Most of the time, they slept with the same women while the women didn't know, and when they were in good spirits together, they laughed over it. It continued like that until they met Scarlet, daughter of renowned billionaire, Marcus Juvy. Reginald was the person that met Scarlet at a high brew club and as smooth as he was, he got her interested in him. But there was something about Scarlet. Every time the Cray twins tried to play a fast one on her and exchange identities hoping that she would not notice, their plans never worked. It got to the point that Scarlet noticed the difference between them and when she was sure of herself, she asked Reginald if he had a twin. That was how Scarlet met Ronnie Cray at the end of the day. As intriguing as Scarlet was and because of the fact that she could not be played, Reginald asked her to marry him. He was genuinely fascinated by her, and also interested in her wealth. It didn't take long after their engagement for Scarlet to be named the official owner of Juvy Group, and while overhauling her board of governors, she named Reginald the CEO of the company against all odds. A week ago, Scarlet received a message from an unknown number. "I told you he was a player. Go to room 651 of the Royal Garden Hotel and thank me later." Scarlet didn't know what to think of the text. Who could have sent her that? A lot of people advised her against getting married to Reginald, so there was nobody in her mind's eye like the person that might have sent her that text. Curiousity got the best of Scarlet, so she followed the direction of the text and went to the Royal Garden Hotel. She took an elevator to the sixth floor of the hotel and located room 651 easily. It didn't take time before Scarlet heard heavy moaning coming from the room. She inched closer to the door and her face was immediately disgruntled. Why would anyone be that loud during s*x? Scarlet clearly heard her fiancé moan and say, "as soon as we get married, I'll have more access and benefits from the company and you'd be the happiest woman on earth." Who would be the happiest woman on earth and why? Scarlet blinked rapidly, wondering if she was dreaming. Maybe she was the woman that Reginald was sleeping with and she did not know, right? Well, wrong. She was standing in front of his hotel door, listening to him tell another woman that. Scarlet knocked on the door. "Security, please there is a slight emergency." She knew that if she said room service, they would ignore her. Trust Reginald Cray to hop off from bed. The urgency of the knock on the door and the way Scarlet spoke with a game voice made even other room guests hurry out to see what was up. Scarlet was just smiling apologetically at a third-party guest that had hurried out of his room when Reginald opened the door in fear. Scarlet didn't give him a chance. She kicked the door quickly and let herself in. Reginald was astonished. "What are you surprised about? I'm the emergency." Scarlet glared at Reginald's secretary. The secretary saw Scarlet and she almost passed out. For crying out loud, she was naked. "Wild hag!" Scarlet threw her secretary's clothes at her. "This had better be the last time I ever see you or else you will spend the rest of your life in jail." Scarlet didn't bother too much about the lady. The scared secretary felt as if the world had ended as she wore her clothes half way, gathered her belongings and ran out like a tormented rat. Reginald stood at the door, staring at Scarlet in shock. He could not utter a word. Of course not. He had been caught red-handed. "How cheap? I gave you everything." Scarlet glared at him. She fought back the tears in her eyes because she was such a woman not to cry over a man that had clearly cheated on her. Scarlet took off his engagement ring, put it on the lamp stand, and walked out of the room. "Turn in your resignation letter tomorrow if you don't want to get fired and spoil your CV." Scarlet left.
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