4 - The After Party

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Scarlett woke up to the sound of her alarm screaming in her face. She had plugged in her phone when she got home, drunk and unencumbered but failed to set it on the nightstand so it was melded to the side of her face with drool.   She pulled it off and looked at the time. One o’clock p.m. s**t! I am going to be late. She stood quickly and the pounding in her head was massive. She had tried to drown out all thoughts of Kristos Drakos with the help of her friends Coke and Jack. She had been unsuccessful in forgetting but very prosperous in becoming a drunken buffoon.   Teetering into the bathroom, Scarlett sought only aspirin and toothpaste. Her mouth felt like the hairy side of a cat and stuck together from her apparent open-mouthed snoring. Standing before the mirror the sight she saw was frightening. She had a large hickey on her right shoulder blade and her makeup was smeared. She looked some where between a broken crack w***e and a party girl who didn’t know when to say no. She couldn’t work like this. This would be the end of her rise to the top and the beautiful paycheck she received weekly. Stripping down naked, Scarlett turned on the shower tottering back into the room and grabbing her phone.   “Hello?” his accent was strong of Italian influence. “Mr. Mancini, this is Scarlett… I …” he stopped her before another word came out of her mouth. “You best not be calling in Scarlett. I made you the third key manager for a reason. I know you were out last night with your friends, calling in to recover isn’t an excuse.” He said plainly.   “I wasn’t. I just had a small little accident with my stove and will be about thirty minutes late but I will happily stay thirty minutes extra tonight to make up for it. Will that be ok?” She tried to sound as sober as possible. “Oh, oh! Well yes then. Of course and thank you for letting me know. We will see you shortly.” With that he hung up the phone. If there was one thing, she was good at, it was covering her ass. Scarlett yawned, taking one more look in the mirror and stepping into the steaming hot shower. ~~ It was the worst night Kristos had ever spent in this hotel. Not because of service or food or even anything physically with the hotel, but because of one little minx’s scent and skin. The way her lips felt on his; the way her body reacted to him when a simple touch was placed. Amanda, as always, had been ready, waiting for him to pound her s*x into oblivion. But unlike many times before, the act itself was undeniably not going to happen. Scarlett had bewitched his c**k and his mind. He would kiss Amanda’s flesh and touch her with his hands only to recoil at it not being what his body truly desired.  Never in the history of his s****l awakening had there been an issue of his c**k responding to free s*x. For the first time, Kristos was left dead in the water and only thinking of a woman he kissed only once. He went to bed early in the morning, frustrated and mad. The sun was peeking vividly through the slightly parted curtains across from the bed.  Trying to roll over and ignore the mood he currently regarded, Kristos realized he might as well get up.  This was stupid. All the money in the world at his disposal and he couldn’t have the one thing he most desired.  Kicking the covers off with enraged motions, Kristos stood naked in the room and decided his mission was to lay eyes on her again. What happened from there would be entirely up to his cravings.   Dressing in simply fitted jeans and a silky half opened white shirt Kristos stood in front of the mirror. He knew the sight he beheld. Woman looked at him regularly but the one woman he wanted was somewhere downstairs and she hadn’t come back. Bullshit. I get what I want. He tried to believe that but he knew for whatever reason this one was likely different. She walked out without a second thought. She was embarrassed and aroused all in one moment.   As the elevator door opened on the ground floor there were many patrons milling about. Jaqueline was at the front desk and the soft music playing overhead was welcoming. Food, Find, f**k. That is pretty much where Kristos was with this whole matter. Distractions in his line of work were unacceptable. If he finally had her, he would be able to clear the thought of her from his mind.   The restaurant was half full and fairly quiet. Immediately the Maître D came to greet Kristos. “Aaaahhh, Mr. Drakos, it is a pleasure to have you with us again. Your regular table? Will you be dining alone?” Kristos tried not to cringe. Normally he never ate alone after a night of having company but the again, he sent her away due to lack of…interest. “Yes, regular table and a glass of bourbon please. I will be alone this morning. I find the quiet to be refreshing. “He said with a large chip on his shoulder. “Of course sir.” He followed the Maître D to the table to the secluded left corner of the restaurant away from everyone else. As he sat the bourbon was hand delivered by the barman and a menu set before him. He wasn’t even really hungry but his body seemed to be, due to the large growl from his stomach.   “I don’t need to see a menu. Can I have the steak and eggs, rare. No potatoes and wheat toast with apricot preserves. Coffee as well please, half and half on the side.” The Maître D nodded and headed straight to the kitchen. Kristos was grumpy, horny and annoyed. Looking around the restaurant three ladies, obviously single and looking, indicated by their skimpy attire, were eye balling him from across the room. In his mind he thought of how easy he could take the twenty people out within two minutes and still sit down to a hot breakfast afterwards.   Geezus Kris, get a grip. You don’t kill for sport; you kill the bad guys and make money. Yeah, that’s what we convince ourselves. Kristos discussed internally. Oh for f**k sake, one of them is headed this way. He looked up from his bourbon and tried to align a fake smile on his face.   She wasn’t ugly by any means. Five foot eight, leggy blondish hair, heavy brown eyes. Her make up was perfectly light and accentuating and if her skirt were any shorter, Kris could greet her v****a formally first.  Oh and the perfume, so dense with roses. He tried not to gag.   “Well handsome, my girlfriends and I were wondering why someone so gorgeous was eating alone. We wanted to know if you would like to join us? For lunch and whatever else comes up?” Desperation? Turn off. Whatever else comes up? Won’t be my c**k sister, you reek of bad perfume and negative moral values. Kristos said to himself. “That is definitely and enticing offer.” He leaned and waved to her girlfriends with a large fake charming smile. “But I have to eat and run to work. I am unfortunately not here for fun today. I do hope though you will allow me to buy all of your lunches and a bottle of wine to enjoy? Would that suffice for now?” She looked shocked and disappointed for a moment. But free stuff and a fake flirt? Works every time. “You are too kind sir. I am sorry I bothered you and appreciate the offer. If you change your mind…we are just over there.” Leaning down she pulled a pen out of her pocket and took his cocktail napkin. Wrote something on it and set it back down. With a weird slight curtsey she turned and went back to her table. ‘Room 1456 – Anytime – Lydia’ was on the napkin. He tried not to look anything other than smiling. Lydia. Gag. That is not a name that induced sexy. Putting the napkin in his pocket and tapping it for show, they giggled.  The coffee and toast came first. Kris let the waiter know that he would be paying for the ladies today, anything they wanted. Hell it was only money and he had multi millions sitting in three different accounts.   His lunch was excellent as always and he ate it quietly pondering his next steps. He had to find her, taste her, feel her wrapped around his… Stop it man. Geezus. Stop it. How can a couple of kisses do this to you? He shook his head and stood to leave downing the last bit of bourbon from his glass. The steak was half eaten and so were the eggs. Gorgeous display and exceptional taste quality, he just wasn’t hungry, at least not for food. Exiting the restaurant he walked slowly to the elevators and peered around, looking for any sign of her. Nothing. She was a manager, why was she not around. As the elevator doors closed he decided a quick change and out on the city was in order. Suddenly there was a beep and the doors opened on the second floor. He had to get all the way to the thirty first. This s**t would make it take forever. Looking up from his phone, there she was clear as day in a pair of slender fitting black dress pants, a fitted white shirt and her jacket on her shoulder.   Their eyes met immediately and it was apparent she was reluctant to enter. Kristos stepped back not breaking their gaze.  Scarlett stepped on the elevator and turned her back to him immediately. Pushing the 29th floor she said nothing. This is madness. He thought. How could she be so cool, so collected. Had his touches done nothing to her? Was she not as enthralled to know why the heat between them was so intense, so quickly.  Kristos bantered with himself.   Floor eight, nine, ten… this is dumb. This is f*****g ludicrous. Why are you not pouncing on her. Floor Eleven, the doors started to open and no one was there. She was breathing heavily and the slight scent of alcohol lingered off her body. “Are you alright?” he croaked out. What the f**k kind of high school bullshit is that? For f**k sake Kristos get your life together. She’s just a girl…just woman with… And then she turned around. Their eyes were entwined once more and her face was reddened. He couldn’t read her gaze or intent. It was a bit dauting as reading the opposite s*x was one of his fortes. She stood there for a moment and he parted his lips to speak once again. Waiting to see if she might respond this time. “Scarlett? Are you alright?” Before he could finish the sentence, she slammed her hand on the stop button and walked towards him. He was prepared for her slap, her screaming or whatever over the top issue she was about to claim for the mistake he made the night prior. Women were, for the most part, highly irrational in Kristos’ opinion. Take two steps she was now directly in front of him and staring up. Her breath was heaving slightly and she put both hands towards his face. Squinting preparing for the slaps, the strangest thing happened. She pulled his face to hers and abruptly shoved her tongue in his mouth. His body was on fire instantly. She hadn’t slapped him or screamed or anything. This was not what he expected and definitely prayed would happen. Without any more hesitation, he lifted her up to his midriff. Intuitively her legs wrapped around his waist, her jacket fell to the floor and they lips were caressing in heated kisses. The way she moved over his was enchanting. Her scent was mind-blowing but more than that, the small movements of her hips egging on his erection to post out full force, was surprising. It was as if she had been in his mind all morning and wanted to help fulfill his fantasies. Her hands were running up his back, gripping and digging her nails in as each kiss ebbed and flowed. There was no mistaking the desire she was requesting and Kristos was more than happy to return it. Holding fast to her, he turned them around so that Scarlett’s back was against the wall. His free hand reached untucking her shirt and quickly unbuttoning it. Freeing her breasts he stopped the kissing to gaze at the perfectly set cleavage in the lacey white bra. He could come just looking at her right now. She gripped a bit harder with her legs and leaned there panting, waiting for more. Her eyes were hooded and full of longing. What she wanted wasn’t even a question. Reaching up with both hands her breasts were being pressed, embraced and played with entirely. Scarlett’s lips parted as she moaned and pushed her chest forward. Kris buried his face inside her cleavage and began to nip and kiss. It was not long before her n*****s were exposed by his prodding mouth and he was biting down. She whimpered pushing her hips forward with request. Holding her steady with one hand and keeping his lips on her breasts, Kristos took a few steps back and hit the go button on the elevator once more. He wanted, nay, needed, to get her to his room and make her clothes hit the floor. The prerequisite to slide inside and pound out all the frustrations she left behind was consuming. The elevator started to move. Her hips were moving too in small circles and pressing forward and back to help his arousal become almost painful. For what seemed like hours, minutes went by and they continued to grope, kiss and thrust like teenagers in heat. The door made the dinging sound and the door slowly slid open. There were voices, familiar voices. s**t! My boss! She thought. Sliding off his body and hiding behind Kristos, Scarlett quickly put herself back together. As the doors were almost halfway open, she grabbed her jacket from the floor and slipped it on. Kristos’ hands were folded left over right on top of his hard erection.   “Scarlett! Thank goodness we have been waiting forever. I was afraid there was an issue with the elevator. What brings you up to this floor?” Her boss asked intently. “Oh I am sorry for the delay. I was actually on the elevator testing its stopping and starting capabilities and I hit several extra floors to ensure it was working properly. Mr. Drakos here approached me in the lobby about it acting strangely.” Damn she was sexy, ingenious and one of the best kissers I have ever known. Kristos thought to himself. “Ahh very, very good Scarlett! This is why we like you being here daily. Perhaps we should move you on property. It would be much more beneficial for us all. Keep up the good work.” Her boss, Mr. Mancini smiled and moved out of the way with his new intern, so Kris could exit. Reluctantly Kristos exited the elevator. Turning around he stared at Scarlett. She felt the need to say something, anything. What she had done was unthinkable for herself but wanted for them both. The hot, passionate groping session on the elevator was each other’s invitation to devour one another intimately. “Thank you again Mr. Drakos for the heads up. Have a good rest of your day.” She smiled through gritted teeth. All he could do was nod. He would not endure another evening like this, he would seek her out and make her give him what was started twice now. He was the world’s most notorious contract killer and could have anything he sought after but twofold she had evaded his aspirations. This wouldn’t do.The elevator doors closed and his eyes couldn’t leave hers. She was going to be his, one way or another.
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