Tents destroyed.

449 Words
It didn't take long for some of the men who went in search for the children to find their camping ground. The men were 3 in number.They quietly opened the tents and they forcefully brought out Mrs Robinson and Mrs Tombstone. The other tents were empty. The feeling of being forcefully awaken, the teachers were heavy sleepers, they were tired from the journey to the forest so they slept pretty heavily and they didn't wake up at first when the men pulled them out. They men had to slap them really hard across the face to wake them up. The teachers screamed loudly. They scratched the mens faces with their nails.They shouted for the children to run but no child heard or ran out of the tents because they were no where beside the scene. They shouted so that Mr Keneti would hear them but their screams got no reply, instead it echoed into the forest and vanished, but their screams were rewarded with more slaps that they had no other choice than to keep their mouth sealed. Two of the men carried them to their sleeping ground near the shed and tied them together. One of the men stayed back and burnt the tents. Why??. He just felt like doing it for no reason. That's what wicked people do, they destroy things without thinking. And the men were extremely wicked. The men were more than happy to find Keneti the way they left him. Reverse was the case for Keneti. He was so shocked to see Mrs Robinson and Tombstone being tied with him. All this was the children's fault. His wish at that moment was that the children get caught also, but that was very mean of him. But he was wishing out of anger. The men called Williams on the emergency walkie talkie in their sleeping ground, none of the men were allowed to have cell phones or other handy electronic device in case they felt remorseful at any point in time and decided to surrender and call the police or do a video and post it online. Williams, who was in the car and very close to the walkie talkie answered. "Talk to me. Over". "I have great news sir". "Which is?" "Uhmm uhmm.....". "Will you speak up fool!". "Well sir, we have captured 3 of the Intruders". "Stay with them, I'll be there in a moment". Williams said. Then Williams put out his head through the car window and said. "Aj get in. Morfy, you stay here and bring the police to the sleeping ground". With that, Aj got in and Williams ordered the driver to drive to the mens sleeping ground.
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