Bad situation.

240 Words
Keneti's voice echoed through the forest alerting a group of men staying in the forest. Before anyone could blink, they were up, ready to run, fight, and probably kill any intruder in the forest. Keneti, unaware of what he has done continued talking. Until, 11 or 12 men,no one knows, they were too disoriented to count. Those men followed the echo and it wasn't long they found Keneti and his students, they knew the forest like they knew their palm, so it was pretty easy to locate him. They were not surprised because that wasn't the first time they'd find poke nosing, silly, people hanging around in the forest. They were ready to do what they always did to those kinds of people. Kill them. They carried Keneti, along with 5 screaming teenagers off to their resting area. "This is bad" Keneti mumbled under his breath. If only they hadn't followed him, he would have quietly snuck into the shed, took pictures and videos, go straight to the police station and then wait for miracles to happen. But sadly he's stuck under someone's very smelly armpit. So nauseating. They dumbed all six of the on the rough floor and shouted at them, while kicking and growling on them. They've seen a lot of things but not 5 kids at night. Doing what?. Keneti's case was different. He was specially bundled in a place. "What the heck brought you here??.
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