Pushing Him

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The staccato beat of my heels resounds off the marble floor as I rush in. "Melinda!" I look at Ruth and nod while rushing to take my seat. I sit, trying to look like I wasn't late. "A bit late to pretend, Wayne already walked through. He wanted the sample files for the Wade business." s**t, double s**t! "What did he say?" I'm in trouble, and I know I am. "Asked where you were, well he actually demanded like he normally does. So, I tried saying you had gone to the restroom, but he wasn't fooled." Nodding to her, I click onto my account. Going through the work, I find the samples and quickly email them over. I am hoping that they at least get there in time for the meeting. I sit, working, trying to make it appear like I am making up for being late, although I know that is impossible. I know as soon as the meeting ends, I am getting shouted at. "How bad did Wayne seem today?" I look at Ruth. She laughs like it is a joke. "As bad as yesterday and every other day. Just flutter your eyes and pray for the best. Two years Melinda, two years, and that is your second mistake. Your job is safe. He will be vocal." I nod, my eyes constantly looking towards the door, waiting for it to open. Two hours later, I watch as it slowly opens, and people begin walking out. I feel like running but running makes me look worse. He will undoubtedly be angry that I was hiding when he came to tell me off for my mistake. My eyes inspect the exit to the restroom. Maybe I should just flee? Hope he forgets and doesn't come out shouting when I come back? "I wouldn't Melinda, if he holds it in, he will be worse." She laughs. I don't find it a joke. He needs to stop being so damn harsh on everyone. "You know what it is. I don't care. He may be the boss and CEO, but that doesn't give him the right to be so damn vile!" I look at her. Her eyes widen as she shakes her head. "You're going to stand up to him and say it?" I feel myself nod. Why not? Someone must. "Well, here's your chance." I look at her, then towards the door, my body shaking. Maybe not? Maybe I won't. I watch as his body radiates with anger, my body sinking further into the chair. He gets to my desk, his eyes fleeting to me briefly before he carries on walking.  "Daniel!"  I jump at the loudness of his voice. Then, turning, I see him stood with Daniel. What did his PA do? Ruth looks at me like she wants to know, no one knows, but we will soon find out. "This, what is this?"  Daniel peers down at the paper, his eyes widening. "Erm."  I close my eyes, don't just say erm. "Erm? Is that all you can say? Imagine their faces when I hand around those files, and it has that inside! Playing the field, that is how it looks." Ruth leans over to me. "What does that mean?"  I have no idea, and I can only assume it means whatever it was, made it look like the company was going elsewhere? "It wasn't for here."  I turn, looking at Daniel, everyone confused by his words. Wayne stood waiting for him to explain.  "I applied for a job over at Medaliums. I was set a pre-interview task."  Oh crap. Daniel should have lied! "A competitor? So, you apply for a job with a competitor and mix up their business with mine!" I turn to look at the screen, Ruth tugging on my arm. "Shh, seriously, you speak too loud, and he will ask why." I laugh. I am relieved in a way that Daniel screwed up big time and took the heat off me. "Pack up and go. You best hope you get that job."  Wait, I turn and look back. He sacked Daniel. Everyone stares, shocked, as Wayne walks back through the door, slamming it. Daniel stands looking around, I want to ask him if he is okay, but that wasn't exactly a small mistake. Medalium's has been trying to steal the companies’ clients for ages. We work with specific companies that will not work with Medalium due to other businesses they support, so seeing a name in the files won't have been good. We all go back to our work. We know better than to get involved. Getting involved makes us get shouted at. I look at where Wayne disappeared to, wondering just what his issue is. Everyone is always on edge, he walks out, and it is like a bomb. Everyone can hear the ticking. It gets louder and faster as Wayne gets closer to them, then boom, it's a bomb, and it explodes. I watch as everyone starts clearing away for the day. Moving, I ensure I email the items over now. That way, if I am late tomorrow, it will be in his emails waiting. "See you tomorrow. Who knows, Wayne may actually be in a good mood." I look towards Ruth, us both laughing, knowing that isn't going to happen. "Yeah, and pigs can fly and fart rainbows." I sit, sorting out the files and putting them in my bag. Then, opening the drawer, I flick through it. I need another file for tonight. "A word." I jump up, my eyes looking at Wayne. I nod slightly as he begins walking off. "Well, he didn't just scream." Ruth looks at me. I quickly get up and follow him through. I won't take it. If he screams at me like he had Daniel, I won't take it. "Sit down." His words are harsh. Nodding, I sit and look at him. Maybe I should apologise first? I open my mouth to talk as he begins. "Daniel is no longer here, and I need someone to fill in for him until I find an appropriate person. Someone who I know won't make mistakes as he did." I nod, smiling. "That is fine. I am happy to tell you some of the workers who do well and would be a great stand-in." I know that Ruth would be, although I don't think she would want the position. Actually, I can't see anyone here willingly taking that position. "You have it wrong, Melinda. I want you to fill in for him." He looks at me, waiting.  Wait, no! What the hell? I look around myself, trying to find an escape from this conversation.  "We have plenty of people out there. Losing one or two won't hurt." I glance at him. "What does that mean?" One or two? So, he wants two PAs? "I mean, you can refuse, but don't expect a job tomorrow. No one is drowning under work, so I can let a few people go." I laugh slightly, standing up. "You're bribing me? So, if I want to keep my job, I have to agree to be your PA? If I refuse, what then?" He walks around the desk, sitting on it facing me. "If you refuse, you won't need to come in tomorrow, and I will ask someone else." Dammit. "Wish you had just shouted at me now." My words mumbled as his face shows confusion. "Excuse me? What was that?" I try to smile and fail. "You can't fire me for refusing to take a job! You can shove your PA job up your ass!" If I am getting fired, it may as well be for something worthy. "I think you will find I can fire you for your mistakes, punctuality, and lack of time sense."  Oh, well, that is right, he can for that. I stand, tapping my foot. "Why are you so damn arrogant?" He laughs, my eyes widening. "Wait, you just laughed?" What the hell? I stare at him. "The way I see it is, you agree it's extra money, twice what you're getting now." It would be good. I shake my head. "For twice the hours! You already work us to the grave and have us all on edge, ready for your next outburst. I don't want to be the next Daniel, thanks." Of course, I don't, and if it means losing the job, then I will. "How about a deal?" He stands up in front of me. "How about no?" A deal? Is he for real? "Listen to it before you refuse." "Why me? You have others out there who have worked here for longer, so why me?" Ruth has worked here for five years, so why me? "You have been working closely on the Mythicpower project. A new PA wouldn't have time to learn it all. That is my priority right now. Getting in a new PA means teaching them all about it ready for the meeting." I guess that makes sense, so he doesn't really want me.  It is more that he needs me as I am the only one who knows about the company and what they want and need. "As I said, a deal. You agree, and I shall try not to raise my voice at you and promise not to keep you after ten pm or expect you before 7 am."  I laugh. Is he serious? Then again, I know Daniel is in at 6 am, still here till midnight some nights. "Are you sure you want me to agree? You not shouting?" I don't think he has thought that through. He stands waiting. Does he really want me to agree? "Look, I will agree. With my terms, though, you shout fine, however, going crazy over something stupid, and I will rip every file you have and walk out." "Am I really that bad?" He looks at me. Standing, I laugh. Is he joking? How do I say this? "You remind us of a guy who hasn't been laid in over ten years and takes that out on everyone else. Someone who is so sexually frustrated the sound of a pin dropping makes them explode." Okay, that was too far. I stand looking at him. My breathing getting caught in his gaze. "Sorry, I am not saying you don't get s*x or anything, just explaining that is what your mood swings remind us of." "I know how things should be done, so people making stupid mistakes annoys me. Is it a deal then? You work as my PA, and I will try not to shout at you for mistakes?"  I should say no. Anyone else would who works here. Anyone sane would. I know, though, Mythicpower is one of the biggest companies, so losing them means the business losing money and possibly others getting sacked. Slowly I nod my head. "Yes, and maybe try to lighten up with others as well? I'm sure everyone would work better without the thought of who you're going to shout at next in their minds."  He laughs at my words, nodding. "Save yourself, don't push it, Melinda." "I was just saying. Everyone agrees." He looks at me, shocked. Oh crap. "Everyone agrees? So, what, you all sit out there and discuss me while I am busy ensuring you keep your damn jobs!" His voice is loud as he stands facing me. Laughing, my head shakes. "You didn't even make it two minutes! Honestly, what is your issue? There must be one. People make mistakes, so what. Everyone talks about you. Are you going to fire everyone for calling you an arrogant prick!" "Enough!" He looks at me, shouting. "No! Not enough, so you can shout at us, scream at us, and we can't shout back. Should I sit quietly, behave, and let you scream at me? Maybe find someone else who obeys easier." His hands grasp me pulling me to him, our lips meeting as a moan escapes my mouth. His body turns and pushes me against the desk. My mind is screaming at me to stop, but I can't. I hear his slight groan as he lifts me onto the desk, everything falling to the floor. My hands grasp at him as my legs wrap around his body. The ringing has him stepping back, his eyes wide. I watch as he grabs the phone holding it against his ear. "What" his voice roars down the phone. "Sorry, one second, please." He looks at me and points to the door. "Am I done until tomorrow morning?" He nods. Moving, I walk out and grab my things. What the hell just happened? I walk out, rushing home. My mind is screaming at me for being so stupid. Why the hell did I kiss him back, and why didn't I stop it? I rush in, throwing my things on the floor and collapse onto the bed. Moaning, I stand up. I need to eat. I was too scared to move in case he came through to shout at me while I was away from my desk. Walking to the kitchen, I begin cooking. No one knows Wayne, nothing about him at all. Then again, why would anyone? He has his escorts for business meetings, and Daniel isn't exactly a good companion for him at those lavish parties. I sit down, slowly eating and considering everything. I shouted at him; told him everyone thinks he is a prick. Do I even have a job left? How can I? There is no way tomorrow when I walk in that he will have forgotten it or forgiven it. No doubt he will shout and scream at others as well now for my stupid mistake. My eyes glance at the brochure; the pay rise will help. It will get me out of this cramped flat. It will help me afford a nice small house, with a garden. A real garden. I will apologise and hope that he accepts my apology. After finishing eating, I climb in bed, setting my alarm so I won't be late. Waking, I rush around and get ready. Getting to work, I walk through and close the door. Placing the items on what was Daniel’s desk, I knock on the door. Opening the door, Wayne glances at me. He points to the chair, nodding. I walk in and sit as he finishes his call. I stand up, ready to apologise as he walks around to me with files in his hands. "I need these checking. First, I need to ensure no more of Daniel's mistakes have slipped in, then get one of the others to fax them over to Mythicpower. Then, if you notice any issues that you think need fixing, fix them." I nod, taking them. "Okay, and I am sorry for my outburst." He laughs, looking at me, shocked. "It was a first for me, Melinda. People don't usually shout back." I know they don't. "Well, maybe that needs to change, then you won't keep scaring away your workers?" His amused look makes me smile. "I don't think there is enough space for more than me shouting. No mistakes, I can't afford another repeat of yesterday." "Well, I sure can." Argh! What the hell, Melinda. "I don't know what you mean." He looks at me, confused. A laugh escapes my chest. "Oh, you're going to act like what? You hit your head after I left and wiped out the memory of us kissing." "You don't belong in my world, Melinda. You do well to remember that." "Ouch! I'm sorry I'm not a class A Arsehole! Go find your perfect woman who won't even say bite me when you snap at her." I have never spent this long alone with him. So maybe this isn't a good idea? We clearly don't work well together. "No woman is perfect." His words are quiet. "Sorry, by perfect, I meant a woman who is high end, not trash like me which we all know is exactly how you see your workers. Nothing more than that and a means to an end. Hence you never try to socialise with us, just bark orders, shout and walk out." "I don't think that."  I laugh at his words. "Really? Why not throw an office party? A business party with everyone who works here, even those who sort the mail." Exactly, he won't. "You have it wrong, enough. Start work." He looks at me, clearly annoyed. "No, I have it right. You just don't like to look like a class A Arsehole. Don't worry; your workers don't expect anything other than" - my words are cut off as his mouth presses against mine. His hands pulling me to him. His body turns as he pushes me against the desk. My hands are moving and tangling into his hair as his hands lift me onto his desk. A moan erupting from within my chest as his hands slide along my legs, my hands dropping to his trousers as I unfasten them. His hands sliding down my underwear before his arms wrap around me, pulling me to him. My head falls back, feeling his shaft pushing into my s*x. His hips begin thrusting, my moans getting louder as my hands grasp into his hair. His hands holding me against him as his hips speed up. My body shaking as the orgasm explodes within me, the sound of him groaning as his hips speed up momentarily. I watch as he shakes his head. Then, stepping back, he sorts himself out. Okay, so I just did that. We turn to the knocking. Sliding off the desk, I quickly pick up my underwear and put them on. Walking to the door, I open it, Ruth looking at me confused as I walk out and sit at the desk. What the hell just happened? I watch as Ruth disappears into his office. I forgot the files, crap. I glance towards the door; I can't go in there now and say I forgot them. Sitting, I wait. Ten minutes later, Ruth walks out, looking at me. "One, why is his office such a mess? Two, he is different, really different." I shrug my shoulders, trying to make it look like I didn't notice. "No idea. He spoke to me last night about been his PA until he finds someone. I was just checking I still had the position." I watch as Ruth laughs. "Sure, that is why your hair is a mess, buttons undone on your shirt, and his shirt." I glance down, crap. My fingers fumble around to fasten them. "Wait, you actually slept with him?" "Shhh, sit." She moves and sits with me. "Don't tell anyone. I am pretty sure it was a mistake. He kissed me last night, then his phone rang and interrupted us. Today, I don't even know. It was a mistake, that is clear as he sees his workers as nothing and not worthy to live in his life." I will be surprised if he doesn't call me through soon to say I am fired. "Wow, okay. I don't even know what to say other than be careful, Melinda. No one knows anything about him, and he seems like the sort of guy to use you then drop you." She smiles and walks out, sitting I count in my head, building up the courage to get the files. Walking to the door, I knock and open it, his eyes glancing at me. "I forgot the files." I walk in, moving, he places them on the desk. Picking them up, I look at him, no words? Nothing? Laughing, I turn and walk out. Sitting down, I feel my anger rise. It was a mistake, so much a mistake that he will act like he had this morning. Nothing happened, nothing at all. Sitting, I go through the files, everyone glancing through the window at me. Yeah, I should be sat out there. This feels like an even bigger mistake. "Melinda, do you have the files finished?" I glance to Wayne, my head nodding. "Good, bring them through so I can go through them." He walks back into his office, picking up the files I walk through, closing the door behind me. Placing them on the desk, I sit, watching as he quickly scans them. "Okay, it all seems good for this evening’s meeting. However, you will be needed until nine as the clients can't come until seven." So, it starts already. "Totally fine with me. Can I get you anything?" He glances at me. "No, you can go back and get work done." Nodding, I walk out, so he is pretending this never happened then. I sit laughing, once again the day passing by everyone getting ready and leaving. "You not going?" I turn, looking towards Ruth. "No, there's a meeting at seven he needs me for," I smile at her, watching as she walks in. "Well, whatever happened between you two either calmed him down, or he is hiding because he hasn't left that room once, not even to shout at us." My eyes flicker to his office. He hasn't, which is weird. "It was a one-off and a mistake. No doubt I will see you in the morning." I watch as she walks out. Sitting I go through everything else for the meeting this evening. The door opening, my eyes staying fixed down. "Come through, Melinda. We will discuss the meeting beforehand." Standing up, I walk through to the office. "On the sofa, no point sitting on chairs." I move, sitting on the sofa as he sits next to me, slowly putting everything on the table. Sitting we discuss everything, Wayne tells me what is expected and not expected of me in the meeting, how I should act, and everything else. "So, while you're good at just acting like nothing happened, I can't." I have tried, but I need to know. "It was a mistake, as you no doubt figured out. So, let's just forget it." "Okay, or you could explain why?" Why the hell did he kiss me twice? I have worked here for two years now, and the only times his eyes stayed on me was when he was shouting. "Just put it down to a moment of madness. As you said, I often find myself with women who don't bite back. You're the first person to shout back at me. Now forget it, once I find a new male PA, everything will be sorted." I laugh, my eyes fixed on him. "Sexist much?" He nods, not denying it. "The meetings are mostly men, so yes, I'm sexist as women will stand out." Nodding, I don't bother arguing. I guess I won't get into it right now. Sitting, we finish going through everything, and I just know I will mess up, say something, and he will shout.  
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