Chapter 11: Seeing Through The Window

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Tracy’s POV “Acy?” “Honey, wake up” Groggily, I woke up with a heavy head and stared blankly in front of me. I was in a blank-mind state. Enough disrupted to not even know where I was unless, slowly, the music entered my ears. Noisy! “Sis, are you okay?” Frowning, I glanced to my side and saw a pretty girl looking concerned. Who is she? I wanted to ask but as I started to get conscious of my surroundings, it became clear. “Hey, you better wake up now. Mom is about to toss her bouquet.” Ella spoke and I jolted up on my feet. That’s right! I’m at my dad’s wedding. But why did I fall asleep? Even more surprising, on a table? “Tracy, hurry up, child.” My mom spoke and I smiled at her, before joining the event like everyone else. However, something felt amiss. Betty tossed her bouquet and it straight away landed in my mom’s hand. We were all shocked but laughed joyfully. I do hope mom can get someone that can take care of her, like dad does for Betty. I saw the two ladies hug one another before my mom rushed to me, blushing. “Eh, huh, mom. I didn’t know you could blush too.” my teasing work and I laughed loudly when she smacked my arm, lightly. “Mind your business.” She fake-scolded me while I side-hugged her. Though, I really wanted to ask the reason she was blushing. Is it possible she has already found a guy? My smile dropped a little at that thought. In that case, I might start looking for a new place to live. We are both adults now and I wouldn’t want to interrupt her happy life then. Everything went by in a blur and we were all headed back to our rooms. Dad and Betty have left for their honeymoon. Mom invited Ella over but since she has her own school work, like me, it was decided that I could go back in the morning while my mom would stay there for a day. “Honey, do you mind if I ask you something?” My mom asked and I hummed softly. “When are you dating Lester?” Her question suddenly threw me apart. “Mom!” I protested, to which she sighed. “I’m just concerned. You are getting older and I…” Before she could even finish, I completed her sentence for her. As if on cue, my phone rang and my heart raced at the sight of the name. Lester When did I save this number? I can’t remember it. Nonetheless, my mom’s observant eyes noticed my slight change and coughed teasingly. “I’ll take my leave now. Good night, honey.” She giggled and rushed out of my room, turning the lights off in the process. God dammit! She does know how to embarrass me. Regardless, I picked up the continuously ringing phone and answered it, hesitantly. “Y-Yes?” I asked and could hear my heart in my other ear. “What are you doing?” His straightforward question stunned me. No hi, no hello… as if we were actually dating. “N-Nothing. What about you? Do you have some work?” I questioned, turning over to the other side. The window was open and the curtains had fallen. It was as if this was the first time I had felt the coldness of a fresh breeze. “Tracy… Look outside the window.” His one sentence filled me with sudden anticipation. “Why? What’s there outside?” I asked, yet already walking towards the window. My eyes went wide and my heart drummed loudly in my chest when I saw him standing there against a car, across the street. His lips curled up in a soft smile that drove me crazy. Does he… like me? I felt yes, he did, at that moment. He appeared like a polished diamond shining brightly in that dim moonlight as a slight breeze tousled his hair that night. Lester looked awfully at ease as he waved at me at that moment. No way! My idiotic heart jumped with joy seeing such a reaction from him. I don’t really know how to act around him anymore. The drapes on my window blew to block my vision often, irritating me. I want to see him more… The chain of thoughts died when I heard him chuckle at the other end of the phone. My face turned red as I realized that I had completely forgotten about this call that connected us. “I’m glad you are happy to see me.” He spoke and I couldn’t help but notice the cautious tone he used now. To me, it was unfitting for a cocky bastard like him to act so gentle as if scared to touch a hurtful topic. Curious, I took a sharp breath and turned around, facing my bedroom walls before I asked, “Why, would it be weird if I wasn’t?” Somehow, it sounded flirty… Who cares, anyway? Right now, I was moved by his small gesture. After a long silence, he just sighed loudly, catching my attention. I peeked over my shoulders and shivered at the intensity he was looking at me with. Then he finally answered, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Let your mom have the car.” Saying that, he ended the call, leaving me dumbfounded. How did he know? I doubt that was what I told him. We hardly spoke any sentences. What if he had already talked to my mom and that was why she was being extra serious today? Damn! I wouldn’t know unless I talked to her because I doubt Lester would provide me with any answer without any unreasonable request in exchange. Meanwhile, I noticed him getting in the driver’s seat and gone at a glance. Phew! What a tiring day… I thought I might not be able to catch any sleep since my heart was racing energetically but, who knew, I would fall asleep in another couple of minutes. *** “Oh, dear! Tracy honey you need to hurry up!” I ignored my mom’s calls when I checked the time on my phone. It would be fine to catch some more sleep. “Sis! Your boyfriend is here. Hurry up!” I jolted when hearing those words. Boyfriend? “Oooo look at her!” Ella giggled and I scoffed at her for pranking me. Grumbling under my breath, I almost planned to sleep again when I heard it– “You flatter me, Miss.” Ah! It’s really him–Lester! Without being told a second time, I raced to freshen up and tidied myself and dressed decently. I wouldn’t like it if he saw the way I woke up. Maybe he would have left me here all by myself. The biggest reason for accepting this ride offer was to relax on my way back. Ella grinned childishly, teasing me in all sorts of teenage ways. I found myself blushing from her words. Eventually, I met Lester and was blown away by his beauty. Was it my imagination or did his skin appear more supple than before? He looked lively and warm… Could it be possible that the white t-shirt he wore was highlighting his features and beauty? Whatever, but this guy had successfully grabbed my attention. And as I doubted, he smirked as if hearing my thoughts. My mom noticed it and then glanced my way. Later, he did the same and I looked away, avoiding his gaze. “Great! Now let’s have breakfast before you set off on your trip back home.” My mom chirped happily and I beelined to the breakfast counter only to still when Lester sat beside me. Throughout breakfast, he kept looking my way, making it so obvious to everyone present. I almost left my food when my mom cleared her throat. “Lester… I entrust my daughter to you, knowing you as the responsible one. You won’t act on your impulses. Alright?” She asked and my eyes almost popped out. What the… Why did she say that aloud? Lester cleared his throat, acting all shy and nodded. “Of course, Sam. I wouldn’t disappoint you.” He answered and looked my way. God swear, his eyes spoke differently… Damn! Should I just decline this offer?

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