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Aria awoke the next morning first, the sun was high in the sky as she stretched, climbing off the couch. The storm had passed completely at some pint through the night. She went to the room and cracked open the door to see Cody and Jack full on spooning in the bed. She laughed at how cute they were, knowing that if this were any other day, she would take a photo and hold it over their heads forever.  She softly closed the door shut and peaked out of the window to see the man sitting out on the porch talking on the phone. She assumed it was the sheriff and she was relieved to know that they would be able to return home soon. She went to the fridge and opened it, the only thing in it was a carton of eggs and a swig of milk.  She pulled it outrage carton and milk, then found a bowl to mix it all together. Within twenty minute she had a large batch of scrambled eggs. She split it into four plates, taking two into the room to wake up her brothers.  "Boys." She called out, Cody jumped up in fear which caused Jack to do the same thing, which then made him wince.   She placed the plates on the nightstand, "I made you guys eggs. That guy is calling the sheriff for us to get us out of here safely."   Cody grabbed a plate and handed it to Jack before grabbing his own, "Do you have your own plate?"  Aria smiles at her selfless brother, "Yeah, I'm fine."  "How do we know we can trust that guy?" Cody asked.  Aria shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed, "I'm not sure but if he wasn't here, we would be dead. So, for now, we will trust him. Once you're done, help Jack into the bath. And there's clothes in the chest you'll be able to fit."  Aria stood and exited the room, closing the door behind them. In the living room the man sat on the sofa with one of the plate of eggs that she had made. Aria grabbed the last plate and began eating silently.  "I called the sheriff. He will be here in an hour. Apparently, the area is pretty flooded."  Aria only nodded her head. "One of the men got away, I let them know that as well."  Aria's heart dropped, "They did? Do you know which one?"  The man only shrugged in response, placing his now empty plate on the coffee table in front of him before standing. He turned to look at Aria, only for a second before his eyes diverted. He walked over to the front door where a bag was laying, he handed it to Aria.  "I got you clothes I think you can fit."  Aria blushed, the shirt stopped just below her bottom, but she had thought it was enough.  "I'd like my shirt back when you're finished." He said coldly, cause her blush to rage.  "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know it was yours." She rushed out.  The man shrugs, "I didn't say I was upset." He turned and exited the cottage. Aria quickly dressed in the open living room, hoping that her brothers wouldn't exit, and he wouldn't return before she could dress. He had purchased her leggings and a basic t-shirt which ironically had VT on it. The most embarrassing of it all were the underwear he had chosen. They looked as though they were made for elderly women. Once dressed she went to the kitchen to clean up the mess she had made. Before she could start the water, the man busted back into the house, gun in hand.  "Go in the room and hide." He ordered.  Fear struck Aria, "What? Why?"  He began closing all the windows and curtains, locking up everything. Aria only stood and watched them.  "Are you hard of hearing? I said to hide."  "What's wrong?" Aria asked again, she wanted to know the threat.  "God dammit, listen! Go, now."  Aria bolted to the bedroom demanding that Cody grab Jack and they all rushed into the bathroom, "In the tub!" Aria whispered. All of them climbed into the shower standing, Aria stood in front of the and closed the curtain.  "What's wrong?" Cody asked.  "I-I don't know. He told us to hide." Aria whispers, "Now shhh." There was a loud knock on the door causing Aria's heart to drop. She could hear the front door open and she heard the man’s voice. "Good evening, Officer."  "I got a call saying you knew something about the Forbes murders?" A raspy voice said.  "Yeah, I just called to let you guys know I heard gunfire. I wasn't sure anything went wrong."  "Is that all, sir? I couldn't help but notice there are bullet holes in your car and mud."  Aria could hear her heart pound, why was he lying to the cop? Why was he hiding them? Perhaps he was behind it all and she stupidly led her brothers to their killer. She debated on leaving.  "I'm not too far from the house and I was out last night in the storm." he lied so easily.  "Do you mind if I come in and take a look?"  She didn't hear a response, only the sound of footsteps getting closer. "Just you here?"  "Yep." Was the man’s only response. The footsteps grew nearer.  "You know, Officer, I didn't get your name."  "Officer Phelps, pleased to meet you...." "Mark."  "Pleased to meet you, Mark. Go ahead and give me a rundown on what happened last night." "Well around midnight I heard some shots. Went outside on the porch to figure out where they were coming from and saw some gunfire hit my car."  "Did you find anyone? Or see anything?"  "Not a soul. I waited until the storm was over to call it in. Then I heard about the murders at the Forbes mansion."  "And did you find the girl?" The Officer asked.  He walked into the bathroom, and Aria could hear a second pair of footsteps falling behind.  "News didn't say anything about a girl."  Aria's heart pounded in her chest as she realized how close they were getting to her and her brothers. Before the man could open up curtain Aria heard a struggle. She opened the curtains and watched as the man strangled the officer from behind. The officer reached for his firearm, but the man managed to kick it out his hands as he wrung the guys neck like a rag.  The officer was unconscious within three minutes. The man stood tall and looked Aria in her eyes, he felt bad for the fear that was there, but it was needed. Before they jumped to conclusions, he explained, "An unmarked unit. The suit didn't fit, and the gun," he picked up the pistol and turned it to face them, "Sawed off serial number. This man is not a cop." "I-I thought you called the cops." Aria stuttered.  "I did. Which means whoever wants you dead has the cops on their side. We can't trust them." The man began to drag the body out of the bathroom and Aria stepped out to help Jack back to the bed. He winced as he sat down and reclined into the bed. Aria left Cody to care for Jack as she rushed out to the living room where the guy was taking the man’s body.  "What are you going to do with him?" Aria asked.  "He's dead."  "You killed him?" Aria asked in shock.  "Him or you." The man grunted as he dropped the body in the kitchen. "Run to the shed behind the house and grab a shovel. Your big brother and I are going to bury a body."  Little brother... "What? My brother is not helping you. I will help you." Aria said.  "You're 120 soaking wet, I need someone who can lift. We only have about fifteen minutes until reinforcements come. We need to leave. Get your brother into the car and be quick."  Aria obeyed quickly, deciding that since this was the second time they were saved by this man, despite him being a complete asshole, he was the asshole they needed. "Cody go help him, I'm going to get Jack in the car." Cody obeyed quickly, rushing out the room. Aria grabbed Jack and put him in the car, worried about her other brother, she was confident he was safe. Aria put Jack in the backseat of the car before running back inside. They were gone.  "Aria, don't leave me!" Jack called; Aria was torn. She needed to know Cody was okay, she felt like a fool for even letting him out of her sight. "Aria!"  Aria turned and rushed back to the car. Jack was sobbing much like his three-year-old self. Now that three-year-old was sixteen and filled with fear. He had lost both of his parents and had gotten shot. Aria knew how important it was for her to remain nearby, so she stayed and held him.  "Aria, I'm so scared. I don't know what to believe anymore. Mom is dead. She is dead. A-and Dad. Now the cops are in on it! We are going to die, aren't we?"  Aria grabbed Jack's face, "You're not going to die Jack. I will make sure you make it okay?"  Aria's heart broke every time she looked at Jack's pained face, "That guy, he's going to protect us, right? He's not going to hurt us?"  Aria didn't have an answer, so she lied, "Yes. He's going to protect us. We will be okay."  Jack calmed slightly, "Jack, you're going to be okay. I will do anything to protect you both."  "That's what I'm scared of." Jack admits. Aria was able to respond when Cody and the man came running from the forest.  "In the car, now!" Aria opened the door for Cody to climb in before climbing into the passenger side. The man immediately started the car and they pulled off. The ride was silent as the group took off down the road. The man picked up his cell phone and started a call.  "Reese, I need a spot, and quick." Aria could hear the mumbles of a respond e.  "That'll work. I'm four hours away."  Aria was unsettled, wherever they were going she knew she would be safe, but for how long.    
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