Chapter 90

1070 Words

"By the way," said Raidler, suddenly remembering, "that fellow I sent along with them—McGuire—is he working yet?" "I do not know," said Ylario. "Mans from the camp come verree few times to the ranch. So plentee work with the leetle calves. They no say. Oh, I think that fellow McGuire he dead much time ago." "Dead!" said Raidler. "What you talking about?" "Verree sick fellow, McGuire," replied Ylario, with a shrug of his shoulder. "I theenk he no live one, two month when he go away." "Shucks!" said Raidler. "He humbugged you, too, did he? The doctor examined him and said he was sound as a mesquite knot." "That doctor," said Ylario, smiling, "he tell you so? That doctor no see McGuire." "Talk up," ordered Raidler. "What the devil do you mean?" "McGuire," continued the boy tran

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