Chapter 1

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            “HEY, GENEVIEVE!  Hurry up!  We’re going to be late,” Barbie said irritably.             It was the first day of their class in SMU.  That is why Barbie doesn’t want to be late.  But then her friend Genevieve was moving too slow.  She was dressed up and waiting outside their room at the dorm.  Yet, her friend was still busy minding other things.             Barbie and Genevieve had just recently met.  The first time they saw each other was when they took the qualifying exam for Senior High School students in SMU.  They were seated next to each other. When they had their first conversation, they were already at ease with each other.  After the exam, Genevieve asked for Barbie’s phone number and promised to inform her on the result of their exam. Genevieve’s place was nearer at the university.  It was just thirty minutes ride on a jeepney from San Jose. While Barbie had to travel for two hours from Santa Lucia.             When the result of the exam came out, Genevieve called her at once.  They both passed the qualifying exam for the strand of Accountancy and Business Management. The two of them had decided that they will enroll at the same day.              Genevieve put away the clothes she was folding and turn to look at Barbie.             “I’ll be there in a minute.  Why are you in a hurry, anyway?”  Genevieve looked at her watch.  “It’s just seven-fifteen.  Our class will start at seven-thirty.”  She got her folded clothes and put them in the laundry basket under her bed.             Barbie rolled her eyes.  “We still have to walk going to the campus.  Besides, I want us to find a good seat.  But if we will not hurry up, we might find ourselves seated at the back.”             “Alright, I’m coming now.” Genevieve took her backpack and went out.             “Look, there are so many students now,” Barbie said when they were outside the dorm.  Even if they tried to walk faster, they couldn’t get passed through the throng of students.  They were all walking hurriedly to their classes.             “So what?  I think we only need five minutes of walking to get to the building of the University Senior High School.  We are not yet late.  Why are you so paranoid?” Genevieve looked at her with an arched eyebrow.             “No. I’m not,” Barbie smirked. “I just want to go to school early.  I’m not used to being late.”             Ever since Barbie started schooling, she always comes to school early.  She was often the first student to arrive in school.  Even in meetings or in other events and gatherings, she was never late.  For she doesn’t want to keep others waiting.             They were almost near the USHS building.  They could already see the lobby when they had to stopped walking.  They heard the screeching sound of a car.  When they both turned, they saw a silver car coming towards them.  If they had not stopped, then they might have been side swept by the speeding car.             “Whew!  That was close! Is the driver insane?  Or just plain arrogant?  What does he think of himself?  Is he the owner of the street?  He doesn’t care about other students who are walking!”  Barbie was very furious while looking at the car speeding away.  The car never stopped nor slowed down.             “Who knows?  He might be the child of the school owner.  Or perhaps, the driver was drunk.  Or he was a drug addict?”  Genevieve was also angry like her.             “So, there are rude students in the university.  Whoever was that driver, he should be thankful that I’m not like him.  I might have thrown some stones on his car.”  Barbie tried to look for stones around them.  But the pavement was made of concrete and there was not even a small stone around.             “Ouch!  Are you sure about that?  Throwing stones on the car?”  Genevieve looked at her in disbelief.             Barbie thought for a while.  She was not a hot-tempered person.  But among her cousins, she has the shortest temper.  Not that she gets irritated easily.  Yet she cannot remember that she ever started a fight.  Most of the time, she gets into a fight because she has to defend herself or her cousins.             “I am not so sure about that.  But if one of us got hurt, I might just do that.  It was good that nothing happened to us.  Oh, let’s just forget about what happened.  Next time, we need to be more careful.  C’mon, let’s go.  It’s getting late.”             KURT STOPPED his car in front of the College of Engineering and Technology.  He opened the door and went out of the car.  His friends came forward when they saw him.             “Hey, bro!  What happened to you?  You almost run over the two students,” Steve said to him.             He did not answer back.  He was feeling bad that morning.  His parents ruin his day.  They were fighting early in the morning.  His parents were inside their room.  But their voices could be heard even at the dining table where he and his younger brother were eating breakfast. He was furious so, he suddenly stood up.  He called up his younger brother and they went out.  He brought him first to the Saint Matthew Elementary School before going straight to SMU.             He was near the USHS building when his cellphone rang.  His Mama was calling.  He answered the call, so, his attention was not on the streets. That was why he almost run over to the two students walking nearby.  Yet he could not stop the car because his Mom was angry with him and his brother.  They did finish their breakfast.  He was irritated while listening to his mother’s lengthy sermon.  He continued driving and did not stopped until he reached the College of Engineering and Technology. His friends were waiting for him at the entrance of the building.             “Sorry for them.  I can’t control my temper,” he answered and walked fast his friends.             “It was good that they were just senior high students.  They don’t know you yet.  If those two were college students, then your name is all over again the campus. Students would be talking again about you,” Richard told him while walking along.             Kurt blew some air.  That was not new to him.  He was used to being the subject of every talk in the university.  Aside from being the captain ball of the Saint Matthew University basketball team, he was also known as arrogant and proud.  Not that he likes to fight.  But many students are disgusted with his attitude. “But what if those two students will tell their boyfriends about the incident?  If that will happen, then you will be in trouble again, Kurt,” Enrico said bitterly.  Kurt did not notice that he was already walking beside him. “Well, you won’t leave me all alone to fight them, right?  Can you endure seeing me being beaten by other guys?”  Kurt was baiting his friends.  He knew them very well.  They won’t leave him whatever happens.             They have been friends for a long time. They were classmates during their Senior High.  Now they are in second year college and taking different degrees.  Kurt together with Steve and Krypton are taking up Electrical Engineering while Richard and Enrico are in the Mechanical Engineering degree.  Yet their friendship remains strong and intact.             “No, of course not.  We will be with you, whatever happens.  We will fight along with you,” Steve said before going inside their classroom.  Krypton followed Steve.  Richard tapped him on his shoulder.  While Enrico saluted at him before they turn to the other side of the building.  When his friends were gone, he entered their classroom.               BARBIE had just gone out of their PE class in the gymnasium when she noticed a familiar car.  She pulled Genevieve in a corner.              “Hey, what’s wrong?  Is there any problem?”  Genevieve was asking her with a surprised look.             “Have you seen the car which passed by a while ago?” she asked her friend seriously.  She was scanning the crowd, looking for the car.  She remembered the plate number.  So, she is very sure that she had seen it.             Then she saw the car stopped a few meters from where they were standing.  The car opened and four male students wearing the same jersey went out.              “C’mon, let’s go,” Barbie said while pulling Genevieve with her.             “Wait, wait a minute!  Move slowly.  I’m coming with you but please don’t pull me.  I’m not a little child, huh?”  Genevieve tried to take back her arms which Barbie had squeezed tightly.             Barbie loosened her gripped.              “Hurry up, then.  He might run away again,” she said and continued walking.             She noticed that the four guys were walking towards the gymnasium.  She waited for them to get near her.  So, she stood against their way.  The tallest one was the first to noticed her.             “Excuse me,” he said when he stopped a meter away from her.             He was so tall.  Barbie had to crane her neck just to see his face.  If she were to stand beside him, then she might not even reach his shoulders.  He might be more than six feet tall compared to her five feet, two inches height.             “What do you want?”  he asked while looking at her intently.             Barbie could not answer back.  She was just looking at him, mesmerized by his looks.  He was probably the most good-looking man she had ever seen.  He got a fairer skin than most average male.  His eyes were round and paired with thick eyebrows.  His nose is quite pointed.  His jaw was prominent with a few stubbles.  While his lips look soft enough to make her want to kiss them.  His broad shoulders and chest were in display because of the jersey he was wearing.               How does it feel to be kissed by him while his arms are around her?             Oh, no!  Barbie suddenly covered her mouth with her hand when she realized what she was thinking.  Since when did she become interested in boys?  She had always given priority to school and music.  That is why, she considered herself as NBSB.  Not only because of her Lola Matilda’s constant sermon, but it is what she wants for herself.  But what does this guy possess that she is beginning to change her perspective?             “Do you need something, Miss?” The guy asked her again.  He had a playful grin on his lips, showing his dimples.  Barbie got attracted even more.  She inhaled deeply.  You’re making me nervous, she wanted to say. “I just want to know… who owns that car.”  She pointed to the silver Honda City which was parked nearby. The guy looked at what she was pointing.  “Which car are you referring to?” he asked. “The one with the plate of ADA 1443,” Barbie answered. His brows were furrowed when he looked back at her.  “Why are you asking?” Suddenly she got irritated. “I wanted to know,” she almost shouted back.  She looked at him straight to the eyes.  But he did not answer.  He was just looking at her. “Besides, the driver of that car owed me something.  He almost run over me and my friend this morning,” Genevieve interfered.  Barbie didn’t notice that Genevieve was now standing beside her. “Is there a problem here, Miss?’  asked one of the companions of the guy who came over to them. “Yes.  There is a big problem here.  The driver of that car owed us big time.  So, tell us who is the owner of the car,” Genevieve answered back. The three companions of the guy looked at each other. “Ladies, we are asking for an apology for what happened this morning.  There was no intention to harm both of you.  The driver was just in a hurry,” the other friend explained. “Are you the owner of the car?”  Barbie asked him. But he did not answer back.  Barbie was beginning to be irritated. “You don’t want to tell us the truth, right?  You’re covering up someone else.” “If I will tell you that I own the car and drive it this morning, then will you be happy?  Are you going to punish me?”  the guy asked Barbie, trying to provoke her. She looked at the guy intently.  She could not read his expression.  “Why are asking?  Are you the owner of the car?” He did not answer back.  Instead, he opened his duffel bag and showed her something.   
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