Chapter 13 : The start of the war.

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The twins had known about Anna's secret for a long time. For fear of my reaction, they had decided not to tell me anything. So just like the girls, I had sworn loyalty to Anna to keep her curse a secret. Afterwards, everything was almost back to normal. Anna's secret had allowed me to be even closer to her. But something was not like before ... It was Alexander. Since he started studying in our school. He had become a little cold and distant towards me. He didn't talk to me anymore and every time I tried to talk to him. Monika was still around. It was extremely strange, it looked like Alexander had been bewitched by Monika; since he behaved too oddly. He was really only a shadow of himself. Little by little, day by day, Alexander was losing a part of himself. Rhine and Rina laced by Monika's endless jealousy, they had decided to tell Alexander about it. But how expected, the latter did not believe that Monika could be bad ... Until the day he witnessed Monika's violence towards me. That day, Rhine and Rina wanted to prove to Alexander that what Monika felt for him was not love but morbid obsession and that she had to heal. This obsession was so strong that it was able to break the laws of the Diamond family. So, the twins had to organize a plan. The twins had asked me to go to Alexander's to look for course books that they were going to borrow for their future exam because they couldn't go there because of the circus. They had made me believe that she was going to do a rehearsal for their show which would take place in two days and that they could not go to Alexander's. Seeing no harm, I agreed to go. When I was arriving at the mansion. I fire Alexander who was waiting for me in front of the gate which was between open. I felt a pang in my heart just seeing it. Then, seeing him in front of the gate reminded me of the first day I had come here to see the manor up close. Before, I thought he was a ghost; that was why I ran away that day. But now my thoughts of him had become completely different. I never thought I was going to be friends with this boy. - Hello, greeted me Alexander. - Hello, I answered him. He opened the gate wide and then motioned for me to follow him. Arriving in front of the main door to enter the mansion, he began to stare at me. "What is it?" I asked him, looking away from his. - I would like you to answer me very frankly... Has Monika ever threatened or harassed you? I hadn't answered him, I was a little scared. I just nodded my head to say yes. After seeing my face, he sighed. He then asked me to wait for him before entering the mansion. And as soon as he walked in, someone had pulled my hair back. Alexander had entered one of the bedrooms in the upstairs mansion. This room seemed to be his. - SO ? Did she tell you the truth?, a young man asked Alexander. - Yes, he answered. - You see, say a young girl who was hiding under Alexander's bed, Cassandra is not a liar. The girl who was under the bed came out. And it turned out that the girl was none other than my old best friend Alice. - How many times did I tell you that my sister, Monika was different from us?, she said to Alexander. - He was under the spell of love, it's normal that he wasn't listening to us, the young man told Alice. - Shut up Jack!, Alexander had said when he heard a loud noise coming from outside. - Cassandra is in danger, said Alice, rushing to the door of Alexander's room to get out. - No Alice! I'm the one going, she absolutely mustn't see you, said Alexander before leaving the room. The person who pulled me by the hair was Monika. I didn't know she could be here... If I had known about her much earlier I would surely never have come, that's for sure. She was angry that I had come to Alexander's. So to make me pay for it, she brutalized me while trying to get me out of the mansion. Strangely, the gate that Alexander had left wide open was closed. Monika then had me bang my head against the gate, which was the cause of the loud noise everyone at the manor had heard. Many people came out of the mansion upon hearing the loud noise. I had a terrible headache, I even had bleeding in the head and in the nose because of her. Even though people had come out, Monika still continued to hit me. But luckily, Alexander stopped Monika. - I never thought you could go so far and hurt someone we consider a member of our family, Alexander shouted before slapping Monika. The members of the Diamonds family who witnessed Alexander's act, as well as certain servants, all began to speculate without really understanding anything of what had happened.
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