1021 Words
ASTRID'S POINT OF VIEW Being in Erik's pack felt very different. everything looked different and even smelled different. This pack definitely looked more like a modern human town than how my tribe's houses and buildings looked. The smell of earth wasn't present, it was more dust and metal. It was much louder as well. Not the sound of animals and leaves rustling that I'd come to love and find comfort in, but more people talking, cars going past. "Right, that's all for today. I think for now we should get some sleep. We'll give you two a tour of the pack grounds tomorrow, okay?" Erik said, after our talk about what I saw. I wasn't suprised that they didn't believe me. I wasn't sure I even believed it, but it still hurt me a little bit. everyone got up and walked out of the office. I stayed sitting on Erik's lap with my arms around him. I felt safe being this close to him. It felt like nobody could get to me as long as I was with him. "Hey, Angel." He said, getting my attention on him. "We've had a long day and we still need to unpack your stuff. Come on, let's go to our bedroom." I stood up and he got up, he held out his hand to me and I placed mine in his. I felt the tingles ignite when our skin touched again. I dont' think I'll ever get tired of that feeling. He took me to the top floor of the packhouse, and straight into a room. My eyes couldn't stop looking all over the place, noting how nearly everything was different from my home. The main comfort was that Erik's scent was all over the place. I saw that my bags were at the base of his emperor's four-poster bed. The color scheme was gray and pale blue, giving the room a very cold feeling to it. Loki did a couple laps of the room before he settled on the coffee table near the balcony doors. We unpacked my things and put them all away in appropriate places. I was just placing the last of my clothes in the walk-in closet when Erik snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, making me squeal. He put his nose in my hair, inhaling deeply, letting out a small groan with his exhale. "How do you smell so good?" He said as he kissed my cheek. "I could ask you the same question." I teased back. He started leaving feather light kisses down my jaw line and my neck before he replied. "Well, you Angel smell good enough to eat." Nipping lightly at my neck. My skin began to heat up by feeling his hands start to wonder over my body. One hand was gripping my waist while the other wrapped comfortingly round my neck. Wherever he kissed, it felt like a small fire on my skin. I wanted him. I needed him. He spun me round so that I was now facing him. He cupped my cheeks and put his forehead to mine. "You need to stop teasing me Angel, otherwise you're going to end up not being able to walk." He said, panting slightly. I frowned, feeling confused, maybe he didn't want me. "No, stop frowning. I just mean you make it hard for me to control my lust for you. I know you haven't done anything with another man, but that's why I want to go slow with you and not rush you into anything." He told me as he held me to his chest. "Now get ready for bed, so we can both sleep and tomorrow I'll show you around the pack." I nodded and he turned, but before he walked away from me, I asked "Can I sleep in your shirt? I don't really have anything to sleep in." A half smile appeared on his face, and he lifted one arm behind him and pulled his t-shirt swiftly over his head in one motion. He gave it to me and then walked towards the bedroom. I went to the onsite bathroom to get changed and get ready. Gods, even the bathrooms were so different, it was going to take a while for me to get used to this. I walked back out with his shirt covering my body, I saw Erik laying in bed, leaning against the headboard on his phone. He glanced up at me and immediately put his phone down on his bedside table. His eyes roamed over every inch of my body, his eyes started to look lust filled again and his breathing was getting slightly heavier again. Before he flopped down on his front, groaning "Your killing me angel. Do you always have to look so sexy?" I bit my lip looking at my feet. I enjoyed wearing his clothes but it seemed to be a problem for him. I wasn't sure what to do. "I can try and find something else to wear," I said. He sat up. "No, it's fine. It's just trying to control myself around you when all I want to do is claim you as mine, so no male even looks at you lustfully." He told me, "Now come here and get in bed." I did as he told me and made my way over to bed. I got under the covers, next to him. I sat unsure of what to do at first. But then he just laid down and opened his arms. I laid my head on his chest and placed my hand above his heart, feeling the beat. His arms wrapped around me, making me feel warm and safe, protected and cared for. I breathed deeply, taking in as much of his scent as I possibly could. "What were you doing on your phone?" I asked gently. "Oh, just answering a couple of emails is all." He said, kissing the top of my head. "Now sleep, you need your rest, Angel." I snuggled closer to him, and closed my eyes and allowed sleep to come take me.
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