Chapter 10: Results and New Objectives

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            “Jordan, Jordan!” someone called. It was a blurry voice. One of a girl’s, it seemed. He couldn’t tell if he was supposed to wake up, or perhaps it was a dream? Nonetheless, it didn’t sound like it was urgent, so he didn’t need a reason to wake up.             “Jordan, wake up!”             He clamped his ears with his pillow.             “If you’re not getting up then-“             Something soft and ticklish moved around his neck, like a walking insect. Quickly, he sat up and tried to shove it away. Instead, he found Rori with a hair brush, smiling at him, amused. “Finally,” she said.             Jordan looked at the wall clock, it read 8:13.             Jordan rubbed his eyes and got out of his bed and browsed through his bags for clothes.             “What do you want, Rori?” he said with a husky, but tired voice, rummaging through his sack.             “Mrs. Finch said she wants to see us on the Central Sectorate Building.”             Jordan’s eyes widened, “What? Why?”             “I don’t know. From what I’ve heard, the capability tests were cancelled because of yesterday.”             “Oh,” Jordan thought, remembering the sheer destruction because of yesterday’s unfortunate, terrifying events. No deaths sure, but many were injured. The hole was bored into the Collegium Initiative’s main building, countless underground buildings were toppled, structures were destroyed and a light was glaring down from a hole on the surface. It was all over the news. And what caused the louder whispers among people were the foreign novasapien and spacership that was captured. Thankfully, however, Winter wasn’t included.             If such destruction was beheld here in Ytrial, how much worse was Washington above affected?                   He let up a sigh and started changing his clothes. “So, any news from Winter? How is she?”             “Well, I heard that the Chief Sectorate was done questioning her, but she’s still yet to be dis-“ She squealed reactively, covering her eyes as Jordan was about to take off his pants, “Have some decency, you pig!”             “Well, you are in my room, Rori.” He snorted, “Besides, it’s not like you haven’t seen a n***d man before.”             Rori lowered her arms, “Well… I guess, you’re right. But that doesn’t mean you should strip in front of a girl so nonchalantly!”             “Hell, I strip in front of Winter all the time.”             Rori coiled back, “By the Zionous, just what are you two exactly?”             “You can ask her that. If you ask me, I’d have the confidence to say we’re a couple.” He threw a wry grin.             Jordan slipped into a white polo shirt with brown, leather pants with suspenders. Before he went with Rori though, he flicked his wrist, opening the Absolute Authority Module. There were nineteen blips, eighteen of which was in the dormitory with them, and one on the care unit a few kilometers away.             Rori sat down beside him, “I’m surprised  they’re still letting us bed inside the Collegium Dormitory when the capability were already cancelled.”             “They have to. It’s not fair for us.”             Rori then looked at him, “Worried?”             “Mhm.”             “Winter will be fine. She’s just probably asked to answer some questions. As long as she’s honest, she’ll be fine. ”Winter voluntarily helped that guy, remember?”             Rori pursed her lips, “Oh.”             “Well, anyway. Let’s see Mrs. Finch. I’m curious to see why the hell she wasn’t with us when the shitstorm yesterday happened.”             “Okay,” Rori said.             They walked along the halls of the dormitory. Sobs and crying filled the halls, alongside anxious whispers and rumor-shadowed gossip, but they had no time for that. Venturing outside, sunlight shot at the city from above, like a spotlight. The sunlight-replicator lights were perhaps broken, and it was going to take a lot of credits and manpower for it to fixed.             They proceeded to one of the city’s many plazas where the Central Sectorate Building was in.             “What do Sectorates do again?” Rori asked, stopping at the gate.             “They’re like village chiefs. Each sectorate governs a sector in underground citiese, and the Chief Sectorate would be the surface equivalent to a mayor. In Ytrial’s case however, the Chief Sectorate happens to be a U.S. Senator.”             “I see. So, why are we stopping? Aren’t we supposed to call someone out?”             “Yeah, sure. Wait.”             Jordan flicked his wrist, and a the messaging overlay popped up. He inputted words unto a holographic keyboard, and sent it to Mrs. Finch.             Moments later, two armed guards exited from the building and walked towards them.             “Are you two Heron and Moa?”             “Yes,” Jordan said.             “Follow us then.”             Trailing the two guards, they entered the government building. It was what one would expect in an office. Flags on the walls, clerks typing and signing some documents, people in suits, guards, and a strong scent of patriotism, straight up from a scene on a movie, except without any windows.             Eventually, they arrived on a large convening hall, where which Mrs. Finch was standing in the middle of the eight sectorates seats circling her. Jordan and Rori’s arrival prompted curious eyes towards them. Mrs. Finch extended their hand at them, “Here are they, Jordan Heron and Rori Moa. I’m sure you’ve read their files.”             “Hey,” said Jordan, waving, “What did you need us here for?”             Finch smiled at them before turning to the eight men, “So, who’ll tell them? One of you, or me?” She said it in a way where the latter option was being forced onto them.             “You do it.” One said with a rather abrupt, scuffed voice.             “Okay, then. Jordan, Rori. We’ve video footage of what happened during yesterday’s events, and your huge contributions to solve it. You might have noticed that none of the railguns were hitting the ship because they were on auto-pilot. Their systems were unable to lock into that foreign spacer ship because it uses unconventional, unfounded technology we don’t know yet. However, with your manning, you were able to shoot it down, and thus quickly end the attack. Unfortunately, Winter Swan, a dear friend of mine, happened to be in that ship and is now in the Ytrial Central Care Unit. However, your connection with her is due for some work.”             “What does that mean?” Jordan asked.             “It means we want to employ you two.” A sectorate said             “Employ us?” said Rori, “For what?”             Mrs. Finch moved in behind them and locked the door. “Take a seat, you two.”             Rori and Jordan did so.             One of the Sectorates flicked his wrist, and a large holographic image appeared before them.             “We need to confirm from you two if you were the ones that climbed up the transfiguration building, and shot the alien spacer ship. Is that correct?”             “Yes.” Rori and Jordan said,             “In that case, we may need to reward you. Mrs. Finch here have already told us your account details and have sent 100,000 credits to each of you.”             Rori and Jordan’s jaws dropped.             “100,000 credits?! Winter and I’d get set up for eight years with that much money!” exclaimed Jordan.             “However, we may need your cooperation for another thing.” They said.             “What would that be?”             “Our main interest is that of Winter Swan, a girl that has a firsthand experience of something that the NIWC could utilize--something that may further improve the efficiency of core materia extraction and usage. You both are her friends, are you not?”             “So what are we supposed to do?”             “She has volunteered to help us with our experiments to atone for the destruction she has wrought. However, for this to work, she needs to be linked with someone she’s familiar with. We found that you two are her closest friends. Thus, your cooperation is necessary.”             “Could you tell us what kind of experiments, exactly?” Jordan asked, his brows furrowing.             “That’s confidential.”             “Are these experiments going to hurt her? You can say that at least.”             The Sectorates paused for a bit, exchanging nervous glances at each other “Winter Swan will be safe. In the case that she will be harmed, she will take a break and stop. It is the Zionous’ best interests that she is safe and sound.”             “The Zionous, huh? Okay. I’ll do it, but what becomes of our tests?” A reassured relief flooded his senses.             “If the experiment fails or succeeds, as long as you cooperated, you will be able to take the test anytime. Though the capability tests were cancelled because of what happened, Mrs. Finch vouches for your talents greatly, and thus must be considered.”             “How about the others?” Rori asked.             “There’s no need for that, Rori.” Answered Finch, “They’ll soon find another path that’ll work for them. With their backgrounds, a bright future awaits them after all. But in this case, you three are of humble origin and no one to back up to. That’s why we’re offering the three of you, Winter included, this offer.”             "Well... The Zionous does will it, so..." she took a deep breath, "I accept." "Good. Well then, that will be all. Rori Moa, we commend your ability to be flexible around weapons, and have already contacted the headsman of the Combat Carrier Capability Test to grant you a special examination. The same goes for you and your test advisor and headsman, Jordan Heron." Both bowed at them in gratitude. "You can leave the room now. Do whatever you wish for today. Tomorrow you both will go to the Ytrian Central Tower at the ninth hour, do you understand?" "Yes." Both said in unison, and took their leave. With a blank expression, they headed to the facility's exit. They got out and found the building they entered a couple meters away from them, and not much people walking on the streets. It was strange. Real sunlight felt hotter and was dimmer than this bright, lukewarm emulation. Rori wore a sad smile, like she was expecting, or rather, hoping for something. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy? I sure am! Can't wait to tell Winter." "I am, but..." Rori replied, "I was wondering if my parents would be happy if they knew. They should be right? Perhaps they might finally..." she petered out. "Nevermind." Her normal smile came back, or rather, was forced back. She then pouted at Jordan and folded her arms. "What?" "You said you were going to treat me at a café, remember?" She said. Jordan's expressions softened, "We both just got a s**t ton of credits. Buy one for yourself." "No, no. We had a deal yesterday. What kind of man are you?" Jordan shrugged, walking first into the many buildings, "Fine. You point where the cafes are in this place." "My friends knows of a good one, but it's on the surface city. Let's go!"                    - The long winding halls were like a labyrinth. Her foot was practically sore after walking for this long. Eight armed men accompanied her and the Chief Sectorate. She would complain and ask to stop, but it seemed like she wasn't in a position to complain or talk about anything. If anything, it was like she was being accompanied into her cell. The guards looked tense and oddly alert. Yesterday, they were calm and collected, but now their shoulders were stiff, and their hands too close to their weapons, as if ready to draw them in an instant any second.   She wondered why that was. The Chief Sectorate seemed to be heading towards a lone elevator lined with red and orange—the symbol of secrecy and confidentiality among the novasapiens. The man went inside. She followed alongside the other guards. "Are you thirsty, Ms. Swan?" asked the Sectorate. "A little bit." One of them immediately opened the case and handed her a water capsule. She drank it all as they waited for the elevator to finish. Minutes passed, and it didn't seem like they were stopping anytime soon. Winter wanted to ask questions, but the red indicators of the elevator told her she'll never get an answer. These all the more fed her panic. It indeed truly felt like she was going to be locked up somewhere, or tortured where no one can hear her. Why would they bring her deep in the first place? "You look worried." The Chief said suddenly, "What's troubling you?" Winter inhaled, "I was just wondering where we're going..." "Oh. We are entering the Spacer Bay." "The Spacer Bay!?" Winter's eyes lit up. A wide smile carved itself through her cheeks, "I thought I wasn't able to become a spacer anymore." "Of course not. However, the spacer ship you rode is deemed a valuable asset. One that only you can activate." Winter's smile faded into a disappointed frown, "Oh..." The elevator finally opened. They stepped out. It was a large and open area, perhaps three times larger than a football field. Beneath them were many spacer ships in different areas, with novasapiens and humans alike working on them like ants. Many novasapiens in tight suits walked around and exchanged words with other. Above her was the Spacer Bay's gate, where, in the middle of the underground city, the spacer ships ejected and where the surface domes would split open. The Spacer Bay. She has always wanted to see this place. There were plenty of guards posted in Bay. It was strange for her, this was a place where guards were barely even needed at all, as only a chosen few were allowed to work here. All of them were tense, alert, and somewhat uptight. A little like how Jordan would act if someone handsome was around her. She smiled at the thought. I wonder what Jordan is doing...? "Ms. Swan, follow us." The Chief Sectorate said, pulling her from the clouds. They walked down a flight of stairs and into the floors of the huge bay. The Bay was divided into sections where ships and their crew were separated by white glowing lines on the floor. The ships were grand and big. They were coded in different colors, with different names painted on their hulls. This was where she dreamed of working in, and there was nowhere else she wanted to be at. In the farthest section, was a black ship that was smaller than the rest. It was that ship. The one Swallow and she rode in. That alive-looking black metal was unmistakable. It was the only thing she had ever seen that had such a feature. "The experiments will be held here, with the ship you rode in." said the Chief. Whispers and calls suddenly came behind her. She turned back and every single one in the room kneeling. "It's the Zionous!" exclaimed one of the workers. Winter immediately reacted, kneeling on the ground the cold steel floor. The Zionous... What could have interested of the Zionous to make him come here?! Could it be me!? Winter liked the thought. It would have been such a tremendous honor if it was true. The whispers and noises she heard from others were sighs of reliefs and surprise instead of reverence. Why would they be relieved of something? Were they expecting punishment? "Stand up, Winter Swan." A domineering voice said. Winter took a deep breath and stood up proudly. "You have my blessing, girl. You are the key to a future where we will ascend to the stars further and even occupy this entire star system. You shall be in a part of an experiment, a catalyst to the next step of evolution. I expect you to fulfill your role." "Yes, O' Zionous!" she replied. She didn't know what he was talking about, but she had already decided to do whatever he meant. "As for all workers excluding the authorized experimenters of the Northern Spacer Bay, you will be compensated for your efforts for the next few days, or perhaps months, for the Spacer Bay will only be used by the experimenters and no one else. Do you all understand?" The Zionous sad, with a voice that could command the world. "Yes, O' Zionous!" Everyone said energetically. They all had cheek-edging smiles. It was clear it was also the first time they heard the Zionous address them. "That will be all. You may resume your duties." With that, the Zionous disappeared. "May I ask a question?" Winter asked. She felt confident, and powerful. Someone the Zionous has given his blessings to would be treated with the utmost respect, even from those of ranks and position higher than hers. However, one thing bothered her. "What would that be?" "Why is everyone tense and relieved to see the Zionous? Did this facility do something wrong?" she asked. "Earlier this morning, the ship the Zionous was on to personally see the fugitive, Swallow—your partner, was attacked by puritans and fanatics." Winter's eyes widened. Somehow... she worried more about Swallow than the Zionous. She didn't know why. It was a sin. It should have been. She kept her mouth shut. "But do not worry. As you see, the Zionous is quite capable." "How about Swallow and those fanatics? Where did they go?" "They are being hunted, but you do not need to worry about any of that, Ms. Swan. Focus on the responsibility He has bestowed upon you. Swallow will be with us very, very soon." "Right."
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