Chapter 27: Another Guest

1846 Words

The sky, a serene mixture of darkness and calm, shimmered with the beauty of the stars. Its gentle ambiance encouraged rest for both body and mind, allowing the heart to find its natural rhythm. Nightfall felt like a rewarding respite, a soothing balm from above. Sitting on the balcony railing, I extended my arms, captivated by the nocturnal canvas painted by the night. This spot had become my refuge during moments of melancholy. However, today, despite the arrival of evening, I found it difficult to find inner calm. Though the hour grew late, the visitor in my room had not yet departed for his own chambers. Heath lingered on the couch, engrossed in the games he had brought along. He had left earlier, but I was surprised when he returned when I got back as well, seeking to play chess. Th

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