Chapter 6: Immoral Act

1033 Words
After our previous conversation, sleep eluded me, so I found myself drawn to my closet, where my collection of dresses resided. Even though it was only Thursday night, I was eager to find an outfit for the upcoming Saturday this week. It might appear that I was excited about our travel that is drawing near, but in truth, I was simply desperate to escape the confines of the palace. As I rummaged through my closet, I realized that I had very few dresses. Most of them had been gifts from my father on my birthdays, and while some were now too small for me, I could not bring myself to discard any of them because they held sentimental value. Despite my father's lack of grand celebrations or even acknowledgment of my birthday, he always remembered to leave presents for me. Each year, he would leave them at my door along with a note—a simple yet meaningful gesture that made me glad he remembered my special day. Lost in contemplation, I struggled to decide which dress to wear. My eyes eventually landed on the one I had worn on the day I committed my first murder. I had wanted to dispose of it, but the dress held a significance that prevented me from doing so—it had been a recent gift from my father, and even though it triggered memories of my sin, I couldn't bring myself to part with it. "I don't know what to wear anymore," I muttered to myself, taking in the worn and tattered state of the remaining dresses in my closet. It seemed unfitting to wear any of them beyond the palace walls. Perhaps I should seek Alexandra's assistance. She had previously offered her help, although at that time I hesitated to accept it. Now, I found myself in desperate need of her guidance, hoping to make a good impression on people outside the palace, even if they wouldn't recognize me. Glancing at the clock near my bed, I realized it was still too early for Alexandra to be asleep. Wrapping a shawl around myself, I left my room and made my way towards her quarters. Despite summoning the courage to approach her, I couldn't shake off the worry for my safety as I navigated the dimly lit hallways. Naturally, I carried my dagger concealed beneath my dress, for one could never be too cautious in this palace. Having grown up in the palace, I knew the location of each of the five princes' and princesses' rooms. Their chambers occupied the highest floor, and from my childhood escapades, I had become familiar with the layout. However, as I approached their rooms that night when I was young, the five siblings emerged simultaneously, their synchronized movements startling me. I feared that my doom had arrived that day, judging from the intensity of their gazes. Fortunately, Father arrived just in time to visit each of them, providing me with an opportunity to slip away without exchanging greetings. Perhaps he hadn't recognized me then, as he seemed indifferent when I passed by him. It might have been due to my appearance at the time—I was young, disheveled, and looked as if I had crawled out of a sewer. Back then, I had nothing and no one. I didn't know how to bathe or maintain a tidy room, and I had only one dress, which I had found abandoned on the floor. I had worn that dress for years, and even now, it remained sealed in a box within my closet as a reminder of the time when it was all I had. However, following that incident, I started receiving birthday gifts in the form of dresses. I gradually realized that these gifts were from my father. Lost in my thoughts, I arrived at Alexandra's door, noticing that it was slightly ajar. I hesitated to barge in since it might look like I was without manners as a lady. I decided to knock instead, but minutes passed, and she didn't open the door. I waited for another few minutes, thinking that she might not have heard, but still there was no sign of her at the door. But suddenly, a loud crash emanated from inside her room, prompting me to enter in a hurry. Nervous and apprehensive, I witnessed a sight that made me wish I could run away. “Lucius! Ahhh!” The woman silently moaned for my brother’s name as she held onto the back of his head. The man, on the other hand, was holding onto my sister’s legs, spreading them wide open as he continued to ravage her and kept on thrusting inside her so fast. Clothes were strewn across the floor, and my sister, Alexandra, was engaged in an intimate act with my brother, Lucius. Their actions froze upon sensing my presence, and Alexandra, shocked, called out my name. “A-Anastasia,” Alexandra called for my name in shock. My heart raced, my mind went blank, and tears welled up in my eyes. Without knowing why, my legs propelled me away from the scene as I fled, consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. What were they doing? They were siblings. This act was immoral. What if Father found out? I knew he would punish her, perhaps even kill her. As I sought solace in the meadow, where I often encountered Estefan, my feet began to ache, reminding me that I had made my way outside the palace. I was alone in this place, and my tears flowed freely. This was the first time I had placed my trust in someone, but if my father discovered Alexandra's affair with my brother, she could be torn away from me. Trembling with fear, I suddenly felt a coat being placed over my head, its scent revealing it to be a man's garment. Before I could react, the person wrapped their arms around me, holding me tightly, their face obscured from view. I questioned their identity, but as their hand landed on the back of my neck, everything faded to black, and I lost consciousness. Who is this person and why did he have to do this?
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