Chapter 4-5

329 Words
They finished the run back at the corral. Laura had shooed Akbar ahead on the descent as well. He’d given her a lot to think about, like maybe she didn’t care if it would only be a short fling—not if he’d kiss her like that again. She hadn’t wanted him running close behind her, distracting her thoughts. Sensing something was up, Mister Ed came up to her on the side away from Akbar. The horse made it a clear and total snub. She kissed the big tan gelding on the forehead as Akbar laughed. “Well, looks like I lost the first round. Care for a rematch, Space Ace?” “Space Ace?” As nice a request for a second meeting—second date?—as she’d ever received. “You’re out of this world, Laura. And I’m willing to bet you’re not even from this millennia. They just don’t make women as attractive as you.” There was no question in her mind about wanting a rematch. But he’d be back on call tomorrow, and who knew what that meant. She had to buy herself a moment. “What do you think?” she asked her horse. Then she reached to scratch the twitchy spot up under his mane. Mister Ed stretched out his neck and shook his head with a sharp “no” just like he always did when she rubbed that spot. “Well, there’s one thumb’s down, Mr. the Great.” Akbar tried to pout, but it didn’t look very convincing. Then she had an idea as she pictured the day’s activity sign-up sheet. “What? That’s an evil grin you’ve got there.” “Who said today’s match was over?” She turned to face Akbar and Mister Ed mirrored her move so they were both staring at him. She couldn’t have orchestrated it better if she’d tried. “That was only round one, if you’re up for it.” “If you’re involved, Space Ace, I’m up for it.” Picturing a firefighter climbing a glacier could be fun. Besides… “I have to warn you. There will be this big, very handsome male along.” “As handsome as this one?” he nodded toward Mister Ed who continued to eye him suspiciously. “He certainly thinks so,” she allowed the chagrin into her voice. Akbar flashed her a huge smile, his teeth bright against his skin. “Can’t wait to meet him!”
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