
1036 Words
Hlife Time was a cruel mistress, and right now, it was doing us no favors.  "Where is she? It's been too long!" Ama and the rest of the men grew restless under the strain of relentless emotions.  "Keep your heads, all of you, that's an order! Where ever she is, we will find her." "The Oracle is a blend of good and evil. Nott may never return our Princess for her own sick entertainment!" "Geri, I give no weight to your fantastical tongue. We deal with the now, not what-ifs." "Hlife is right. You all need to shut up and get in line." Freki, the long-haired lived up to his name as a flowing mane forever fell past his bulging biceps rushing like the great river of the under realms. Immediately the pack reformed, ashamed of their behavior, and their beasts within were furious.  As Alpha, it was my responsibility to lead the pack in life and death, but this would be an impossible feat without my best friend.  Frek might have been cold and stern, but he didn't start that way. All of us endured unspeakable things at the hands of Raven's spiders. How long will we suffer at the mere memory of her, another 500 years? The only thing holding us together was our mission, and then she disappeared.  Not exactly comforting.  Great Albino, what should I do? Oh, how I miss the pale Moonlands, the soft meadows, and the starlit waters. Things were simple then, no mangy coven, killer kings, or m.i.a princesses. Enough. These thoughts are doing nothing. I need to come up with a plan and quick.  "When in doubt, we give into the animal and fulfill our sacred will. Let Lunach fill our bodies and strip our flesh!" At my behest, these holy words shifted our anthropomorphic forms into beings of old. Rippling purple flame began to overtake and conquer my every impulse and desire. Then, like a phoenix, I died to summon rebirth, giving way to another. The wrapping came off quickly, just like steering a canoe, only now I wasn't paddling anymore. Above us, the night sky was swollen with moonlight and ever-wicking candles of gleam. I had almost forgotten what it felt like as the wind caressed the fur upon my back, crouched over in lycanthrope splendor howling for my forefathers.  Our midnight hymn bellowed into this pitless abyss, and together we lunged forward, acquiescing to the natural order of Lugarou. There are two things most Wolflan's rarely find, a soul-bond and our wolf's name. A calling is no laughing matter. I've heard its' a game-changer, a union of body and spirit.  Only Alpha's, Kings, and Ascended find their name, strictly males, of course. There are no female Wolflan's; their spirit cannot survive the change, which is why I worry so much for our Princess. What will happen to her? Thankfully only I could detect it, but when the King found out, he would be furious.  Women were subservient under the rule of Ivan the Terrible. I fear for Lalaina, her fire would drain from those piercing eyes, and the smile would fade. The Princess would become a slave. Powerless.  How can I subject her to the same torture I have endured? My thoughts faded against the shadow of the passing cloud as the faintest whistle danced atop the wind.  Can you smell it?  Innocence. Desperation. And despair.  Lalaina. Telepathically linked, no words needed to be uttered. Soundlessly galloping over mountains of sand, all of us together were driven by rage and unnatural locus.  Lilith Oh, I could feel them. But, wait, how could I do that? Ugh, why is it so hot? My mind was an ever-spindling web of questions that had no answers. This alone was very disturbing, so imagine my surprise when I awoke from a strange slumber strung up skull island style, completely naked. Frantically trying to slink my writs from the cords, a blue kindling began to whisper, ebbing in heated pleasure.  "What is happening to me?" Oh, my dear, your pungent scent is dripping. I can almost taste it on my lips. "Whose there? Come out from the shadows and face me!" This fire kept surprising me; it seemed to have a mind and tongue of its own. What did she want to say? Before I had the chance to open my heart and listen, a man relinquished his shroud of obscurity and revealed himself.  There were no words to describe it. Who knew someone so masculine could be so beautiful. His pale albino skin and pearlescent hair were so bright I had to squint my eyes to keep his silhouette in my peripheral.  I nearly forgot I was strung up rather indecently, but not even this god of a man would steal my virtue away. I had already lost too much.  Well, the fated Princess, we meet at last. Your pack comes for you; they can smell your fear. "I am not afraid." Curious that fire that burns, isn't it? It gives you the strength you've always craved, especially when those men helped themselves to your body, taking nearly all of your innocence.  "What, how do you know that?" I know many things, for I am Lunach of mount and tide. Keeper of the gate and nightly pride. Why did that name sound so familiar? All Wolflan bow to me. I am the moon, the stars, and the sky, but more than that..." He suddenly got so close I could feel his minty cool breath bounce off of my lips, "I am the black wolf, the one who haunts your dreams, I've always been in you, and you have always been in me. The one-woman I've never tasted... You were born an Alpha, and you will die as one. "What?" That blue fire you feel is a goddess wriggling free ready to feast and devour. It's time to set her free. Allow me to ease her passing," moving my soft hair behind my curving shoulder blade; his large taloned fingers began to wander dangerously close to my breast.  To tell you exactly what happened after that would be as simple as bottling happiness or sorrow.  Not very simple at all. 
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