The Oracle

443 Words
                                                                    Lalaina My heart is pounding, my breath runs ragged, and my lungs feel as though they are on the verge of bursting. These men were strong, fast, and virile, at least if the display tells us anything. The escape itself remains a blur; it all happened so fast. Twelve naked males surrounded me in an impenetrable shield wall. Then, flash, the next thing I knew, Raven's cold black eyes had turned red but were fading fast. I tried not to think about that haunting look in her eyes that foreshadowed something ominous. Yet, in my heart, I knew this wouldn't be our last encounter. Our stride suddenly began to slow, and I looked around questioningly, wondering what the cause could be. The Alpha approached me first, and then I remembered how we spoke subliminally back at the coven. "I am Hlífe, and we are Wolflan. Each of us swore an oath to await the predestined Princess before finally returning to our homeland." "And, where is that?" "Wolflant!" In rhythmic splendor, twelve warriors chanted this in unison. "A few feet ahead is the Oracle, and only the chosen can venture onto this supernatural boardwalk. But, tread carefully. The sisters will decide your fate. Not even I dare to protest them." "Okay, what's the worst-case scenario?" "You die." "Hmm, blunt and to the point. Carry on." Slightly taken aback by my candor, he obliged, barely able to keep his eyes off of me. How intriguing... Cautiously walking through a strange mist that appeared out of nowhere, I could suddenly see them. Each sister was different, yet equally striking, hardly forgettable. Obsidian and opaline stood statuesque and silent as the sand rolling beneath my feet grew heavy and craterous. Was it possible to vomit a cardiac appendage? Here we go, just a few more steps, and life as I knew it was over. Lost in thought, I barely noticed when Hlífe grabbed my hand and sent an unexpected bolt of electricity across my forearm, caressing tentatively. "Let the fear fall away and find the light that dwells within." Well, that wasn't vague or anything. Watching the husky group gait past prominently, it was my turn now. Before engaging with the uncertainty ahead of me, I needed to die. I needed to let Lalaina go. My past didn't define me. I decide who I am. A beast stirred deep inside, and she wouldn't remain in the shadows; no, together we would be born again within the frozen fire, christening a name of old. Once all the metaphorical dust had fallen away, I took another step and then another. I am Lilith-Jane. Ready or not, here I come. 
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