Life is messing with us

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“That’s very impressive, Mr Kang. You never cease to amaze us. Your business sense and passion to make the world a better place through technology is very commendable,” the interviewer says and Jacob Kang does his ‘I’m a wealthy but humble man smile and head bob.’ Bren snorts but not too loudly. He wouldn’t be seated here having this stupid interview if his mum didn’t plead with him.            “I’ve been able to do all of this because I have such a brilliant, supportive wife. I’m a really lucky man.” Jacob leans in and kisses his wife, and Bren tries so hard to maintain his poker face. He tries really hard not to barf.            “I’m a really blessed woman.” Mara strokes Jacob on the cheeks. Bren starts to question why he was even asked to do this when—            “Brennon Kang, just like your parents are dominating their individual business world, you’ve also been dominating the academia world. You recently won the Metleys Junior Science Competition alongside the new genius student Kaia Mahoe. A first for Wintercrest Academy. Tell me, do you feel any sort of . . .pressure to be the perfect son to your already perfect parents?”            Oh, you have no freaking idea. Bren realizes he’s in his head too long when Mara reaches out and taps his knee. ‘You okay, baby?’ she mouths and he nods.            “It’s hard. Sometimes. But . . . my parents worked hard. They are doing good for themselves. I have to do good for me. I don’t want to just be known as Jacob and Mara Kang’s son. It wouldn’t hurt to be first known as Brennon Kang before finding out who my parents are.” From his peripheral vision, Bren sees his mother’s lips quirk upward in a smile and his father nods satisfactorily.            “How motivating! Your father had also revealed a while back that you’re a major shareholder at Goodwill and Heart medical foundation. You’re studying to become a doctor so all the puzzles can fit in properly. It must be exhilarating to be such a young shareholder and already a revolutionary to the healthcare system. Can you say a few words about that?”            He blanks. Like, his thoughts get jumbles up, nothing makes sense and everyone in the room is suddenly smaller and funny looking. “Son?” he hears his father call but his lips have refused to let words come out. He takes deep breaths, just like Kaia did with him and he relaxes a little.            “Brennon, is everything alright?” the interviewer asks.            “No words,” he says. “I have nothing to say concerning the foundation.”            The interviewer and the camera crew seem taken aback and shocked by his response. Jacob clears his throat and Mara just gives her son a small smile. Bren zones out for the rest of the interview and when it’s done, he heads straight to his room and stays a while in the shower.            “How long have you been here?” He asks, towelling his hair dry. His mother is standing by his shelf, looking through the awards, medal and certificates her son has won all through his life.            “A while. You did good today, baby.” She rubs his arm up and down. She’s changed out of her interview dress into a much more casual one. Her makeup is still on though.            “You too.” Bren smiles and his door flies open. Jacob strolls in, his hands stuffed in the pocket of his pants. He’s still wearing the outfit he used for the interview, but he’s abandoned the blazer, leaving just the dress shirt and tie.            “I have nothing to say concerning the foundation.” Jacob echoes his son’s words. “What does that mean?”            Bren goes to his wardrobe and pulls out a sweatshirt. “Exactly what you think,” he says as he puts on his shirt.            “If you think you’re going to toss all my hard work into the trashcan, then you have to think again, son. I will never allow your teenage foolishness ruin everything I’ve put in place for you.”            “Jacob,” Mara goes to her husband and cups his face. “Let him rest. We can talk about this later.”            “Talk about what, mum?” it’s surprising, that his mum would even want to dwell on this. She’s supposed to be the sensible parent for goodness’s sake!            “I instructed the interviewer to edit out the nonsense you said. Thank God it’s for a magazine, so the video wouldn’t be aired. I gave the reasonable answer to the question as opposed to the nothingness you had to say.”            “Cool. Can you leave my room now?”            “Wake up, Brennon. In the future, you’d appreciate all that I’m doing for you. How hard I’m pushing you to become the best version of yourself.”            There’s nothing left to push. Bren has reached his elastic limit, he’s sure of that. “The best version of myself is not even good enough for you. Why would I appreciate you?”            Bren makes a fist and clenches his jaw as Jacob approaches him. “Mediocrity. It comes when you least expect. When you think you’re excellent, it sweeps you off your feet and proves you wrong. I don’t want that for you. You’re my son. You shouldn’t be second rate.”            “I’ve never been second rate.” Bren chokes out a bitter laugh. “I know what you’re trying to say. You want to talk about Kaia, don’t you?”            “If you pushed yourself more, her name wouldn’t have come up in my interview. Before she came to your school, it was always you. You alone. But now, she’s a contemporary. There’s no mention of Brennon without Kaia. Mediocrity.”            Bren rakes a frustrated hand through his hair and clenches his jaw again. He recalls Kaia’s fingers poking his jaw. “Doesn’t that hurt? You should stop doing that.” He unclenches it.             “And what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do about the fact that she’s brilliant? Kick her out of school? Eat her brains out like a freaking zombie? Poison her?! If you’re so obsessed with her, maybe you should adopt her and throw me out. She’s excellent and I’m mediocre. I don’t know what else you want me to do that’d be good enough for you. Now if that’s all you came here to say, we’re done. You can leave my room.”            Kaia. Freaking brat. Why the heck is everyone so obsessed with her? He’d been thinking Mr Ariel’s obsession was terrible, but his dad’s is much, much worse. Jacob doesn’t move. He remains planted to the ground, glaring at Bren until Mara comes to tug him away.            “Get some rest. I’d send food to you soon.” She pecks her son and leads her husband out of the room. Bren cusses and punches the wall. Despite his state of anger, Kaia lingers on his mind. Her project with Shira. He’s taken it upon himself to make sure Shira doesn’t frustrate her so badly. Crap, why is he thinking about protecting the girl who’s driving a rift between him and his father?                                                                                   ****            “I love this recipe! Healthy vanilla biscuits have never tasted so divine!”            “I knooww!” Two girls in Kaia’s baking class coo and she blushes.            “Thanks, guys. It’s my dad’s recipe.” She contemplates saying ‘come eat there when you have time,’ but this is Wintercrest. She doesn’t want the whole school showing up there just to make videos of her and mock her. Although, these girls have been nice since she joined the baking club. Better safe than sorry.            “It’s perfect!”            Kaia thanks them again and packs some for Adan, Astrid and—Bren. Oh, no. why did her mind suddenly decide to pack snack for him? He got her snacks on Saturday. This would just be a way to reciprocate the favour. She convinces herself and packs some for him too. Things have been a little unexpected with Bren. The Bren who had gawked at her like she was an alien when she first came, who was cold to her and always so grumpy (still is), who picked fights and battled for the seat of intelligence is now the Bren she shared music with. The Bren she sat on the rooftop talking to at 11pm. The Bren who had somehow shared his vulnerability and hurt with her. Life has a way of messing with you, doesn’t it?            “That’s all for today’s class! Thank you, Kaia, for your lovely yet healthy vanilla cookies. Thank you, Lincoln, for your healthy cake slices. See you next week!”            The students say goodbye, pick their bags and start chattering as they leave. Let’s eat outside the cafeteria. She sends a text to Adan and Astrid and heads towards her locker to drop her bag. Her Social Studies textbook reminds her of her project with Shira. None of them have spoken about it yet. Kaia’s already made up her mind to do it on her own. There’s no way working with Shira wouldn’t be a pain in the derriere. Students are gravitating towards the notice board and Kaia wonders what the new info could be this time.            She turns on her heels to go find her friends and just then, her eyes meet Bren’s. He’s standing at the other side of the hall, not too far from her. See what I said about life? He’s with just Rosco, thankfully and Kaia could swear his eyes twinkle a little when he sees her. What’s she supposed to do? Wave? They’re not friends. That’d be weird. More students gather around the board, getting in the way of Kaia and Bren’s little moment of staring. Bren and Rosco get to where she is and Rosco joins the rest of the students to check the board.            “Hey,” Bren says in his cool, deep voice but he’s kind of blushing and his ears are getting red fast.            “Hi,” Kaia replies, pressing her lips into a small smile. She’s holding the bag of biscuits, so she dips her hand in and brings the one she’s packed for Bren. “Thank you. For Saturday.”            He gapes at her hands and then takes it. “You made these?” she nods. “Uhm . . .thanks. You didn’t have to—”            “But I did. So, you have to take it.”            “Dude, lets go find Shira.” Rosco appears and pull Bren’s arm violently.            “Ouch, man. What was on the board?”            “Nothing important,” Rosco says but his demeanour says the opposite. He looks panicky and, in a haste, to leave. Bren seems to notice too.            “Rosco, is everything, okay? Why do you like you killed someone and I called the cops on you?”            “Lets just go, man.” Rosco pesters and that’s when Kaia registers the stares and whispers. Bren shakes himself off Rosco’s grip and stalks towards the board. She follows carefully behind.            Wintercrest is famous for her excellence and has been sent a memo from the White House. One student of Wintercrest has been requested to represent the school along with students from other schools at a young academics meeting at the White House. The student would feature in the White House Publications and get a chance to meet the President. Who would that student be?            As if rehearsed, Kaia and Bren turn towards each other in a dramatic way. In Kaia’s head, everybody has moved away, leaving just her and Bren alone in the hallway. That thing she said about life previously? Yeah, scratch that. This is how life actually messes with you. Just when they seem to be getting a head start and a ‘friendship,’ life has other plans, and that includes pitching them against each other. 
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