
1852 Words
           It’s a week to Homecoming and the hallway is stuffed with lots of balloon decorations. Some students have started the usual over the top ‘would you go to HoCo with me’ proposals. A male sophomore student used the art theatre and asked the dance and singing team to dress as characters from her favourite romcom and then perform her best song. She said yes. For Kaia who has little interest in the event, it’s just a reminder that The Metleys competition is close. Insert high level nervousness and panic. Planning for HoCo has stolen Adan away from her lately. Well, Adan and his three friends, so for a few days now, she’s been hanging out with Astrid.            “I’m tired. Chemistry is boring.” Astrid slides Kaia’s phone over the lunch table. They’re sitting out in the garden today. Kaia’s request.            “Come on, Astrid. You’ve only asked me 75 questions.”            “Well 75 is more than enough jazz about electrons and acids and Gay-Lussac’s to last me a lifetime. Plus, I just ate. Talking would make me hungry again.”            “Astrid, you literally ate my lunch and yours. How on earth would you get hungry again?” Kaia deadpans.            “Oh please, don’t bother me. You’re too nervous to eat anyway. I can’t just sit here and watch food go to waste.” Astrid observes Kaia’s hand go up to her earrings. Even she has learnt in a few days that Kaia does that when she’s nervous. “Hey, Kaia. Uhmm, look, I don’t particularly have the words to say, but, you’ve literally gotten all the questions I’ve asked, even the calculation ones. I can’t do simple money math to save my life. Be calm. You’re doing your absolute best and you’re going to be a part of the competition. Enjoy that. Even if you don’t win.”            Kaia considers the truth in this. Nothing is perfect, that’s her personal belief. So why am I nervous? The date drawing closer is a valid reason, but her heart rate becomes tachycardic when she thinks about going on there, writing the exams, answering the oral questions. She thinks about losing and it scares her. Cliché has done the sweet best friend motivation thing over the phone a lot of times—they don’t see as often because they attend different schools now and all that—yet she’s worried. What if they do lose?            “Thanks, Astrid. Maybe I needed to hear that. That we may not win. I don’t know, I’m excited about it, but I don’t want to let Wintercrest down.”            Astrid snorts and then reaches out to give Kaia’s hand a limp squeeze. “Trust me, you can never let Wintercrest down.”            “Enough of that. What are you wearing for Homecoming? I could shop with you sometime. Friends do that.”            “I know what friends do, Kaia. Do we wear similar outfits? Give these idiots something to talk about?”            Kaia shakes her head no. The ‘idiots’ already have more than enough things to talk about. She has ripped out at least 10 posters and popped customized balloons asking her if she could sneak in vodka while delivering drinks.            “I’m not attending. My soul, body and spirit would be too busy buried deep in my books.”            “Boo!” Astrid flips her thumb down and makes a funny face. Kaia chuckles because this is something Keanu would do. “I don’t care. This is your first homecoming at Wintercrest. You think I’m going to let you stay at home?”            “Yes, you should.”            “I’d break into your house if I have to.”            Kaia stares at Astrid’s pale, smooth skin. She exudes a confidence that almost matches Shira’s level. She does wants she wants, moving along with just about anybody or nobody at all. If she doesn’t have consistent friends here, does that mean—            “Do you always go to these dances, alone?”            Astrid tucks some of her pitch-black hair behind her ears, revealing three stunning and well jewelled piercings. “I had a date freshman year. Since then, I’ve been my own date.”            Kaia nods once. You want to kiss up to her so that you can finally have a friend here since no one wants you? There’s something. There has to be some s********e reason Shira would just say that nobody wants to be friends with Astrid.            “You’ve zoned out. Where did your mind go?”            “Nowhere,” Kaia smiles a little, not enough for her dimples to come alive. “I’m considering going to Homecoming with you. But you have to impress me or I’d change my mind.”            Astrid gasps in a very exaggerated manner and then places her hand over her heart. “You’re afraid I’d be all alone and cry all through? I’m flattered. Good call though. I’m a pretty hot and interesting date.”            Kaia rolls her eyes. “You’re impossible.”            Astrid rises to her feet. “Wait a minute, I can do a little proposal right here. I don’t have flowers or balloons or—"            “Sit down, Astrid!” Kaia drags her down and she lands with a thud. “You know what, I’m leaving.” She slings on her bag and gets up.            “Mi amor! Have I offended you?” Astrid says like she’s in a telenovela and Kaia has to giggle at that.            “You’re too dramatic for your own good. Lunch is almost over. I have to see Mr Ariel.”            Astrid nods, aware of that. “I’d text you after school. I’m taking you up on that shopping offer.”            “Deal,” Kaia waves goodbye and heads to the lab. Only when her stomach rumbles does she realize she hasn’t eaten all day. Not even her brain food staple. Looks like Astrid is her new human tranquilizer.                                                            ****            This is awkward. And annoying. Annoying enough to make Bren want to hide in a rabbit hole for the rest of his life. He’s usually not like this. Everyone knows that Brennon Kang is cool, composed, collected. He doesn’t freak out for any reason, at least not externally. But Kaia Mahoe is making his palms freaking clammy. His heart rate is like 1000 beats per minutes. They’re alone. Mr Ariel had asked them to stay together. Study together. Man versus his enemy. A. l. o. n. e!              This could be the perfect time to, I don’t know, strangle her? No, too sudden. Maybe buy a drink and poison hers? It’d be obvious. Throw her out the window? Then he’d have to touch her. Ugh! His brain is twisted into knots right now. Studying for a competition with Kaia is horribly difficult, and they haven’t even started.            Kaia shifts in her chair, clearly uncomfortable. They chose to wait for 30 minutes after closing hours to figure the whole arrangement out. Which may be difficult considering the fact that they’re sitting at opposite ends of the classroom.            “I’ve got stuff to do. I’d prefer if we start . . .talking now.” Kaia breaks the eternity long silence.            Bren clears his throat and then immediately regrets it. “You’re not the only busy one, Kaia.” The only reason Shira hasn’t barged in here is because she has a meeting with the members of the Young Billionaire’s Business Club she started in sophomore year. (they’re not actually billionaire’s though)            “Then get talking.”            The nerve of her, Bren scowls. They’re practically yelling at each other, distance and all being the major reason. Or minor? since they’re not exactly cordial.            “I’m only doing this because Mr Ariel asked us to. I’m studying just fine on my own. I had hoped to be the only participant this year but—”            “If you’re going to make me sit here and listen to you whine, then I better save my ears and walk out now.”            Little brat!! Bren scowls again. “Okay,” his voice is it’s usual deep and low rumble in his throat. “Every day from 6-7pm except Wednesdays. That’s my strict work out/meditation day. Don’t be late and come with every material you have. We’d meet at Bean and Buns café.”            Kaia huffs, loud and obnoxious. “Why do you get to call the shots? That timing is ridiculous. I work. I have a job. 5-6pm is ideal because I have a host of things to do after, and Thursdays are my exception because I have Youth Group Bible Study. Plus, Bean and Buns café is far away from me. My dad’s restaurant works just fine since you have a car. Or we could meet somewhere in the middle.”            Bren stares her dead in the eye. “I’m not coming to your dad’s restaurant.” There’s contempt on his face and in his voice.            “I don’t want you to. Like you, I’m only doing this because Mr Ariel asked us to. And this competition is important to me.”            “So it isn’t important to me?” Bren raises his voice to match Kaia’s already angry one.            She swoops her bag off the desk and rises. “I’m not doing this with you. You can ask Mr Ariel for my number and give me a call when you’re serious about this.”            “You’re calling me nonchalant about something I’ve been dreaming about before I got into high school?” He’s on his feet too.            “Sweet dreams. It’d only remain a dream if you keep acting like this.”            “Acting like what? Am I supposed to act like I’m okay with the fact that you materialized out of nowhere and earned the spot that rightfully belongs to me? The freaking monster in my fairy-tale dream?”            “I did not materialize. The Metleys themed this year’s competition as Dynamic Duo. How is that my fault?”            “If you had never been here in the first place, maybe I’d have gotten another partner that isn’t you!”            They’re face to face, well, face to chest—Bren is too tall and Kaia is too small­— eyes burning into each other’s with red, hot fury.            Kaia narrows her eyes at him in the manner of disgust. “You think everything at Wintercrest revolves around you? Because you’re rich and smart and have good grades and good looks with a best friend who bites at everyone because of you? Is Earth supposed to orbit around you? Don’t make this any harder for me. I’m freaking out as it is because this competition is next week and I don’t exactly have an easy life here. Get out of your head or Mr Ariel would have to ask The Metleys to change their theme.”            And then she storms out, like a tiny ferocious pup, leaving Bren furious, a little stunned by her guts and his cheeks warming because she said he has good looks. Stupid Bren, stupid.
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