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           There’s something thrilling about watching a high school game when you know someone on the field or court, as the case is. And if the player you know happens to be the star of the game, your head swells and pops off. Kaia has never been so interested in sports, till she met Adan. She and Astrid are seated at the front of the gym bleachers sporting replicas of Adan’s burgundy basketball jersey with the number ‘23’ written on both sides. His last name, Ramirez-Perez is printed boldly at the back while the teams name ‘Wintercrest Warriors’ is written in front. On the basketball court, Adan is an entirely different human being.            With every dribble, defence and passing, he works like an NBA player communicating with his teammates. They’re playing against Dover High and are already leading with six points. Kaia and Astrid hold carboards cheering for the team, specifically for Adan, and when he catches them in the crowd, his dazzling smile makes the gym even brighter and he scores three points.            “There’s our star player!” Kaia and Astrid bunch Adan into a tight squeeze when he comes out of the locker room. “That was a great game.”            “Thanks.” Adan blushes. “I’m glad the team was able to make Wintercrest proud.”            “You bet!” Astrid fist bumps him. “I know it’s a Thursday night, but I don’t care. This is special so let’s celebrate.”            “Kaia has to study.” Adan shoots her a concerned gaze and she dismisses it.            “This is special. Let’s celebrate,” she echoes and Astrid squeals with excitement before driving them to an arcade. They tire themselves out playing every game in the arcade, buy snacks and head on to a karaoke bar. Astrid goes first, yelling out the lyrics of every 80s song from Michael Jackson to Whitney Houston to Lionel Richie. It doesn’t help that her voice is beyond horrible.            “You’re such an old soul,” Kaia says with a laugh when Astrid returns to hydrate her now dry throat. “And you should stick with painting. Your voice is as disturbing as the sound of cat claws scratching a board. I say this with all my love.”            “Haters gonna hate, I’m just gonna shake. Oh, should I do Taylor Swift next?”            “No!” Adan and Kaia chorus instantly and they all end up laughing.            “Thanks guys. I’m having so much fun. This is way better than winning the games.”            “As if.” Kaia rolls her eyes and gets up. “We’re out of soda so I’d go get water.” Astrid objects but Kaia shushes her. “You’ve had enough sugar for one night, we have school tomorrow. Nobody sing till I get back.” She jogs out.            “She’s such a mum,” Astrid says and angles her body to face Adan who’s not looking at her. “You have a thing for mums?”            He cranes his neck towards her in one sharp movement. “What?”            “Get your mind out of the gutter. I’m the only one in this friendship permitted to have a dirty mind. You like Kaia, don’t you?”            “I mean,” he shrugs. “I like you too.”            “You know what I mean.” Astrid tells him blankly.            Adan takes a deep breath and a ghost of a smile crosses his face. “She’s cool. You already know that. She’s fun, and caring, and very nice and smart and so beautiful without even trying. She’s so pure and kind hearted. I’m a sucker for her dimples and . . .” he looks at Astrid. “do I stop talking now?”            Astrid doubles over with laughter. “You should see how happy you are talking about her.”            “How did you know? That I like her? Is it that . . .obvious? I mean I’m not even sure what I feel yet, and I don’t want to mess our friendship up.”            “I’m observant,” Astrid says with an air of pride. “And I’ve been around you two long enough. I’ve noticed the lingering stares; you get shy around her sometimes. Like that time I asked if you two were dating? You’re lucky your skin isn’t pale like mine; you’d have been red everywhere.”            Adan sighs in defeat and buries his head in his hands. “What do I do?”            Astrid pats his back with stiff movements. “Figure it out first and then we’d move from there. I’m a Kadan shipper, just so you know.” She chuckles and Adan snarls at her.            “How dare you have fun without me?” Kaia comes in carrying bottles of water and bags of chips. Adan rises to help her set them down.            “We were talking about Homecoming. Do we rent a limo?”            “Adan’s not coming with us, is he?” Kaia munches chips and Adan shakes his head.            “I’d be there earlier. But that’s okay. We’d be together eventually.”            Astrid has to choke back a laugh and Adan secretly pinches her. “So, a limo for us girls?” she asks Kaia and they high five their agreement. Homecoming at Wintercrest, sounds like fun to Kaia now, with Adan and Astrid on her side.            “Okay. One last song before we go. I’d pick,” Astrid says and speeds to the karaoke machine.            “I can’t sing this song.” Kaia whines.            “I can.” Adan goes to join Astrid and when he starts singing the lyrics to Rihanna’s ‘We found love,’ his voice surprisingly rich and pleasant to the ears, Kaia joins them, mostly just dancing like an inflatable tube guy. Astrid watches Adan watch Kaia and yep, he couldn’t be more obvious with his crush.                                                                        ***            Bren could easily be mistaken for a corporate magazine model with his striped deep blue tuxedo suit and black dress shirt. He’s forsaken a tie and left the top buttons of his shirt open instead. His hair is gelled back and he has glasses on. Damn, he nearly burns down his mirror with how hot he looks. Their limo arrives and he joins Shira. Rosco left earlier to set up music equipment. They take pictures for **, open wine and drive to school.            The school gym is almost unrecognizable with sparkly lights, expensive looking table covers, balloons and huge cardboards reading ‘#HoCo at Wintercrest!” Cut outs of pigskins and basketballs are strung up too since Wintercrest had claimed the victory at both games. The décor is glamorous.            “My queen.” Jace walks over to them, holding out his hand for Shira to take it. She does and Bren huffs. Very corny.            “I’d go say hi to the alumni. Catch you later.” Shira pecks Bren and saunters away linked in Jace’s arms. Some alumni come over to say hi to Bren and they exchange small talk. His father is Jacob Kang after all. It’s not out of place for people to want to kiss up to him. A good number of them, however, commend him for his academic prowess and wish him luck with the Metleys. The mention of that has him scanning the room for Kaia, and his betraying oculars help him find her even in the packed gym.            If someone tells him that Kaia’s the queen of some underwater kingdom, he’d believe. He’d totally believe that without a shadow of doubt. She looks so, painfully beautiful in a silver two-piece dress that shows a hint of her midriff. The flare of her skirt magnifies the volume of her hips. Damn, hating her would be a lot easier for him if she didn’t have the features of an angel. Adan soon appears next to her and Astrid and they take pictures and chat for a while. Bren considers the strangeness of him being alone at a gathering like this, even though Shira’s been blowing him kisses while still in Jace’s arms. He goes to play assistant DJ for Rosco, who by the way is absolutely killing it.            Shira returns and they dance: slow and fast, and it’s time to present the Maniacs with their medals and gifts.            “Congratulations, Kaia. You’re a breath of fresh air and Wintercrest is proud to have you.” The alumni putting on the medals for them says when he gets to Kaia and she grins, her dimples instantly melting Bren into a cool, high cheek boned puddle. When it’s time to take pictures for the frame to be hung in the hallways, they place Kaia and Bren close to each other. Kaia doesn’t see to mind it, but Bren’s suddenly struggling with an increased heartrate that’s threatening to end him. The party goes on and on and Jace finally let go of Shira so she can dance with Bren again. As they groove and jump around, each one dancing wildly, Kaia’s friends cheer her on as she does a ridiculous attempt at moonwalking. Bren feels Shira stiffen in his arms.            “Did I not ask her to stay at home?” she spits. Bren doesn’t answer. “She should be studying. You have to win this competition. She can’t make you look bad.”            Yeah right. Kaia could never make anyone look bad as long as it involves academia. Bren doesn’t say that though. He just keeps dancing with the concrete Shira in his arms.            She breaks loose. “I hate how much fun the peasant is having. Looks like I’ve been lax with her lately.” Shira walks over to Kaia the minute she’s alone and taps her. Bren can’t hear what she’s saying but he feels the confrontation. He goes closer.            “I asked you to stay home, didn’t I? Are you trying to make Bren look bad by messing the competition up?”            “You can’t tell me what to do. And Bren isn’t the only one in this competition. I am too.” Kaia challenges.            Shira snorts. “Why should I care about you? Look”—she inches closer to Kaia— “if you lose that competition, I’d destroy you and send you back to the trenches where you belong. Dumb ass.” She pokes Kaia’s head in a violent motion. Visible anger engulfs Kaia.            “Shira!” a voice calls and everyone turns to find Mr Ariel. “What’s going on?” he asks but his eyes are on Kaia.            “Nothing.” Shira smiles sweetly and walks away. Bren watches Mr Ariel signal with his eyes for Kaia to follow him and still fuming, she does. The competition’s next week. That’s probably what they want to talk about, right?
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