Late to the Party

2514 Words
“Welcome to my house. Well, my dad’s house but . . .since I live here too, I guess I can call it mine.” Adan waves his hands here and there towards the living room. “Woah!” Kaia and Keanu say at the same time because the décor of the house is straight out of a movie with its motion sensor lights, marble tiles, and furniture that scream expensive. The dominant colours in the house are black, white and gold and all of it looks so luxurious. “This is a lovely house, Adan. Very classy, yet cozy in a way,” Kaia says, giving Adan a warm smile. “Yeah. Can you adopt me?” Keanu adds and Kaia swats his shoulder. Adan laughs at that. “I’d be glad to. Only if I can adopt Kaia as well.” “Forget it.” Keanu tosses his hands dismissively. Kaia walks towards one of the paintings that hang in the living room. It’s the portrait of a woman, dark curly hair put into a French braid, olive skin that glows, a smile that lights up the room, undeniably Adan’s mum. Adan clears his throat. “That’s her.” “I don’t need to be told.” Kaia peers over her shoulder at Adan who is stuffing his hands in and out of his pocket. “She’s beautiful, Adan. You look so much like her.” “I know I’m beautiful.” Adan sasses, pointedly avoiding Kaia’s compliment at his mum. Kaia doesn’t push it. “Let’s go upstairs and meet Ava. Ready?” “You bet,” Kaia says and grabs Keanu’s hands as they follow Adan up the left wing of the curved, imperial staircase. Upstairs is just as glamorous as downstairs. From the curtains shielding the balcony, Kaia notices the silhouette of a human perched on the floor looking out the balcony. Adan looks at them again, his eyes wanting to confirm if they’re ready. Kaia nods and watches as Adan takes a deep breath. He’s very protective of his little sister. Which is normal, but because of her Social Anxiety Disorder, he’s thrice as watchful over her. He had said that it’s pretty hard for Ava to interact with people let alone make friends. Adan and their mum are the only ones she really ever talks to. Adan raps gently on the folding glass door that leads to the balcony and Ava turns sharply towards the sound, her eyes large with surprise. When she catches sight of Kaia and Keanu, she visibly starts to panic. “Hey kiddo.” Adan steps in and sits on the floor beside her. She shifts very close to him and he wraps his left arm around her. “This is my friend, Kaia. And that’s her little brother, Keanu.” “I’m not little!” Keanu objects with a frown. “Yes, you are literally little K.” Kaia rolls her eyes at him and then turns to Ava. “Hi, Ava. It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Ava just mumbles something incoherent and looks away awkwardly. She has the same curls Adan and their mum have, same skin tone, but doesn’t quite look like them. Of course, you’d be able to tell that she’s Adan’s sister, but they don’t share so much resemblance. She’s very cute, nonetheless. Like a pup. “We brought you something,” Keanu says and starts heading towards Ava. He hands her a gift bag when he gets to her. She takes it shakily. “There’s also chess and monopoly in my backpack. If you’re down, let’s get to it. But let it be known that I’m a pro at board games and I won’t go easy on you.” Kaia huffs at the pomposity of her little brother. Yet that seems to work, because Ava casts a glance at Adan as if to ask if it’s okay and when he nods, she scoots away from him making space for Keanu who wastes no time to retrieve the board games from his backpack. “Wanna see the pool?” Adan dusts his palms as he lifts himself off the floor. The pool stretches out underneath the balcony, blue and glistening under the October sun. “How often do you swim?” Kaia asks as they kick their feet in the pool. “I haven’t in a while.” “Why?” Adan puffs air out of his mouth. “Cause it’s haunted.” Kaia freezes. “Adan. My feet are in a haunted pool?” He chuckles. “Relax. Nobody died in here.” He goes silent, staring at the pool blankly. “My mum hit her head at the edge and fell in. She was drunk. A habit she picked up to relieve the stress that comes with a cheating husband.” Kaia gasps. She had not expected this. At all. “Adan. I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have brought me here then. Let’s go back.” He shakes his head. “No, it’s okay. I wanted to bring you here. Ava and I used to hang out here a lot. Before . . .well, I wanted to show you all the important parts of my life even if some of them hold ugly memories. This pool is one of them.” At that, he turns to Kaia and they hold each other’s stares. “Thank you.” She reaches out and squeezes his left palm. “I’m glad to see the important parts of your life. Let’s make only beautiful memories from now on.” Adan’s lips tug in a small smile as they stare at each other. “You’re really thoughtful, Kaia. Thank you for saying that.” She huffs, but doesn’t hold back her smile. “Yeah right. Like anyone could be more thoughtful than you.” Adan is still looking at her. But this time, it’s with intent. He’s no longer smiling but studying her. His gaze drops to her nose, her lips and then stays there. He lifts his fore finger and brushes gently against her cheeks, and then her lower lip. “You guys!” The scream from upstairs startles them as they look up. “Ava baked cookies!” Keanu jumps up and down. “I’m so sorry he’s so noisy.” Kaia facepalms and Adan chuckles, a nervous look in his eyes. “Are you kidding? He’s such an energetic kid.” He helps Kaia get up, picks a towel and dries her legs and feet. “Thanks,” Kaia says as she slips her feet into her sneakers. She notices that the nervous look hasn’t left Adan’s eyes. He probably looks like that because he just shared a big secret with her, she tells herself. They make their way to the kitchen where Keanu is stuffing three cookies into his mouth at once. “Keanu! You little pig.” She tries to drag some cookies out of his mouth but he giggles mischievously because she’s late. His mouth is already full. “You’re unbelievable.” Ava approaches Kaia gingerly. “Adan said this is your favourite flavour. It may not taste nice. It’s . . .my first-time baking for someone else.” She doesn’t look Kaia in the eye. The thought and gesture literally melt Kaia’s heart like ice under the sun. “Ava, this is so sweet,” she takes the plate of chocolate muffins from Ava. “I totally appreciate this. And hey, if you ever want to ask questions about baking, or feel the need to eat free cookies, throw a tantrum until Adan drives you to Big K’s.” Adan scoffs. “Don’t you dare.” “Also, thank you for the bracelet. I love it.” Ava smiles slightly and returns to meet Keanu who is a natural at making her say more than a few words. “Thank you for making this Saturday fun for us.” Kaia chews on a muffin which tastes really good for a first attempt, although there’s too much baking soda. She hands Adan one. “To making beautiful memories?” Adan holds up a muffin and smiling, Kaia taps hers against his. “Cheers.” It’s 4pm by the time Kaia and Keanu return to Big K’s. She’s still not talking to her dad so she only says hi to Diane, the other workers and a few regular customers already seated. “How was your day off?” Diane asks, setting ketchup and mustard down on a tray. “Much needed,” Kaia says, thinking back to Ava’s sweet, innocent smile and shy eyes, to Adan’s nervousness after he stared at and brushed her lips. After he wiped her feet dry. It’s not weird. Friends can do that, right? Diane taps Kaia out of her thoughts. “Answer the phone for me. I need to drop this at table three.” Kaia dashes over to the phone and answers. “Big K’s Restaurant and Bakery. How may we satisfy your taste buds today?” “Hi. I’m Lance calling from the Smith residence on Shantelle Street. I’m having a party tonight and I heard y’all make a mean barbecue and meat strips. Can I get that with fruit juice by 8pm?” “Yes, you can.” Kaia writes down the address and passes the order to the kitchen staff so that they can get to work. “Lance, party.” She mumbles to herself. Huh, why does that sound kinda familiar? **** Sometimes, supporting your friends means doing something you usually wouldn’t do. Like attending a sophomore party, you don’t want to because your best friend is a DJ and you have to be there for assistance and moral support if needed. Lance’s house is filled with Wintercrest students and some students from other elite schools in the area. Rosco does an amazing job at blasting good music that makes everyone jump and ‘wooooo!’ and dance about. Bren watches as some students—some already tipsy—make their way upstairs hand in hand. Shira’s there too and she’s still not talking to Bren. So, he just sits beside Rosco and avoids the suggestive glances girls toss in his direction. “The cons of being a pretty boy.” He snorts after telling a very persistent girl that he’s not in the mood to dance. “Are we all having a nice time?!” Lance bellows and the crowd goes crazy. “Okay y’all, the only rule I have is that you stay out of my parents’ room. Asides that, let’s go crazy!” the crowd cheers again and Bren heaves. “Mood killer much?” Rosco passes Bren a can of fizzy drink. “Can you abandon the party?” Rosco gives him a funny face. “I’m the DJ, man. Why are you in such a haste? Go talk things out with Shira.” “I’m hungry.” Bren rakes his hand through his hair. “I heard that meat would be delivered soon.” Bren’s eyes widen. “Meat? For real?” Rosco nods and returns to his business. Bren decides to walk around. The crowd dancing has now reduced as some people sit in circles talking and laughing while others play truth and dare. The air smells like drinks and teenagers. “The meat’s here!” Bren hears two boys and a girl say as they rush past him. “Text Lance to come get it.” Bren’s ears perk up at the sound of that. He secretly follows behind, his stomach already waging war. Some opens the door for the delivery person to roll the cart of food in. She’s beautiful. She’s— Kaia?! Did these idiots purposely order from Big K’s? “Kaia Mahoe? Aren’t you the genius kid of Wintercrest?” a girl who obviously doesn’t attend Wintercrest says and Kaia just smiles. “I am. Where’s Lance? I need him to sign that he’s received this.” Like sharks who smelled blood, students start to troop out little by little and the Lance kid approaches the door. “She’s really a delivery girl?” “Who invited her?” “Why does she still go to your school? She should have been kicked out long ago.” Murmurs like this start to fill the space and Bren clenches his jaw at the sight of the two boys he had overheard at the locker room. Phones are already out and recording. Crap! “Kaia, since you’re here, why don’t you stay?” One of them says, his voice sly and smug. “Yeah. Let’s all enjoy the food you brought together.” “Thanks, but I have work. Could you sign this?” she holds out the paper to Lance but the boys don’t let him take it. “Hey,” the one who came up with the idea of drugging her closes the space between them. “Don’t be like this. A pretty girl like you should be upstairs with me. And not dragging a cart. C’mon, I’d give you a really huge tip.” “Ooohh!” The crowd goes and Bren scoffs. Are they kidding?! “The kitchen is over there, right? I’d go drop these.” Kaia starts to leave when the boy pulls her back and into himself. He whispers something into her ears and Bren doesn’t know what it is, but charges towards them and yanks Kaia away from the boy. The boy flinches at the sight of Bren. “Didn’t I warn you?” he snarls and the boys back off. “Why are you here?” He asks Kaia even though the answer is quite obvious. “Let’s go.” He tugs her towards the door. “Wait,” she wriggles herself free from his hold. “The delivery isn’t complete.” She turns back to the cart and Shira is standing right there glaring. Bren secures Kaia’s hands in his again and ambles towards the cart. They brush past Shira and with his free hand, he pushes the cart to the kitchen and offloads it quietly. The living room is dead silent by the time they return and he likes it. He likes this. Protecting Kaia from crazy people like the sophomore boys, from his best friend. “Little K!” Bren and Kaia pause at the call. Already at the door, Adan is standing there. Kaia slips her hands out of Bren’s and it feels like someone just run him over with a go cart. He looks over his shoulder to find Shira’s amused face watching them. “Thank you, Bren. I should go,” Kaia says and when it seems like she’s about to say more, Adan comes and holds her hand. Bren immediately grabs her second hand and the crowd starts murmuring again. Bren and Adan glare at each other. This is causing a scene, Bren knows, but it’s just hitting him now. The realization that he wants Kaia. All to himself.
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