Chapter 1: The Attack

883 Words
***Chapter depicts s****l assault*** Nina commonly shifted between her wolf and human form, rolling around in the grass. She had never been concerned with nakedness or being caught by others. She stuck to the path, only roaming free in her pack's territory. She only became more reserved as she got older, now making sure she had clothes with her in case she needed to dress. She had a white tank-top, pink shorts, and panties tied to her leg as she played in a field the day her nostrils picked up multiple unfamiliar scents that made her nervous. Usually she didn't have to worry about strangers or getting caught off guard. Despite being trained as a fighter she was still very naive. First the faint smell of mint tickled her nose. She heard her inner wolf scream something incoherent but before she could process the information another scent hit her. Pine cones. She looked up and suddenly she was being knocked down by a large brown wolf. A strange red wolf with green eyes interfered, appearing from nowhere. She panicked and started running towards her father's house. She heard the strained whining from the brown wolf whom the red wolf had lunged at. She thought she was safe until she realized she was being pursued by another wolf, one with blonde fur and piercing blue eyes. Nina was convinced her pursuer would not follow her into her father's territory but she quickly learned she was wrong. He picked up the pace and chased her without stopping. After a few miles he caught up and lunged forward. Nina tried to fight back but the blonde wolf slashed at her eyes. She felt blood gush down her face, stealing away her vision. The injury left her weak and unable to fight back in her wolf form. She felt herself involuntarily transform back into her human form. She was on her back, her skin being stabbed by rocks and sticks. She couldn't see her attacker but she could smell him and hear him approach. She heard branches snap and felt him hover above her. "Leave me alone!" She screamed at him, swatting her hands at the air. He caught her hands with one hand and punched her stomach with the other. She felt like the air had been knocked out of her. He smelled like hot tar. Her nose stung from the unpleasant stench. "You're mine now," he laughed as he groped along her chest and stomach. "Please stop," she begged, barely able to speak above a whisper. He covered her mouth with one hand and caressed her c******s with the other. She gasped and thrashed below him. She was a petite woman compared to the large man almost three times her size. "Shhh, you don't want anyone seeing you like this," he said, laughing. She stopped fighting, feeling the life draining out of her. She felt weak and embarrassed as he continued to touch her. She screamed against his hand when he shoved his finger inside her. His hand was so rough she was sure he would hurt her. Nina prayed he would stop, begging the moon goddess to rescue her. Her world felt like it ended when she felt him force his p***s between her legs. She screamed at the top of her lungs. He thrusted violently, laughing at her as she attempted to scratch at the earth below her in an attempt to escape. "No little one, I'm not finished with you." He flipped her over and forced her from behind. She screamed and cried and begged for mercy. Before mercy could come she passed out, consciousness abandoning her. She thanked the moon goddess for relieving her for even a moment. Nina woke hours later in a panic. She was lying limp in someone's arms. The scent was familiar, her father's beta. Family. She allowed herself to pass out again as she nuzzled his chest. She was wrapped in his jacket and rain poured down upon them. *** Nina woke in a fright, screaming and gasping for air. She sensed others nearby, most family. She knew her father and grandfather were in the room. She even recognized the warmth of the nurse Fannie's hand on hers. "Relax, Miss, relax. You're safe," the nurse cooed. Nina begged the nurse to take her bandages off her face. The nurse stepped back while her father came and sat on the hospital bed. He laid his hand on Nina's and said "Baby girl, there aren't anymore bandages on your face. You've been cleared for infection." Nina brought her hands to her face, ready to prove him wrong. She could not see anything. It was like being locked in a room with no light source. She began to cry hysterically when she touched her face and found rough scarred skin and not a single bandage. "I'm blind! Oh my God!" She screamed. "Dolly, we will get revenge if you wish it. We will destroy towns and packs if you desire it. Please tell me how I can make this pain disappear!" Master Nicholas was never a soft man but Nina was his whole world and he would do anything for her. He would end anyone who harmed her. "Just leave me be for now," she asked, feeling empty inside.
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