Chapter 3

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When mum came back that day, she noticed I wasn't joyous and hyper as I use to be, she questioned me and I lied, saying I was tired. Dad didn't stop there, it became a habit to him, he started beating me up at every little occasion, indeed he enjoyed it. He'll get drunk grab his belt and beat the hell out of me for little or no reason. Mum was busy with work so she was not aware of the abuse. He'll beat me till I was bleeding from the lashes. I became really quiet, skinny, gloomy. I rarely spoke to anyone, not even mum. I prevented her from touching, cuddling and bathing me, just because I didn't want her to see my scars. I use to stammer when speaking. Mum will always ask, "Alex, what's wrong?" And I'll reply "am tired or I'm sleepy," she became inquisitive, she always wanted to know. At times when she ask me questions, I just felt like breaking down and spilling all, but dad was always there glaring at me or telling me to hush. I could remember curling in a ball every night, sobbing my heart out, I was careful not to be too loud or mum will hear. I needed help, I was running into depression. I began having nightmares that kept me up at night. I kept it a secret, he threatens me for worst if I ever told mum, he would always say "If you tell it to mama, this will feel like a love tap to be compared with what comes next." It almost lasted forever, not until that Monday evening. My teach Mrs Stella, dropped me from school. Dad forgot to pick me or was lost in his alcohols and drugs. When she rang the door bell, the door was opened, there he stood red eyes with black bags under them, he was struggling to stand. I was dead scare, I didn't notice when I clung to her skirt leg shivering and hiding my face out of fear. "Alex, papa is here, go meet him." She said kindly. I refused to let go, I tried but my body was numb refusing to obey. She crouch down to my height, holding my arm with one hand and placing her other hand on my face. "What's wrong Alex? You're shivering," she felt my forehead. "Alexander get here, let her go," His hoarse drunk voice broke the lovely moment, I flinched before walking toward him and standing by his side as I wave goodbye to her, she waved back raising to her feet and walking away. I was roughly pulled in the house the door was slammed. "What was that?!" He yelled having me flinch and started tearing up. "Get to the wall!" He said, my nostrils were assailed by the loathsome odor of alcohol cursing my stomach to churn. I stood there not moving, paralyzed by fear. "Are you deaf?!" he said while delivering a hash slap to my cheek. I screamed in pain falling to the floor. He forcefully pull me up, pushing me to the wall. Because of the strength he used, I knocked my head on the wall, more tears streaming down my cheek. He unfastened his belt landing hard swats to my backside, I sobbed and kick, he was holding me still with his left arm. "A-am s-sorry! I hiccupped, "N-no m-more I've L-learnt m-my l-lesson," I pleaded but in no avail, my cries and pleads fell in deaf ears. I felt warm liquid creeping down my back, (blood). Each blow brought more pain than the previous one. I finally give up going limp. I couldn't scream anymore, my throat was dried and sore. I barely felt the pain from the belt as a result of too much hit. I didn't notice when the beaten ceased, I felt my body been pick up, a long walk to my room and I was dropped on my bed. "Don't tell anyone, or I'll make mama hate you for life!" He said, I was too weak to nod, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be swallowed by the warm darkness. I shot up from the bed painting, sweats had broke on my forehead rolling down my face. I just had a nightmare where he was still hitting me, when he saw I wasn't crying he burnt my hand with fire. I raised my sleeve to check if  my arm was burnt but it wasn't. I slowly creep out of bed, groaning in pain, my back was very sore. Why does he hit me? Why can't he love me like before? Those thought brought tears to my eyes, a tear roll down my cheek and I sniffed. I heard the sound of mum's car in our drive way. I was more than happy, at least, if she's around I risk nothing. I ran to the bathroom to wash my face. "Alex baby!" I heard her call, I slowly went to the kitchen where she was dropping her groceries bags. When she noticed me, she smiled, kneeling down to my height. "You missed me baby," she said softly and smiled while running her fingers through my curls. I didn't smile back too busy holding back tears. Her brows furrowed in worry. "I bought your favourite ice cream," she whisper like it was a secret, I manage to put up a weak smile. She grab the tin holding it out for me. I slowly grabbed it, walking out of the kitchen and setting on the couch. I stare blankly at the tin, before I loved banana ice cream, I'll always jump when mum gives it to me, but now I didn't know where my enthusiasm went to, I just knew it wasn't there. "Alex?" Mum called softly from the kitchen door way, she was looking at me all that while. I didn't notice when a tear slip down my face. She horridly ran to me kneeling to my height. "Baby, why are you crying," she asked. I had the urge to start crying, but I held it back. She brush the hair on my forehead and gasped, fear written over her face. "Oh my God! What happen?" She screamed. I touched my forehead noticing the swelling from the hit. I remember him pushing me on the wall. "I-i f-fell," I said. "Where and how?" She asked. "I-i m-missed a s-stair, w-while g-going u-upstair." I stuttered. "What about papa, Did he see you?" She said. When she called his name I started whimpering and crying softly. She couldn't bear seen me like that, so she pulled me in a hug and I yelped. She quickly released me. "Where hurt? Did you break something? Raise your shirt," she was pouring out questions, the only sentence I got was "raise your shirt", I didn't want her to see the marks done by the belt. I couldn't let that happen. I shook my head no. Her brows furrowed sternly. "Alexander, raise that shirt of yours," she said, again I shook my head. "If you don't, I'll take it off and give you a proper s******g," she threatened. I flinched at the word s******g, she rarely s***k me, I didn't think my body was able to bare another swat, even with a paper. "O-okey," I sniffed, raising my shirt just for her to see my Tommy. I didn't have marks on my chest or stomach just at my back. She gently poke my ribs and sigh in relief. "I was scared thinking that you broke a rib," she said. Just then he walked in and froze. I quickly drop my shirt hugging mama and burying my head on her chest. I raised my head a little to look at him and he was glaring at me, I quickly buried my head back on her chest. She noticed cause she held me close like she was protecting me and I felt safe. That night she asked him what happened and he simply replied, "He was running around so he fell and that's it, he never listen to me," he ended with a glare, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I knew I was in for it, he was gonna beat me up once mama was gone for work.
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