Chapter 7

597 Words
Next Morning............ The fresh rays of sun fall from window on the sleeping figure of Kavya and Leo.  Kavya is still sleeping while hugging Leo possessively and tightly. When , the rays of sun falls on the face of Leo , his sleep got disturbed and with laziness he opened his eyes. He still in half sleep.  He tried to free himself from the tight grip of  Kavya in his  half sleep . But all his little attempts were futile . He got irritated and opened his eyes . He saw that Kavya is sleeping  with him and she hugged him tightly like Derek used to do .  He blinked his eyes more than one time and then his eyes with his small palms so , that he can see clearly because it's like a surprise for little Leo. When , he confirmed that it's real , he got excited with joy .  A wide smile crept on his face and his caressed the whole face of Tara with love. "MAMA....MAMA....... WAKEY!! WAKEY!!!!" , whispered Leo in the ears of Kavya . And started playing with her hairs. He showered the sweet kisses on the cheeks , nose , forehead and chin of  Kavya with love . He made her face wet with his saliva. When , Kavya felt that someone is kissing her and sweet voice is calling for wake up. She opened her eyes , she thought that Kris is trying her to wake up . She , opened her eyes she found a baby boy but not Kris, the boy is calling her mamma and showered many kisses like Kris used to do every morning. " Mama Wakey!! Look Daddy Mama wakey!!! " , screamed Leo in happiness and Joy. Derek also woke from that , screams of Leo. He got frightened by the screams of Leo. He opened his eyes and he saw a fit and fine Leo who is showering soft and sweet kisses  on Kavya's face. On, the other hand Kavya got  confused  when she saw Leo like that , she wanted to stop Leo for calling his mother  but don't know why she can't do it. Derek , can feel that what is Kavya got lost in his own thoughts. She needed some time to accept the reality. "Leo , Mama let's go!! you needed to eat something !! Let's have some food !!" Derek told to Leo , so that he can leave Kavya. "NOOOO!!! DADA , I wanna stay with Mama !!" protested Leo  and made a cute pouty face. " Come here son!!! Ma needed to change her dress. She will join us later.!!" , Derek gave made excuse but poor Leo is too stubborn that he didn't buy any excuse of his father. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Leo protested and made an angry face. " Son, Mama is still weak , she needed some rest and if you act like a bad boy. She will got angry and then she will left you !! Do wanna  Mama to leave you!!" , asked Derek with harsh tone. "NOOO!! Mama don't leave me!! I will be a goody boy!!" replied Leo and gave a tight hug to Kavya and kissed on her both cheeks.  " Come here my big boy !! come to dada!! and let's have some tasty foodie!!" said Derek to Leo and widened his arms to hold her in his arms. Leo ran towards Derek and hugged Derek . Derek hold Leo in his arms and from there Leo said good to Kavya and gave a flying kiss. On the other hand Kavya was still confused, she was still processing that what happened and why she is here .
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