
1471 Words
Lilah POV: Betrayal, that's what I feel. Straight up betrayal. Im lent against the desk in the office with my arms stiffly crossed and Liam stood to my side holding my waist in silent support as I glare at the stranger in front of me, not saying a word. We stay like that for a while simply looking at one another, her looking over my every feature, taking in my toned form and my long waist length hair, drinking in every little detail of me. While I..I simply stare at her eyes. Eyes I don't even recognise. "Lilah bean.." she starts to say as she looks around the room nervously. Holding my hand up for her to be quiet she immediately snaps her mouth shut and looks at me with confusion. Shifting my gaze I see Zander haunched over in the corner, his head down as he wrings his hands, which are still cuffed, anxiously. Striding over I drop to a crouch and grasp his hands which has him jump slightly in surprise, squeezing softly in unspoken reassurance, his eyes which hold so much hurt and confusion relax slightly when he meets my gaze. Retrieving the keys from my pocket I swiftly unlock the cuffs as he shakes his hands from where they were stiffly held, "why?" He asks quietly. "Because right now we have far more to think about than you being cuffed. You swore an oath to me" I say with a shrug. "They might have to go back on but for now, this is fine." "Thank you" he sighs looking defeated. Standing smoothly I turn to see my father stood with his back to us looking out the window, his posture stiff and unmoving with his fists clenched tightly by his side. "How you doing?" I link him as I go to stand beside him. "I don't know how to answer that right now" he replies after a moment. "Ask me again in a bit. How are you?" "Numb" I admit. "But also angry, so incredibly angry" I growl through the link. Spinning I stalk to back beside Liam and lean into him needing the comfort he brings me. "So.." I start raising my brow. "You're not dead." "No" she admits quietly. "Were you ever?" I ask coldly. "In a way I died yes but I was never truly gone" she says vaguely. "And you have a son?" I ask pointing to Zander who looks uncomfortable. "I do" she says with a small smile. "How old are you Zander?" I ask suddenly realising I don't know. "I'm 20" he admits. "I'm your big brother it seems." "So tell me Lauretta" my father's icy voice suddenly interjects as he spins to face her, "how the f**k did you mate with another behind my back and I not feel it?" "Because he was my mate also" she whispers tears rolling down her face. "I had two mates, one for my wolf and another for my vampire side. It's not betrayal when you were destined to share." With a loud growl my father storms to infront of her as his aura rolls out. "Did you meet him or myself first?" "You" she breaths as she is forced to look up at him, fear evident on her face, her eyes red and bloodshot from crying. Seeing my father's strong figure falter at her admission I step forward and rest a hand on his shoulder as he moves back slightly. "You didn't think to tell my dad?" I ask furiously. "You honestly hid that you found another mate whilst being in a relationship with my father?!" "He would never have understood.." she starts before I loudly interject. "Bullshit!" I snarl. "He is the most understanding person I know, you being his mate should know that. Zander you said she died 10 years ago yes?" I check my eyes on him once again. "Yes" he agrees. Feeling the fury build inside me further, I try to control my breathing as I feel Liam send a rush of calmness down the bond aiding me. "So you "died" to us but you were then there for Zander for a further what, 4 years?" "I was" she admits. "Unbelievable" I snarl at her, Sky howling loudly with hurt in my mind. "Why?" I grit out through clenched teeth. "The Moon Goddess came to me when you were born, told me hard times were coming and that I would have to suffer a great loss to protect the ones I loved. When you were slightly older I had a vision come that showed me..I gave part of my life for all of yours and I would do that again in a heartbeat" she says clearly. "That makes no sense to me and is no way a reason as to why you didn't tell my father about Zander. Explain something to did you hide that?" I ask icily. "Seb, you were away fighting at the time. Gone for a year after we'd just met and during that time I went back to my parents pack for safety until you could announce me as your mate and Queen, it was there that I met Klaus. I had Zander and my parents helped me raise him" she replies addressing my father who doesn't move an inch. "You never met her parents?" I ask my dad. "Well clearly I had no idea her dad was the Vampire King, but no. She never told me they were alive, now i understand why. They were her answer to her best kept secret" he growls angrily staring daggers at my mum. "Your mother..?" I ask her at which she nods reluctantly. "I went back to my mother's pack, her original pack where her and her mate lived" she says quietly. "Irai said your parents were dead to you" I say coldly. "My father was" she says with a shrug, "quite literally in a sense. But my mother I kept safe by telling everyone she had died." "So while I held off on marking you to protect you, you went behind my back and mated another mate of yours? Why didn't he mark you?" My father asks angrily. "Because i couldn't hurt you like that, i knew you and Klaus didn’t get along" she whispers. "Oh but this is so much better" I mutter rolling my eyes. “Why did you return to my father? Why not stick with Klaus and Zander, was it power? Wealth? Was it the idea of being Queen?” “No, I just couldn’t abandon your father” she says brokenly. “How was Klaus ok with this?” I ask before the ball drops and I click my fingers. “Because he realised he could find out everything from you, he could gain power and knowledge through you. He used you didn’t he.” “He wasn’t as loyal to me as your father” she admits quietly. “Oh, so he was happy f*****g whores whilst you mated to the alpha king?! This is a load of crap” I growl. “Tell me, were you working with Klaus the entire time?” I ask quietly. Seeing her hesitate my eyes widen as I snarl at her, “you were!” “Not entirely, I did what I did to protect you Lilah! I swear, he threatened me” she cries her lips quivering as tears stream down her face. “I’m finding that extremely hard to believe right now” I say coldly. “Your mate was the Alpha King for Goddesses sake!!” As a memory of something Zander said to me previously comes to mind, my eyes snap to his once again, “you said he used your mum to produce a strong heir..” “I did, and I still believe it to be the case” he says quietly his eyes full of embarrassment. Taking a deep breath I furrow my brows, "you're hiding your true scent" I state staring at my mum as I breathe in the faint floral scent emitting from her, a scent not strong enough for me to believe it to be true. “You’re right Lilah, this scent is weak. Unnatural” my father growls as I see a mixture of hurt and fury in his features. "I am" she admits. "Don't" I snarl fed up of her games, before she closes her eyes and the sickly sweet metallic smell fills the room making my nose wrinkle in displeasure. "That explains why you knew her as a supposed vampire princess" I comment to Zander as my mum blushes furiously. I watch her for a moment as she fidgets nervously before I speak, "clearly we have a lot more to discuss, but tell me mum..why has your wolf gone?"
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