King family

3825 Words
"I am sorry, I only wanted to touch it for a second" I apologized as I turned to him. In front of me was an old British man dressed in a fancy suit "It is quite alright. I just wanted to warn you that that was a one-of-a-kind vase from the ming dynasty. It would be better to only look and not touch for else if an accident were to happen" he said "Yeah you're right, I'm sorry," I said knowing that I'd never be able to replace something like that in a million years. Just as I finished that thought I noticed the old man was staring at me intently " something wrong?" I asked "No, you just look really familiar. Have we met before?" he asked "Um I don't know," I said "It's you" he suddenly said "Um excuse me?" "You are the young lady that I happened to strike with the car door," he said and I instantly remembered "You were that old driver guy" I gasped "I am a bit more than a driver but that is indeed me," he said "So what are you doing here?" "I am employed by the master of this household to take it off it and tend to the children that dwell within" "Fredrick," Adrian said as he walked into the room "Master Adrian, is there something I can help you with?" He asked "I have guests over and I request for you to make some tea for the lady and for the barbarian beside you I am sure she would require something less refined" "I can hear you asshole!" I glared at you "It seems only obscenities leave your mouth" he said glaring back at me "Hey Frederick, I need a hand" another male voice said. Turning I immediately recognized the handsome face of the man. Just as I looked at him I couldn't remove my eyes from his body. It seemed as if he had just taken a shower because he only had on a light blue towel around his waist and the water was still rushing down his muscular body. I could stare as he stopped in front of us running his hand through his dripping hair "Master Richard, what have I told you about coming out of the shower in your towel? Your hair is dripping all over the floors" the old man lectured "Sorry" he chuckled as he flashed his hair "What the hell are you doing?" Adrian said "Sorry, I was drying my hair" he said with a charming smile "What are you a dog?" Adrian glared at him before he suddenly turned to me "Well lookie here" he smiled at me "It's surprising to see you again" he said " remember me?" I said bashfully "Of course, I always remember a pretty face, especially one as beautiful as yours" he sung. Listening to his honey-like voice left me in a bashful trance causing me to uncharacteristically stand there blushing "Working your charm already Rich?" another familiar voice said snapping me out of my trance I turned towards the voice and saw Timothy walking into the room along his fiancée and Luke from the library "What is she doing here?" Stephanie said looking at me sideways "She's here doing a project with Adrian" Timothy said "And she had to come here?" she asked "I'm sorry, what are you guys doing here?" I asked "Well I live here" Timothy chuckled "I came with my fiancé, do you have a problem with that?" "Steph, she was just curious. She didn't mean anything by it" Timothy said before she turned and walked up the stairs "Sorry about her" Timothy said. I shrugged it off before turning to Luke "Book thief" I glared at him "You two know each other?" Timothy asked surprised "Vaguely" he smirked "Then I'll introduce you. Lucas, this is Eloise Taylor Gardener and Gracelyn Edwards" Timothy introduced "It is so nice to meet you. I'm a really big fan" Grace said and I could only scoff "And girls, this is Lucas Wolfe" "It's a pleasure to meet you ladies. Have you girls read anything interesting lately? I am really enjoying the book I borrow; you should read it sometimes" he smirked My face was red with anger as I thought of a retort but that only made his smirk brighten as he walked past me "Hey is Jay here yet?" he asked the old man "No but Master Jayden should be here sometime soon," the old man said "Alright then I'll head up to his room and wait," Luke said "See you around Eloise" he chuckled before heading up the stairs "I really don't like that guy" I grumbled "So how goes the project?" Timothy asked "We haven't started because someone distracted us" Adrian glared at the handsome man "Rich, aren't you suppose to pick up Mari by now?" Timothy asked "Oh yeah, I was just getting a shower when I noticed the hair shampoo isn't there. So I came to ask Fredrick about it" "The hair products have been used up and I was going to replace them but I hadn't had the time to go to the store" he explained "But we still have some, right?" he asked in a pleading tone "I remember having stored a few," he said "Yes, thank you, Fredrick, you're the best!" he cheered "I am glad you think so Master Richard. Follow me" the old man said before they left "If there are no more interruptions, we should head to the library to begin this project," Adrian said annoyed. "Yeah let's go" Grace said before the doors opened again "Timmy!!" a little kid yelled excitedly as he ran into the room "Matthew, don't run into the living room," another male voice said as he walked in with another boy and girl beside him "Hey I'm home," the beautiful young lady said "Elena" Timothy said "Hey Tim, where's Alina?" "Not sure, I just got home" Timothy shrugged "Timmy! Timmy!" the kid said excitedly "Yes, Matt?" "I got it. I got it!" he said excitedly as he excitedly pulled his hand "What did you get?" Timothy asked "The latest issue of the Batfamily Comic," he said "Really? Looks like my order came sooner than I expected" Timothy smiled "You bought it for me, Timmy?" "Yeah" "Thank you! Thank you you're the best" "No problem. Just promise to still study" "Yes I promise," he said stary eyed "This is such a cute kid" Grace gushed "Is he your younger brother?" I asked deadpan "Not exactly" he chuckled "Tiimmy? Who are they?" the kid asked "These are some of my friends. They're doing a project with Adrian" "Are we? We spent so much time talking with you morons that I forgot what we were supposed to do" he scoffed sarcastically "Wait Adrian, just let me introduce everyone. Everyone this is Gracelyn and that's Eloise" "Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you," Grace said smiling brightly and I simply nodded without saying anything "And guys, this is Elena King, my little sister," Timothy said pointing to the young lady. On closer inspection, I noticed just how beautiful at her. She had tall black hair that seemed to be a signature of the family, she had bright blue eyes that were filled with life similar to Richard and Timothy. She had fair skin and a cute pair of dimples that showed as she showed her beautiful smile. She was five foot four which was around the same height as me "It is a pleasure to meet you all," she said eloquently "Next is Scott, he's Elena's classmate and friend" "Come on Tim, don't be shy. Tell them that I'm your future brother-in-law" Scott, the African-American boy said cheekily. He himself was rather handsome himself. He was five foot nine and had a decent amount of muscle, though it paled when compared to the jerk upstairs. He had brown hair and brown eyes "In your dreams" Elena rolled her eyes "It's only a matter of time beautiful" he flirted and she faked a gag "Then there's Terry and his younger brother Matt. They're like friends of the family" Timothy introduced "Yo," Terry said. He seemed to have the same black hair and blue-eyed combo as the others. If they hadn't told me he wasn't related to them. He was a little under six feet with a toned body "Do you two like comics?" Matt asked right off the bat. He was like a little version of his brother except for his eyes that were hazel in color "No," I said "Would you like to read one with me?" the eight-year-old asked "No" I immediately rejected "I would love to," Grace said "No" Adrian immediately said "Come on Matt, they're busy so why don't you read it with me," Timothy said "But Tim, didn't you say you were going to help with my homework?" Terry "Terrence it's the first week of school I doubt you'll have that much homework" Timothy dismissed "I guess" Terrence shrugged "Okay since you won't be studying, why don't you go shoot some hoops? I've been wanting to dunk on your face since lunch" Scott said "Maybe because I kept hitting you with threes" Terrence chuckled "Alright let's go. One on-one" Scott said "Since you're so eager to lose again, sure" Terrence chuckled "Let's go, Terry, I can't wait to see you win" Elena giggled "Wait El, I thought you were interested in watching us play basketball?" "No, I'm not interested in watching you play basketball," she said "Let's see if you say that when I beat Terry" "In your dreams maybe" she rolled her eyes "Alright then let's get going," Scott said before the door opened again Everyone turned to the door watching as a wheelchair was pushed in. The mood of the room had shifted as everyone went quiet. No one seemed to be looking at the beautiful brunette in her lifeless gray eyes hiding behind her glasses. Her long hair was well-kept, not a strand was out of place and her clothes seemed spotless. She had a blank expression on her face. The way the nurse brought her across the room made her seem like a marionette doll. She had only reached halfway across when there was a rumbling from the stairs. Richard was rushing down the stairs in a mess. He had a baby blue shirt and a tie that hung low, he had his jacket in one hand and his shoes in the other "Oh God, I'm late. I'm late" he kept repeating until he reached the penultimate step before suddenly stopping. He had noticed the beautiful woman in the wheelchair and unlike the others. He stared directly into her eyes before his handsome face darkened. The once charming blue eyes that would enthrall you with a single glance had turned to a guilt-ridden stare. It was only a moment but it felt like forever as he stared at her. There were times he tried looking away but he would take another look at her. Just as he was about to finally say something the beautiful lady spoke "Nadine" "Yes, Madam Keller?" "I want to return to my chambers. I'm tired" she said "Yes Miss Keller," she said before they left Richard kept his mouth open the whole time until she left. His face was still darkened as he look in the direction she went "Rich?" Timothy said, the concern clear in his voice "I'm fine," he said "Anderson?" Adrian said in a monotone voice but there was a slight bit of concern "I should go get Mari. See you guys at dinner" he said before he left "What was that about?" I asked Grace and she shrugged unsurely "Who was that?" I asked "You sure are asking a lot of questions about our family affairs despite it not being your business" Adrian glared at me "Hey don't blow up at me. I was just saying a question" "Learn to read the room," Adrian said "Adrian, she doesn't know" Timothy defended me "Hmph whatever," Adrian said before his phone rang "Hello?" He answered before walking away "What's his problem?" I glared at his back as he left "Don't worry about him. It's just hard to explain" Timothy said before Adrian came back "You two," he said to Grace and I "Yes" Grace answered "My appointment has been pushed forward so I'll be leaving. Timothy tell Fredrick that I'll be back before dinner" he said "Wait, hold up so you dragged us here for nothing?" I glared at him "Hmph, maybe you should have spent less time with introductions. Now if you excuse me I have to meet with people who won't waste my time" he said before walking away "Asshole," I said through gritted teeth "I'm so sorry about my brother" Timothy sighed "It's fine, I should probably just go back home," I said "You don't have to leave. Why don't you stay for a while" "Yes!" Grace agreed immediately "No" I rejected simultaneously "Why not?" Grace whined "Yeah, why?" "I wouldn't want to intrude," I said "You wouldn't be intruding," Timothy said. I honestly wanted to refuse again but then I noticed Grace's puppy dog eyes staring into my soul "Fine, we'll stay," I said "Yay!" Grace cheered "Okay since you're staying, How about I give you guys a quick tour of the house?" Timothy offered "Would you? That would be spectacular" "But Timmy, didn't you say you were going to read the comic with me?" Matt said "Yeah but it's their first time here so I want to show them around. I promise I'll buy another comic and we'll read both of them together" "In the meantime why don't you come to watch us play basketball," Elena said "Really?" "Sure, if you don't mind me crushing your big brother in front of you," Scott said "And you promise to buy me another comic?" "Yeah" "Okay" he said "Alright let's go change and get ready," Elena said before they left "Alright ladies, let's go" Timothy said before walking away "Let's go," Grace excitedly said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to follow him I had expected it to be a basic tour but I was wrong. This place seemed to be a wonderland of amazing stuff. From the award-winning kitchen to the football field-sized swimming room. There was a game room filled with the newest games and gaming devices out and some not even out yet or so Timothy said. There was the library that they were talking about and honestly, I was more than impressed by it. There was a movie room that was basically a theatre, and other stuff I couldn't be bothered to remember, and then came the rooms. Timothy had shown his room, Richard's room, Adrian room and the multiple others As I walked I noticed there was a room with a keep-out sign on it. That must have been the room the bastard Luke was in because I could here his voice from the door "That's my second big brother's room" "Second?" "Yeah Richard is the eldest and he's the second" "And what about that room?" I asked as I pointed to the slightly opened door "That room is off-limits" "Why?" "It's a bit hard to explain. Let's just continue the tour" he said before walking away. As I walked behind him I looked into the room and saw the wheelchair girl as she looking out the window. I had stopped as I was distracted but her beauty. She seemed like a doll or an angel who looked down. I suddenly jumped as she turned her head and stared at me causing me to jump back "Hey Ellie, aren't you coming?" Timothy said "Yeah," I said before I followed him out. He continued the tour outside to one of the many gardens and we passed the basketball court where Terry had crossed Scott making him fall before shooting a three into the net "Wow Terry's really good," Grace said "Well, they're both on the starting line for their high school basketball team." "Really that's so cool," "Yeah, they're supposed to be playing a practice game against the university team in a few weeks," "Really? That sounds so cool. I can't wait to watch that," Grace said "Actually it's a closed practice so it's unlikely that you're gonna be able to watch," "That's too bad," Grace sulked "But I could see if I can talk to the couch and get you guys to come to look," Timothy said "You hear that Ellie!" Grace said excitedly "Yes but I have no intention of taking time out of my schedule to watch some basketball game," "But isn't that what you're doing now?" Timothy chuckled I stopped for a second to come up with an excuse but there was no good one to be found "Hmph, I'm going to the bathroom," I said storming off "Do you know the way?" Timothy asked "I'll be fine" I naively said before walking off. Unfortunately for me, it was soon shown that I was not fine. The entire backyard seemed to be a maze that you would need a map to navigate through. Going through bushes and groups of trees I found myself near the stone path leading up to the front door "I'm exhausted," I sighed no longer even thinking about finding the bathroom. I simply stood a step away from the staircase to catch my breath when suddenly I heard a familiar roar of a motorcycle rapidly getting closer to me. It didn't take long for the red motorcycle to come into view. Seeing that it was coming directly toward me I quickly jumped on the porcelain-tiled step, missing the motorcycle that stopped a few feet from where I was. That crazy bastard had almost hit me! "Asshole!" I said marching over to him I managed to get a good look at him. He was dressed in a hoodie, ripped jeans, and sneakers. He then put down the kickstand of the bike and took off his crimson helmet. After hanging the helmet on one of the motorcycle's handles he turned toward me "I don't know how you got into this place but you're wasting your time," he said running his hands through his red hair "What?" I asked "You marched all the way up here. I'm guessing you have something to tell me. Sorry to waste your time but I'm not the father so you should get lost," he said getting off the motorcycle. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked bewildered "Here. At least you can't say your time was totally wasted by coming here," he said stretching his wallet over to me "I don't want your wallet!" I slapped away his hand "Oh, you're one of those" he sighed annoyed, "Look it was just fun, it didn't mean anything. Honestly, I don't even remember your name" "I love no idea what you're talking about asshole! I'm here because you almost hit me with your bike. TWICE!!" I yelled "Oh," he said putting away his wallet and walking away "Oh? Is that all you have to say?!" I yelled "No, stay off the road," he added stepping on the stairs "Hey! I'm not done talking to you. Get back here!" I yelled chasing after him Though I kept calling out to him he ignored me and simply walked into the kitchen "Hey, Fredrick! You here!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs opening the fridge "Don't ignore me!" I yelled as he took out a carton of milk "Wait you're still following me?" I sighed before putting the carton to head "Are you not going to apologize?" I glared at him "Oh, hush," he said putting the carton on the counter "Fredrick!!" he yelled again "Master Jayden, I am right here. There is no need to yell" the old British man said walking calmly into the kitchen "Yo Fredrick, I need a favor," "Master Jayden," "Yeah?" "Before you ask of anything you must first get a shower. You go change while I draw a bath for you," "Actually Fredrick, you don't need to do that. I'm not planning on staying long," he said "I'm afraid that I was not making a request. You can make your request after you have gotten a shower and gotten something proper to eat," the old man said "Fred-" he wanted to complain but a simply stare from the old man caused him to immediately shut his mouth "Fine, but just don't tell him I was here," Jayden sighed about to walk away "My lips are sealed," the old man said before turning his attention "Lady Eloise, will you also be staying over for supper?" he asked "No thank you, I think I will see myself out of this house before someone actually runs me over," I said glaring at the nonchalant Jayden. Noticing my hateful glare he looked at Jayden before returning to him "Is something the matter? Did Master Jayden offend you in any way?" "I did nothing wrong," he said "YOU ALMOST RAN ME OVER...TWICE!!" I yelled "Is that true, Master Jayden?" "I didn't even see her. Plus she shouldn't have been standing in the road," Jayden said "I was barely off the sidewalk you jackass," I said "Yet you were still on the road," he smirked getting me the snarl at him angrily "Master Jayden," the old man said and with another look, Jayden sighed "Fine, I'm sorry. Next time try to stay on the side," he said before turning and walking away "Apologizes for Master Jayden, he means well at times," the old man said "You don't need to apologize for him," I said still glaring in the direction he went "Well I do hope you reconsider staying over for supper," the old man asks again "No it's okay, my mother is waiting for me at home," I turned him down again. I would rather not eat than eat with the three most hateful people I've met in the town "Well, I will not force you. Do you need a ride home?" "No that's okay. I'm just waiting on my friend to finish playing," I said "I understand. So if you excuse me I will finish setting the table," the old man said walking away Having nothing better to do, I walked out to the front to catch some air. Taking a deep breath before suddenly I noticed someone running up the path. It was the short-haired Asian girl dressed in a crop top and yoga pants. It appeared she was yet another member of this household "Excuse me," she suddenly said "Um...yes,"I said startled "I have a question to ask you. Do you mind answering?" she asked "Um...sure," I said ""Did you happen to come up the hill in Adrian's car

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