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Tats Summer was exactly how I remembered her to be. Her body responding to mine as though we had never been apart. The only difference between then and now was we didn’t fumble around, not knowing what we were actually doing. I had counted her as the one that got away, but now I had another chance to keep her in my life. I had never told Axel about the girl I met at that camp or even how I had fallen for her. I always played the bad boy player and never held a girlfriend for more than a few weeks. Unlike him, who dated girls for months, the last one for a few years even. He was always quick to give his heart away, while I never gave mine to anyone. I didn’t have it to give. It already belonged to the girl I met at camp, the girl I had given up on ever seeing again. Hell, I was sure if I ever did find her, there was no way in hell she would want anything to do with me. But here she was, and damn if she wasn’t sexier than before.  After helping her clean not only herself up, I helped her finish her closing routine since I interpreted it. When we finished, I walked her out to her car. I had planned to simply walk back home, but she paused before climbing all the way in and looked around the parking lot. “Where’s your bike?” I shrugged, “I walked here.” She shook her head. “Get in.” I sighed, but once she was in, I walked around the other side and climbed in as she said. I knew from the tone of voice she used there was no point in arguing with her. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. She didn’t ask where I lived or anything, and I was curious to see if she would eventually. As she pulled out of the parking lot, I was slightly suppressed when she headed in the right direction. Even more, suppressed when she pulled into the right apartment complex. But then she passed the turn where Axel and I parked. Instead, she drove around to the back of the building, parked on the backside, and got out. I followed her into the building and watched as she walked up the steps and walked into one of the apartments. I continued to follow her since she left the door open. She f*****g lived in the same apartment building that Axel and I moved into. She was even on the same damn floor as us, just in the back of the building while we were in the front of the building. Her apartment was smaller than ours, with only one bedroom. But it was just her. As I walked into the apartment, she closed the door behind me, locking it. I watched as she walked past me pulling her shirt over her head, letting it fall to the floor as she disappeared into a doorway on the other side of the room. Shrugging out of my cut, I laid it on the back of a chair that sat next to a small table before hitting the switch on the wall to shut the light off and followed her into the room. As I walked in, she was stepping out of her jeans. Wasting no more time, I removed my shirt, letting it fall to the floor as I kicked my boots off. Reaching out, I stopped her before she could take anything else off herself. I wanted to do the rest, but first, I wanted to explore every inch of her body. I wanted to take my time rather than f**k her again. And just like every other time I had touched her in the past and present, her body responded to mine instantly.  Laying her down, I climbed over her kissing her briefly on the lips before moving down her body. As I moved, I kissed, nipped, sucked, and licked her. God, she tasted so sweet. As I moved I took in every mark on her body. Every scar from her past, every beauty mark, freckle, and even a couple more tattoos she had. One being a small heart that set just above her panty line, on her left side. The other being a pink rose just above her right ankle. Both the heart and the rose wear tiny compared to the moon and stares that she had on her back. Along with the tattoos, she had a couple of scars, one I knew where she had gotten it at. It was on the outside of her left calf, it was light, and you could only see it if you knew where it was. She had gotten it during our summer together. It had been our second week together. I had been chasing her as she had been running away from me laughing and fell into a bush, cutting her leg open on the branches. Then there was a mark on the inside of her right wrist, possibly from burning herself. The only other marks on her body were a few freckles that lined her chest and a few that ran across her cheeks and nose. By the time I made it back to her mouth, I had removed her bra and panties, leaving her naked under me. As our lips connected, she wrapped her legs around me and pushed slightly. Understanding what she wanted, I flipped us over, so she was on top. Just as I had, she moved over my body. I watched as she took her time. As she moved down, her hands moved to the front of my pants. Her fingers worked the button and zipper before pulling them down out of her way. Tossing them to the side, she moved back up my body pausing when she reached my erect p***s. With one hand, she wrapped her fingers around my shaft, moving it up and down slowly a couple of times, producing a small stream of precome. Her eyes flicked up to me as her tongue snaked out, running across the tip of my d**k. The sensation of her tongue on my tip and her hand wrapped around my shaft caused me to moan. A smile pulled at her lips as she repeated the move, only this time she slid her lips around me, pulling me into her mouth as her hand moved down my shaft. Her mouth and hand worked together as she moved up and down, taking me in as far as she could. The head of my d**k hitting the back of her throat over and over until she felt I was on the verge of cumming, then she pulled back, releasing me completely. Starting her path back up the rest of my body gave me time to calm a bit before she made it all the way back to my mouth. My hands moved to her hips, the tip of my d**k lining up with her, but before I could plunge into her, she stopped me. Pulling away for only a second as she reached into a drawer on the table next to the bed. Shifting slightly, she reached down between us and slid a condom down my shaft. We had never used a condom before, not even when we were teenagers. It was stupid of us, I know, and we were really f*****g lucky nothing ever happened because of it. I had always made sure to pull out right before, but that was still playing with fire. With the condom on, she lowered herself down, allowing me to thrust up into her like I had wanted to do. With my hands on her hips and her hands on my chest, we moved together as she lifted off me slightly then lowered back down. I pushed up from underneath, slamming into her, pushing myself deeper inside of her. It wasn’t long before she stilled, and I could feel her core pulsing out her orgasm. Sitting up slightly, I wrapped my arms around her and flipped us over again. Her legs wrapped around my waist instantly. I didn’t wait for her orgasm to finish as I started pounding into her. With the condom on, I didn’t need to pay attention to how close I was. I didn’t need to concentrate on making sure I pulled out in time. It wasn’t like it was the first time I had ever used a condom. I used one with every other girl I had been with. Summer was the only one I had ever not used one with. And if I was honest, I preferred it that way. But she had put one on me so I would use it. Just as her body seemed to start to come down from the last orgasm, I felt her body start to shake as the next rolled through her. Two more quick hard thrusts, and I joined her.
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