Chapter Two: Lethal Beauty

1628 Words
*** Fern's POV *** The ringing in my ears was deafening as cold sweat covered my body. I could feel my heart hammering against my ribcage, the vibrations creeping up my throat, threatening to evacuate the contents of my stomach. Even though I did this every night, I would never get used to it, and to be honest, if I didn't have this adrenaline rush, I probably would have died a long time ago. I wouldn't say I liked the cortisone rush, but at the same time, my body and mind were addicted to it, knowing it was either my victory or death. I also had to keep going for my people. We were the last of our kind. My heart ached, knowing it all fell on me to keep us alive and figure out how to break free from this curse and captivity. I reached up and tucked on the collar that was magically bound around my neck. No one outside of the circus could see it. It kept me hidden from everyone and everything. I was like a ghost. The black full-body leotard I wore was skin-tight and just as suffocating as this f*****g collar. I was a prized possession among my master—his pawn for riches, power, and magic. His plaything. A shudder crept through my body. I could feel his touch on my body and the heat of his breath washing down my spine as his lips grazed my flesh—the only one who could see me in my most vulnerable state. I didn't have a choice in any part of my life. I tugged harder at my collar, wishing someone or something to hear my pleas. Instead, I glanced at the broken mirror to my left, trying to distract my sudden onset of claustrophobia which happened way too often. I hated looking at my reflection. My grey eyes didn't shine with hope, love, or excitement. They were dull and lifeless, just like the dead body that lay mangled by my feet. Blood and c*****e didn't bother me anymore. It had become second nature. In my world, it was kill or be killed. The sweet sick scent of dark magic and cologne invaded my nostrils. I clenched my fists, letting my nails dig into the palms of my hands. "Ahh, there you are, ma petite beaute," Meric's smooth yet chilling voice cooed as he entered the small waiting room. Meric's long jet-black hair hung down his back, glistening in the little light from the small dull lightbulb hanging above me. I quickly averted my eyes. I loathed looking at this man. His hands draped over my shoulders before slowly sliding down my arms. I made sure to stand very still and focus on my breathing. I did not want to anger him. "Now, now, my sweet lethal beauty. Is that any way to treat a friend?" Meric purred with a hint of anger and sick amusement. "I'm sorry," I choked out. After all these years, you would think the tears would know better than to try and sneak out in times like this. But a part of me was still weak. I wasn't numb enough yet. Would I ever become numb enough? "Don't cry. Crying doesn't help anything. It won't make anything better or change your circumstances. Shove it down deeper and act like nothing phases you," I repeatedly chanted. "Look at me when I am talking to you!" Meric snapped. He quickly spun me around, grabbing my jaw tightly with his large calloused hand. I couldn't help but cringe in fear. I knew with one look his magic would set off my collar, causing excruciating pain until I submitted to him. "Fern, where are your manners?" Meric asked. His voice was softer but had a hint of mockery. "My apologies, Meric," I replied as sincerely as possible. His storm-cloud grey eyes pierced my soul. I felt naked around this man. He has exposed me in so many ways for his pure enjoyment, and no matter how much I wore or how far away I could get away from him, I would always feel on display for those hungry, lustful eyes. He took his free hand and brushed my bangs out of my face. c*****g his head to the side, he gazed at my scarred face debating on what to do next. "It is such a shame I had to cut your hair. I love the soft unique pink color of it. Your species fascinates me, but not as much as you fascinate me. But the less people have to look at, the fewer people I have to kill to keep them from gazing upon your beauty or, worse, taking you from me, and we can't have that now, can we?" Meric's sickeningly handsome face twisted into a smirk. As handsome as he was, deep down, he was ugly on the outside as he was on the inside. Meric was a top-ranked warlock in the dark magical community; his true form was terrifying—a vision of nightmares. "UP NEXT, WE HAVE OUR UNDEFEATED CHAMPION! JUPITER!" The announcer's voice cut through the tension in the small room, giving me a sense of relief. However, I would rather take my chances being slaughtered than spend another minute with Meric. The fighting ring was waiting for me, and so were the eyes of those who were masked, hoping to win on their champion or me. It all depended on who they placed their money on. Carnage was the name of the illegal underground fighting ring for shapeshifters. Some came willingly; some came because they owed debts; some came because they had no choice. Either way, they were going to die. So it was better to go out with some honor. If you could even call it an honor. The worst part was I was their executioner. No, I was their murderer. I have lost count of how many times people have gone into a rage or panic, begging for their lives because all they wanted was their freedom, and I had to put my life and my selfish needs ahead of theirs. I don't think I will ever forget their cries for mercy or the sound of their flesh and bones being obliterated by my hands. "Your up," Meric stated, pulling me from my thoughts. In the distant back of my mind, I could hear my last victim screaming just before I tore her throat out. Meric handed me my chipped bear mask. It is made of Carbonados. It had a large black mane on it that covered my back. I went to take it from him to place it on my head, but he quickly pulled it away and kissed my lips like he always did for good luck. His lips were cold and smooth, offering no compassion or love. I swallowed the vomit that threatened to expel from my stomach. "Les tuer pour moi, ma beaute," Meric whispered before slipping my mask on. Kill them for me, my beauty. Those words were whispered to me before every fight. I didn't want to kill, and I was far from beautiful. I stepped into the large ring with the bright light blinding out everything surrounding it. Cheers could be heard as they saw me, Jupiter, step out to make thousands for those who were smart enough to bet on me. My body began to tremble, and the adrenaline rush quickly flooded my body again. A young girl stumbled out, blinded by the bright lights looking confused and terrified. Her hair was cut short like mine, and she wore a tunic. She was frail and muddy; her face was stained with tears. My stomach sank, knowing she was a nobody, a rogue as the werewolf community called them, and she wouldn't be missed. "Please, I don't want to do this!" she cried. Her begging would fall on deaf ears. I walked towards her, showing what looked to be confidence and arrogance. "No one will help you or listen. Only one of us can leave here alive. I apologize, but I have too much to lose. This isn't personal. I will try and be quick," I murmured. I watched as what little color she had in her face disappeared completely as I shifted into Jupiter's form. A black bear covered in scars and a golden-like ring around her neck. My neck. The golden ring was never there before I was captured. It showed up after Meric collared me and made me his precious pet. "FIGHT OR YOU WILL BE GUTTED SLOWLY, ROGUE!" echoed the announcer's venomous voice. Realizing she had no other option, she wiped the tears from her face, nodded toward me, and shifted into a dusty white wolf who seemed more determined than she did. The wolf spirits in the werewolves loved their humans and would protect them with their lives. Their strength was impressive, and so was their integrity. I envied how they had a companion to keep them company in their minds. I watched her wolf take her stance, digging her large claws into the dirt beneath our feet, bearing her impressive canines at me. Those green eyes looked into mine and seemed to understand that this was not something either of us wanted to do, but she would go down fighting for her human. The Moon Goddess would reward her in the next life. I took a deep breath before letting out a roar that shook the room around us, silencing the sick onlookers. I got into a defensive position letting this wolf make the first attack to at least give these fuckers and Meric a show. "Please forgive me," I whispered to her in my mind.
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