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-Ok, so… mom called- Gus announced while they rested on her bed, naked- I´m supposed to be heading home this weekend to have a post-birthday celebration and she´d made it very clear that she wants to meet you. So, I promised to bring you with me. Ally froze, blushing – W-What? Oh my god, no! – she cried burying her face into his chest. She was still so not ready to meet the parents. -She won´t take a No for an answer, princess – Gus calmly explained while running his fingers down her back- And I think it´s time for you to meet them. They´ll love you! You´ll see. Ally took a deep breath to steady herself a little, her heart racing a thousand miles per hour -What if they hate me? – she muttered He laughed loudly, making her blush even more -Nonsense! Princess, they´re gonna be ecstatic. Don´t worry about that. And with that he stood up and locked himself in the bathroom, leaving her slumped on the bed, her head a crazy mess of hasty thoughts. Friday rolled by way too quickly and Jo dropped her at his place after picking her up from work, with a small suitcase and a bag of cookies clutched in her sweaty hand. Gus had already packed his truck and Ziggy was now up in the passenger seat wiggling her tail happily. He smiled at them as they got off Jo´s van. -Have a safe trip, you two- Jo said while kissing them both goodbye. She waved at them, smiling as Gus pulled out to the road. They drove along an almost empty highway, Gus singing happily to the Eagles while drumming his fingers on the wheel. She rested her head on his shoulder listening to the vibration of his deep voice, running her right hand through Ziggy´s fur as she slept beside her. She didn´t know when or how but she ended dozing off. Gus´s lips woke her up with a soft kiss. Her eyes fluttered open and she found him smiling into her face, the truck motionless, and Ziggy happily licking her cheek. -We´re here, princess! C´mon- He laughed She perked up quickly, panicking, adrenaline rushing through her veins, composing herself rapidly of her groggy state. She jumped to reach for the truck´s visor mirror and checked herself out, making sure she looked decent enough. Gus´s amused look, trailing her body. -You look perfect, Ally- he chuckled- now hop off She climbed off, grabbing the cookie bag and taking his arm. Ziggy jumped out, following them and they walked up to the entrance of a big white house. The door swung open before they could reach it, revealing his mom and Ally froze in awe. She was gorgeous, even if Ally could tell she was around her late sixties, she still kept a tall slim figure and high cheek bones that made her look stunning, her auburn hair waving around her head, perfectly styled. The smile on her face resembled Gus´s, just as bright and infectious as his. She rushed to them, pulling them both into a deep long hug. -Ok, Ally- Gus grunted, trapped between her arms- this is my mom Caitlyn… Mom, this is Ally, my girlfriend. -I´m so happy you´re finally here! – she cheered- It´s so good to finally meet you, Ally – she smiled, kissing her cheek She turned to look at Gus patting his arm- Pictures don´t do her justice, Gus… she´s beautiful! Ally blushed, her brain finally catching up and handed her the cookie bag- Nice to meet you too ma´am, here… I brought you a little something. -Oh hun, thank you so much! - she said, taking it- Now come in, please. Meet Gerard, my husband. She moved aside and Ally found his father standing at the door frame. He looked much older than his mom. His abundant hair had almost gone all white and he seemed more reserved than his mother too. A big white mustache adorning his face. Ally greeted him politely- Good evening Mr. Green, a pleasure to meet you. -Pleasure is mine, Ally- he kindly replied, shaking her hand firmly- Welcome, please come in. They sat at the kitchen table for hours chatting and catching up, Ziggy resting by Gus´s feet. His mom was just as hilarious as him and she stuffed them with so much food Ally thought she would explode. -Happy birthday darling! – she eventually announced, producing a big chocolate cake from the fridge and lighting up a candle on it. The three of them sang happy birthday to him as he smiled widely and after that he took a moment, closing his eyes, before blowing the candle out. His mom took a few photos of them, making them hug and kiss each other. When she was finally satisfied, she made them sit and they all had some cake and tea. After they were done, Ally hurried herself up and started taking the dishes to the sink to wash them. -Oh no, no hun, you´re our guest… you don´t have to do that! - his mom squeaked, swiftly trying to stop her and take the plates out of her hands. -It is no trouble at all ma´am- Ally replied dodging her and starting the water- It´s the least I can do after eating all your delicious food. She resigned after a moment, chuckling- You´ve got a good one here, Gus… keep her. -That´s the idea mom- Ally heard him say and she felt glad she was turning away from them and they couldn´t see her beet-red face. She stood there, calming herself down while washing the dishes, spacing out as they continued with their chatter. She was finishing with the cutlery when she heard Gus stand up and his mom ask out loud –Are you going out tonight baby? -Yeah mom- he said, walking up to the sink, hugging her from behind and kissing the back of her neck- It´s been a while since I saw the guys and I want to introduce them to Ally. -Ok, just be safe you two- she answered, getting up and kissing him on the cheek- I´ll have your room ready for when you get back. It´s getting late anyway for your father and I, so we´re going to bed now. Have fun! -Thanks for having me- Ally said, turning the water off and spinning to look at her smiling. -Oh hun, it is our pleasure- his mom answered, running her finger down her cheek. They stood there watching both of his parents exit the kitchen and quietly go to their room. Ally´s eyes darting to Gus´s amused look. -Ok princess- he leaned to kiss her- now that you´ve met my little family, it´s time for you to meet the rest of the squad.
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