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-CLEIN'S POV- My hired 'bodyguard' escorted me immediately from the infirmary to the brick residence. We were traveling through a lengthy corridor when I observed a bunch of men and female scamps staring at me with scorn, which I repaid with a side sneer. With nothing but a lab coat covering my body, I strolled past them in silence. Regardless of my wobbly gait, I raised my head, so I could indicate my position of authority. Anyway, I knew they were half-interested in why one of the preys in the rogue hunt had survived, and I rumbled to myself, 'Well, luck is always on my side, dumbass!' Also, it's not easy to bring me down.' I smirked even more smugly while flashing them an indignant glance. To be honest, I couldn't understand why they were staring at me as if they wanted to skin me alive. 'As if it's my choice to be here, for God's sake! Just wait till my wounds have healed completely, and I'll look for a way out of here!' I grumbled in my head while clenching my jaw because I couldn't help but be angry at my current circumstances. If I hadn't been abducted, I would have been in Raven Stone by now. How desperately I want to see Ty and Chip. To check in on my best friend, who recently discovered that her mate is still alive. I couldn't wait to see how her sad face would brighten up like it used to. I couldn't wait to watch how her sad face lighted up as it did to before the Arc Bridge collapsed. Geez! She was entitled to happiness. To reconcile with her Alpha and ultimately have their happily ever after with Tyler. Maybe when that time arrives, I'll be able to finally forgive myself. Or not... Smiling cruelly, my teeth ground as an important thought almost skipped my mind. No. No, not yet! I still have a task to complete. To track out the wicked monster who was the source of all our suffering. I would start searching for him after seeing Raven Stone. To make him regret interfering with our lives. That cretin. Is he under the impression that he can simply get away with his crime? He certainly should be- "Go inside." My musings were cut short when my bodyguard, whom I would never forget for attempting to exterminate me earlier that day, commanded me. He unlocked a room door on the second level of the brick home in the farthest part of the hallway. I came to a complete stop right away. "You're giving me a room?" I mumbled, frowning. What exactly is this? I assumed he was going to take me to a cell to detain me. The rogue's face distorted. "Are you deaf? As I already stated, I will transport you to your room as instructed by Boss Sun. Don't inquire too much and go in!" He snarled at me, remorseful. I snickered but refused to snarl back, instead doing what he'd asked, since I was too exhausted to dispute with the mongrel. I proceeded slowly inside the awaiting chamber, heaving a long sigh. "Please stay here and recuperate. Someone is going to bring you something to eat later. Also, don't even think about leaving Mad Wolf. You're wasting your time," my guard stated emphatically before shutting the door in my face and locking it from the outside. As I heard his footsteps stride away, I rolled my eyes. Don't try to flee, eh? How am I supposed to do that if he has me locked up inside? "Brainless i***t," I whispered, shifting my gaze to the four corners of the room. My brows furrowed as I found it welcoming and pleasant. Cream paint was used on the walls and ceiling. Huge artworks hung here and there. A bookshelf was in the right corner, a couch and a large Plasma TV were on the left, and assistance tables and lamps were close to the poster bed that was so appealing to my screaming, restless body. I walked over to my bed and yawned. "It is not bad to have a little rest, right Ninja?" When I asked my wolf, she whimpered. The run and the hunting f*****g had depleted our vitality, so it's no surprise she accepted so quickly. Weary, I threw my entire worn out physique down on the mattress, and I fell into a deep sleep. A confrontation occurred at that time in the Mad Wolf forest areas. "You dared to kidnap and laid your filthy hands on my Moon?" Sun interrogated one of his subordinates who was suspected of being Charlie Moon's daughter's abductor in a cold and emotionless tone. While he waited for an answer, he held a rifle in his hands. Mr. Blister and Torch Gunnar accompanied him. Both appeared incredibly nervous, opposite the person being questioned, and finally spoke with an irking smirk. "Aren't you thrilled with my present, Boss? It's been three years since the sun and moon first interacted." Sun looked at him with the same unreadable expression on his face. "Who ordered you to kill her?" "Kill? Who is to be killed?" The underling's eyes widened and his sneer froze. "It's not time yet for one of the Moons to disappear." Sun's patience quickly wore thin. "Someone ordered you to assassinate my w***e, pest. "Who ordered you to do it?" he grumbled. Mr. Blister and Torch were alarmed, since it was unusual for the rogues' leader to lose his calm. However, the rogue in question appeared unaffected, as he grinned widely and spoke in riddles, "There is only one sun, yet there are two moons." The first will bring light, while the second will bring pandemonium." Sun's jaw tensed, and his eyes began to change colors. His finger grabbed for the trigger of this firearm, eager to murder the creature in front of him. But he was cut off by a loud shriek. Sun's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Take this lunatic away and lock him up!" I'll take care of him later!" Mr. Blister quickly moved and took their underling away, while Torch stood with his eldest brother and hurried to the source of the screaming. Not far away, they discovered a seventeen-year-old girl in a princess-style gown slumped on the ground-hugging herself, wailing like a child. "Jean?" The third Gunnar sank to his knees and wrapped his younger sister in his arms. "What exactly are you doing here, Jean?" "Where has your attendant gone?" Sun sighed deeply and slung the rifle strap over his torso. "I'll accompany her to her room." Go get her a new one." Torch nodded and rose to his feet. He picked up Jean and handed her to their eldest. "Jean, are you alright?" Sun's voice was solemn and concerned. "Don't be upset, princess; I'm here." "Big Brother is here." Jean stopped crying and looked at him through tearful eyes. "G-gun. I saw a gun. T-those demons murdered mom with a g-gun, and you have one as well. Brother Sun, are you a monster like them?" Sun was startled, but after a few seconds, his face became dispassionate, and he answered, "Monster? I'm even worse, princess."
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