Zonish's POV- Sandra

1084 Words

"Long time no see Zonish" The voice startled my already startled self. " Sandra? " She was as unexpected as the rain in the middle of the desert. But boy, was I pleased to see the girl right at that moment. I leaped on her and flipped her over in my tight embrace. " Let me go. Let me go. You are chocking me girl. I know. I know I missed you too. " She was my best friend. My partner in crime. The one you go to when you don't feel sober. " So how did you know I was here? What are you doing in this town? " I asked wondering if it was some divine connection and laughing at the pun in my own thought. She was the craziest Devil I had ever been across. What was more intimidating about her was that she could control her transformation to some extend. Which I felt was exceptionally

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