Sandra's POV..........

1099 Words

My vision was slowly clearing. So was my hearing. Where was I? I had never felt anything like this before. Not only my vision or hearing, but my entire body was shaking. " Sandra come on girl. Sandra. We need to get out. " It was Zonish struggling with her weight under me. It was Zonish alright but her smell had changed. Or was it my nose? Was I having difficulty smelling as well? Then I heard it. A howl that transcended beyound anything living. It was like the breath of a ghost mixed with the belllw of an animal. My feets scrambled. I moved backwards, involuntarily, pulling Zonish along. " Sandra! Sandra you are awake. Let's get out... " Before Zonish could utter another word, she was dragged and slammed on the glass before us. BANG. "Ahhhhh! " Zonish yelled. BANG.

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