Not to be told

1065 Words

A loud craking of bones made Zonish turn Fazi's way. He was bent at an odd angle, trying clumsily getting away from his bondange. " I will help you Fazi. Relax don't worry. " Zonish tried calming him down but he turned at her like an animal who was scared. " Fazi! " Zonish murmured sensing he wasn't himself. Fazi cracked his neck and wrist, throwing the hand tie and blinds away. His entire body seemed like it was on smoke. Black, dark and ferocious. He climbed towards them slowly on all fours. He leaped towards Zonish sniffing her here and there. But soon lost interest and went straight to Gizem. Who was unusually frozen in fear when Fazi went towards her. " You... You... " Gizem was shivering head to toe. Zonish thought she saw a sly smirk spread across Fazi's heavily darkened lip

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