The morning after

1063 Words

The next morning Zonish didn't feel like getting up. " Aren't you going to go to school? " Luna asked, still standing at her door because Zonish was not responding after knocking. Zonish did not look up. She wriggled her head over her pillow, implying that she was unwilling. Luna watched her for a second, then asked. " Is it alright if I come in. " Zonish shook her head again. This implied that she was willing. Luna came inside and sat beside her. " Tell me what's bothering you? I could hear Fazi and you last night. Are you bothered because of that? " Zonish opened her eyes. Sat up. Then nodded her head. " Do you want to share with me? " Zonish shook her head but leaped forward to hug her. Luna was taken a back. " You know it's ok for couples to fight now and then.

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