Zonish's POV

1027 Words

" Did he just kiss me! " My mind was swooning over the aftertaste of his tongue. Though I should have been more worried about his stare. The unnatural look in his eye. The sudden reappearance of the markings in his eye. But I was still feeling dizzy. It was a strange kind of dizziness. It was as if I had been awake all night but yet so energized that I did want to gonto bed. " Zonish. " " Zonish. Zonish. " It were the boys. Their voice brought me back on my reality. Back on the ground. " Why are you smiling? " Bass aksed me confused. " Was I? " But I ignored his question and asked. " What are you guys doing here? " " We came to visit Fazi. You saiid he was very sick. " Sofi answered. " Now, how is he? " Philli asked. " Ummm, not very good to be honest. I don't know.

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