Faiza's POV ( continued)

1004 Words

"Don't come near me! " I yelled. Tumbling over the various books and papers scattered around the fake study which was actually a gateway to his devil's alter. " Faiza. Faiza stop! I can explain. " He was slowly coming my way. His hands, body and face, stained with the woman's blood. His naked self looked nothing less horrifying than a cannibal who was after it's kill. " STAY BACK.! Don't you dare take my name with your filthy mouth. Stay back. " I picked a hardcovered book up and desperately kept waving it around at him like a maniac. He kept his pace. Unbothered. " Faiza. Let me explain. " He still had the guts yto speak. " EXPLAIN? Explain what you freak? I thought I had caught you cheating. But... But... That would have been so much better. " No matter now hard I tried

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