Emotional love story2

362 Words
But when he was caught, Mithila's brother took the phone SIM card and after a few days he hid the SIM from Mithila and sent an SMS to Fahim saying that ... Please wait for another two or three days. I am under a lot of pressure, I will talk about buying a new SIM. If you see brother, there will be more problems. Bye bye. Speaking of which, both of them cried .... because even if Fahim wanted, he would not be able to call Mithila anymore. How much will it be and when, after a few days like this .......... Suddenly one day a call came to me from the color number Boy --- hello Girl --- Hello, hello baby how are you? I missed you so much. Boy --- how can I be better without you, have you got a new number ?? Girl --- No, he took both my mobile and SIM so I called from a friend's phone. Boy --- Oh well, I was able to talk to you till the end. Girl --- Yes, then you see, your friends are in danger ... Boy --- Hmm. . I love you so much, I can't help but talk to you, Girl --- I don't either, I'll talk like this until I get a call from now on .. Boy --- but that boy friend, Girl --- 6 again Boy --- hey dad why are you angry? I love you Girl --- I love you too, I miss you .. Boy --- Miss you two In fact, one's place belongs to him, friend's place to friend and love man's place to love man. Everything is important for survival. But what we do is boyfriends ask boyfriends from our girlfriends friendlist and girlfriends boyfriends to unfriend all girlfriends from friendlist. But one thing you will notice is that our friends come and stand by our side in every danger. So love is not with so much restriction. The one who stays by the side of love will stay by the side of love and the one who leaves will leave by itself, he cannot be stopped by force .....
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