Chapter 1: The Car Pile Up

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Lying on my bed and reading reading a romance novel about a billionaire who is perfect and saves the damsel in distress. My parents have always taught that hard-work is always better than having everting thing done for you. It means more to earn it for yourself. My phone rings, and I get this horrible feeling in my stomach. I answer the phone. “Miss Daisy White” “Yes speaking.” “This is highway patrol I have some bad news for you. I hate to give this news over the phone, but I need your to come down to the morgue there was an accident and we believe that both your parents have not made it.” I call for a taxi, and head to the morgue praying that this is some horrible mistake. However, I just feel like this is real. It feels like I am all alone now. I get to the hospital and the highway patrol man who called is waiting for me at the front desk. He walks with me down the morgue. In front of the doors to morgue I take a deep breath. He opens the door for me and walk in the medical examiner warns me that I am going to see my be difficult to look at. However, I take my time to give my answer because lying on the cold hard steel tables are my parents. The only way I recognized them is matching tattoos on there biceps. I am too numb to cry so I robotically sign the papers stating that I identified my parents. Then walk to the elevator. Once inside I let myself fall apart. One Month Later… My parents life insurance was more than enough to cover everything that my scholarship did not. The funeral was simple and elegant just the way Mom planned it in preparation. Then afterwards the meal was tacos and mom had planned for a DJ to play so it turned into a big celebration, because Mom and Dad always said when you go to heaven it’s time to celebrate. Four Years Later… My parents hard work paid off for them and for me. So I have been able to work hard on my studies, and save the money from my job as a bartender over the last four years. My two best friends are my only family now, and so we are getting ready to graduate from college this year. Khloe and Bella Mae transferred to be near me. I really would not have been able to work hard like this if it was not for my friends supporting and caring for my wellbeing. They made sure that not only did I work, but I had fun, we went shopping together, went to movies, the beach, bowling, escape rooms, and road trips for spring break. Normally, I love the ideas of fun my friends come up with and talk me into. Tonight however Khloe and Bella Mae have talked me into getting all dressed up to go out to a club. This really isn’t our scene so we are going shopping for club appropriate outfits. Khloe and Bella drag me onto a dress and there are dresses all over the place. I do not mind dresses but they are not my favorite to shop for because it makes me miss my mom who would be there telling how much she loved watching me have fun and get all dressed up with my friends. So Khloe with her red and green eyes picks out a little black dress that hugs her curves and makes her legs look even longer than they really are. Bella Mae picks out a navy blue sundress and comes just below her knees, and I find a red dress that goes great with my skin, hugs my muscled curves and has a sweet heart neck line. The color brings out my eyes and I can show off my hair. Maybe dancing in at club will not be so bad. I am on the dance team for school, and I love to dance but not like this. This is different, and I am a little scared, but I know with my friends they will be with at the club and things will be just fine and I might even have fun. So we pay for our dresses and go to get ready for the club. At The Club… We have so much fun at the the club. We grab a table and eat dinner there at the club before the DJ really gets the music playing and the dancing gets started. We end up dancing the night away and as always just order bottled water per the safety advise or our families when we were getting ready to go to college four years ago. The DJ plays a little bit of everything and dancing tonight is just what I needed. My friends helped me to remember to celebrate even though the car pile was four years ago, and normally I avoid the day. Now, we are heading back to our place and crashing since it’s three in the morning. As we are walking from the parking garage to our apartment we here a wolf howl. We usually don’t here the animals this close to our apartment building, but we know out by Bella Mae’s family farm there is a pack of wolves from the tracks we have seen. So we quickly get inside to be safe. The next day is my day off from work. Then classes start the next day. So we all try to get to bed. I can not sleep. I grab my journal and I start to write. Dear journal, I miss my parents so much. I hope that they would be proud of me and all of my hard work. I wonder if I will ever have a relationship like my parents were they worked together and accomplish all of there goals through hard work and love. I still have not met my soulmate. Mom always said that once you find there is this feeling of home and security that settles in you. After that you just never want to be apart. I am glad that mom and dad went together. I just miss them so much. We talked about everything and anything. From trying drugs, and alcohol to the time that I felt scared at a party. I messaged SOS to mom and both of them were there to get me no questions. We even stopped for ice cream on the way home. I want tell my parents about the club tonight, my classes. I choose to be a teacher after all, and how the dance team is doing. I want to ask my dad about questions with my car and if it’s time to buy a new one or start looking for a new used car or if I should repair the engine or maybe by a truck. Well I am falling asleep journal so I will write more later. Good night.

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