Chapter 3 - The Art of Seduction

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I headed to the table where my two friends are, and the look on their faces is hilarious. I sat on the chair with my face still blushing, and my friends' mouths are still hanging.   " Is that who we thought he is? Is that 'The Luke Davies?' And he brought you in and flirted with you?!" Natasha blurted out. I lifted my shoulder and grinned.   " I would like to think that God is on my side, guys. Who would have thought I would bump into him and strike a conversation. This assignment is in the bag, girls. I will lure him into me and dive for the kill." I whispered to them.   " Before this week ended, I will have Luke Davies eating in the palm of my hand. He will give me that interview, and I will get that Assistant post this year." I declared with conviction.   " How sure are you that it would be the case? What if it's the other way around?" Becky asked.   " What if he asked something in return? Would you be willing to compromise?" Natasha added.   " Well, if it's beneficial to both of us, why not?" I answered honestly. Before they could ask me another question, a waiter came to our table and brought a bottle of white wine.   " It's on the house, Miss. Chef Davies would like to welcome you to his restaurant. Can I get your order now, or should I come back later?" The waiter said, and we all looked at each other. I raised my brows to the two girls in front of me, telling them 'I told you so' with my eyes.   " Please tell Mr. Davies, thank you, and can you give us a few minutes to think for our orders?" I told the waiter, and he nodded before he walked away.   " Wow! That was fast! Do you think he would ask for your number? Are you telling him who you are?" Becky was impressed with the turn of events.   Luke Davies is definitely interested. If not, he wouldn't bother giving me another glance, let alone give us a whole bottle of expensive wine.   I know his kind, and I read a lot about him. He is a womanizer, and he was never without a woman by his side. If I play my cards right, I will have that article in no time.   " I will tell him who I am, but I'd rather keep the interview or article thing to myself. It won't hurt if I play a little. I'll cross the bridge when I get there. For now, let's play hard to get." I told the girls and smirked.   They looked at me like I suddenly grow two heads. They both shook their heads and gave me a pointed look.   " Make sure you won't burn yourself with the game you're planning to play, babe. We wouldn't want to see you get hurt, alright? I suggest you be honest with him before you start any romantic pursi=uits." Natasha touched my hand and looked at me in concern.   " Nat, you know me, I don't fall too quickly. I will have a little fun and then move on. I am sure he thinks and feels the same. One night fling is not a crime around here. I mean, everybody does that. So if I ever land on his bed, I'll make sure I'll get something in return." I assured them and winked.   After giving our orders, the girls and I ate in silence and enjoyed the excellent wine. When we are ready to pay for our food and asked for the tab, the waiter told us it's all taken care of by Luke. Why am I not surprised?.   Just as the waiter left, Luke came out from the kitchen and approached our table. The girls panicked a little when they saw him walking towards us.   Any woman would panic and get excited if 'The Luke Davies' gives even a slight glance in their way. The people around us followed his every move.   I waited patiently and plastered a smile on my face. This guy is a walking dildo, I tell you. I feel hot and bothered just by looking at him.   He is the typical tall, dark, and handsome man. With eyes piercing blue eyes trained solely at me, I felt like melting on in my seat.   " Hey girls, how was the food? I hope you all enjoyed it." He asked, smiling, glancing at my two flustered friends, and stared back at me.   " It was superb, thank you. You didn't have to pay for that, though. The wine was enough, and please let us pay you?" I told him, feeling embarrassed.   " Please, a small thing. I'm happy you liked my cooking. I cooked that for you girls." He said and sat on an empty chair facing me.   Nat and Becky are still tongue-tied and have been staring at us the whole time in a trance.   " So, Stacy Morgan. Will it be okay to ask for your number and ask you for dinner sometime?" Yep, he went for the kill.   " Are you sure it's okay with your girlfriend?" I asked with raised brows.   " Fishing for information, are we? The answer is no. I don't have a girlfriend. The tabloids love to make up stories about me. That is why I don't read those, and I hate journalists. They are like vultures, prying on people's private lives and make a living out of it." He lashed out. Nat and Becky faked a cough and looked at me in horror.   I was surprised by his outburst and felt guilty. I faked it with a smile and reached for my wine to take a sip.   " Well then, maybe it's not wise for you to get my number then, since I work for the Metro Magazine as a journalist," I told him with a forced smile.   " s**t! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm not saying you're one of them. God, I f****d up, did I? Should we start over?" He stammered and scratched his nape.   " Hey, we're cool. I was only joking. Here give me your phone. I'll encode my number." I asked for his phone, which he handed me right away, and I dialed my number.   I then listed my number under Stacy Morgan and handed back his phone to him.   " Again, thank you for the wine and lunch. We have to head back to the office, or the boss will have our heads. It is a pleasure meeting you in person, rather than watching you on TV every night. The screen doesn't do you justice." I flirted a little with him and stood up.   He assisted me when I stood up and faced my friends. These two crazy, normally chatty girls were rendered speechless in front of Luke.   " Girls, pleasure meeting you, and I hope you come again some other days." Luke faced them and gave his megawatt smile. The two nodded their heads in sync like robots.   I secretly grinned and shook my head at them. Their eyes never left Luke's face even when we hed out of the restaurant. Luke went with us outside until we reached the car.   " Thank you again, Luke. The food was great. You are great." I smiled up at him since he's few inches taller than me. I leaned on the car door, and he placed one arm on the hood, encasing me.   I can smell his masculine smell and my mouth watered. He tucked a stray hair in my ear and held my face lightly.   " The pleasure is all mine, babe. I'll give you a ring later if that's okay?" He whispered huskily. Enthralled with the attention he is giving me. All I did was nod and stare at his deep blue eyes.   What he did next surprised not only me but everyone who's looking our way, including my two crazy best friends. He kissed me! On the cheeks, but still, a kiss from Luke is like a kiss from God!
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