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Once I was in my bedroom I flopped down onto the bed, the Omegas would be upset if they saw me wrinkling the freshly-made bed, but I didn’t care; most of them were horrid anyway. “Why don’t you go and take a hot bath. It seems you need it.” That stupid voice was really starting to get on my nerves. Why today, of all days, did I have to have a mental breakdown and start hearing voices? It didn’t even sound like my voice! But, as much as I wanted to deny it, it had a point, I needed to de-stress before dinner, otherwise I would have to answer questions from my parents that I’d rather not address at this current time.    I was a sucker for scolding hot baths, with loads of bath salts. My skin was always bright red when I was done and looked like I’d spent too long in the sun. Mum always warned that I was going to give myself third degree burns, but she was yet to be proven right. I got undressed and threw my uniform in the bin; feeling relief that I would never have to wear it again; my body wasn’t made to be covered by baggy jumpers and horrendous navy pants. Honestly, I preferred clothes that hugged my hourglass figure and made me feel like a goddess. Yellow had to be my favourite colour; it was the only one that truly complemented my white-blonde hair and aqua eyes.    I quickly rushed to get the bath taps turned off before it overflowed, “Daydreaming, again? That’s like twice in one day, Freya. You need help”, the voice giggled. “Ugh, shut up already would you?”, I mumbled back. The hot water immediately relaxed my muscles once I was in; the voice may be annoying but it was right, I really did need this. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, letting the water do its job. “So, I think we need to talk about what you’re going to do about Alexander?”   “I’m not going to do anything about Alexander, he’s an a-grade asshole”, I thought back, refusing to focus on how he made me feel. “You can’t ignore this forever, Freya. You need him and vice versa.”   I started to hum, drowning out my thoughts and focussing only on trying to relax. I wondered if there was someone I could talk to about the voice in my head, but I didn’t want anyone thinking I had lost my marbles. Maybe Amanda would know? She’s probably my closest friend, and since our parents were both in leadership, we would hang out while they were working. I reluctantly pulled myself from the bath and got dried before doing my hair and makeup. I promptly threw on the graduation dress my mother had bought for me and grabbed my cap and gown off the hanger in my closet; I didn’t have long to talk to Amanda if I wanted to make it to the graduation ceremony on time.   I found her in the downstairs movie theatre with her tongue shoved in some guys mouth. “Hey Amanda, I need to ask you- Oh!”, I averted my eyes quickly, not wanting to see anything more. Amanda may have been quiet but she wasn’t shy when it came to hooking up with guy after guy. Most of the time she convinced them that she would know if they were her true mate, only after they f****d like rabbits. “Hey Freya”, she giggled. There were a few scuffling sounds and then the zip of someone’s pants. “It’s alright, you can look now.” I turned as she ushered her new conquest out of the room, “Is everything alright Freya? You look worried.”   “I just came to ask you something before I have to leave for graduation. It’s kind of, personal.” She raised an eyebrow, “Personal how?” Of course, she would think I was talking about something s****l, typical Amanda. “Personal like, I think I’m going crazy. I keep hearing this voice in my head and it won’t go away.” She smiled and then began to laugh hysterically, “What’s so funny?”, I asked, starting to get frustrated with her.   “You’re not going crazy, silly. You’re seventeen and, in a year, you’ll probably turn for the first time. It’s your wolf talking to you”, she said, still laughing at me. It hadn’t even crossed my mind that it could be my wolf. Honestly, I hated that I was a werewolf and wished I could’ve been born as a normal human. There were so many stories about how excruciatingly painful it is to shift for the first time and I dreaded the day that it would happen to me. “Do you really think it’s my wolf? Isn’t it a bit soon for me to hear her?”   “It’s different for everyone, Freya. I didn’t hear mine until just before I shifted for the first time, but I know other people who heard theirs for over a year before they shifted. Just be happy you have time to get to know her before you shift, and that she’ll be there to help you through the pain.” She walked up and gave me a hug before leaving the room, probably to hunt down her next victim. I checked the time on my phone and cussed, “s**t; I’m going to be late.”   I virtually ran out the door, hoping if I went fast enough, I would get to the school hall on time. I nearly went head first into a hard chest that I wasn’t expecting to be standing there; his hands grasped my arms and stopped me from tumbling backwards. I looked up and straight into the eyes of Alexander. “W-what are you doing here?”, I whispered, unable to make the words any louder. “I’m here to take you to graduation. I got there early and noticed you weren’t, so I figured I’d come and pick you up. Is that a problem?”   Yes, it was a problem. It was a problem that he was so dang mouth-watering and that I couldn’t control my thoughts or actions while I was around him; that he made me question every single hateful thought I’d ever had about him. So, I answered with the only thing I could, “No.” I slapped my hand over my mouth, completely shocked by its betrayal. His answering chuckle vibrated through his hands and penetrated me all the way to my bones, rattling me like a maraca. “Well, let’s get going then, we don’t want to be late”, he smiled and ran his hand down to my hand, snaking his fingers through mine; tonight was going to be interesting to say the least.   We sat in silence the whole ride there, the tension inside the car was overwhelming, his scent seeped through me like a drug, stealing away all my better judgement and leaving me flustered. When he pulled into the car park in front of the school, I refrained from diving out of the car, figuring that it wouldn’t look good if I walked into graduation, battered and bruised. He parked, then turned to me and said, “Wait here a second, please”, before getting out of the car. A few seconds later he was at my door, opening it for me and holding his hand out for me to take, like a true gentleman; the gesture taking my breath away.   “Go on, take his hand. He’s so dreamy, I just want to grab him and-.” Oh, to hell with it. I took his hand quickly, and stood from the car, straightening my dress. “You look absolutely stunning tonight, Freya.” His eyes held emotion that I had never seen before, almost like he truly meant what he said. As much as I didn’t want them to affect me, his words made me self-conscious and I looked down at the ground, “Thanks.” His fingers came to my chin and lifted my face so that our eyes met, “Really, Freya. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.” I was sure that I was blushing, by the warmth that spread through my face and down my neck. Alex smiled and leant down so our faces were on the same level, his breath intoxicating me even more, I was putty in his hands. He stepped forward so that my back was pressed against the car and brought his other hand up to my face before leaning in and brushing his lips along my jawline; I shivered at the sensation and went limp, his strong hands catching me before I fell, “Freya! Are you alright?”
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