ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ - Tʜᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ

3342 Words
“So what are you going to do about it?” Brad, my boyfriend of 3 years, asks me pacing around his room while I sit on his bed. “Me! What do you mean? Last I check it takes 2 people to make a baby” I say standing up and standing up in front of him causing him to stop walking. I stare at him in pure disbelief, how could he just leave me out to dry like this, does he not remember what he said to me that day. I guess I was the i***t for believing that he was actually telling me the truth. “Ok, your right, but you know what, I’m not ready to be a father, I’m still in high school and I have my whole career ahead of me,” He says shaking his head and walking over to his bed and sitting on it. “And you think I am? Did you forget that I’m still in high school also and that I also have my career ahead of me” I yell at him standing in front of him. He sighs and gets up and starts pacing back and forth again. “Ok, I have a perfect idea,” He says turning around and walking up to me and smiling grabbing my shoulders. “What?” I ask when he doesn’t say anything and just stands there staring at me with a smile on his face. “You could just get an abortion,” he says and I just stare at him shocked. I sit down and look at my hands that are on my lap. “It’s perfect, we're both not ready for a baby, and plus we don’t even have to tell our parents about this or anyone for that matter.” He says sitting down next to me. I look up at him and once I see the smile on my face I start to feel anger. “How dare he, how dare he asks me to get rid of my baby,” I think to myself. I stand up and start to walk out of the door so that I could leave his house. I can’t even stay in the same building as him. “Wait, what I trying to say is that you don’t want a kid and I don’t want a kid, a least right now, and if you get an abortion now then we can go on with our lives like none of this ever happened.” He said smiling at me and grabbing my hand, and turning me around to face him. “I can’t believe you, you want me to have an abortion, and forget that this ever happened. No, I’m not going to do it,” I say taking my hand out of his and turning to walk towards the door. “And if you don’t want to be in the babies’ life then so be it,” I say walking out the door. “Well, maybe this wouldn’t have happened if you were on the pill!” He yells at me when I open the door to my car. “I am, maybe it wouldn’t have happened if you listened to me when I said that I couldn’t because I didn’t have anymore and have to go and get some to take!” I say to him getting into my car and driving home. Once I got home, I ran to my front door opened it and slammed it shut, and ran to my room. I fell on my bed crying, I can’t believe this is happening, the man that I thought I was going to spend my whole life with just, broke my heart. ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ I woke up to the light, from the sun shining into my room, shining onto my face. I looked around, not knowing when I fell asleep. I get up and walk into the bathroom so that I can wash my face so that I could get anything that showed that I was crying last night off my face. I can feel my eyes sting with unshed tears when I think about what Brad said yesterday. I take in a deep breath and try not to let the tears fall. I finish washing my face and walk to my bedroom door and go downstairs so that I can get something to eat. When I get downstairs and into the kitchen, I see my mom in there cooking breakfast, I go up to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, mom,” I say sitting down on the stool by the island. “Hi, how was your date with Brad yesterday?” My mom asked putting food on a plate and giving me food. “It was good,” I say taking the plate and a fork and start playing with my food with a frown, remembering our date yesterday, before I told him that I was pregnant with his baby, before my mom could say anything my dad came downstairs. “Hey, there’s my 2 beautiful women,” my dad says kissing my mom on the cheek then walking over to me and kissing me on top of my head. “Hey dad,” I say, looking up at him. I see mom looking at me with a worried look on her face. “What’s wrong, sweetheart,” mom says giving dad a plate of food than looking back at me. “Brad and I broke up yesterday,” I say looking up at her, and I can feel the tears trying to come when I remember what happened, and what was said. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry, why did you guys break up?” My mom asked running over to me and giving me a hug. My dad leans over the stool in between us and gives me a hug too. “I knew I didn’t like him, what did he do? Do I have to go and have a talk with him?” He said pulling away from the hug, with a sympathetic and angry look on his face. I know that he’s not angry at me but at Brad, but I don’t like the sympathetic look that is also present on his face. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I say looking down at my hands, they nod their heads and go back to eating. “Well I feel like we need something to cheer you up,” my dad says looking at me. I nod my head, looking up at both of them with a hopeful look on my face, and he gives a little smile. “Ok, well your Aunt Ruth and Jeff are coming today.” My dad said looking back at his food taking a bite of his bacon. I look up smiling I love aunt Ruth and my cousin Jeff, Ruth is my mom’s younger sister, she had Jeff when she was still in high school, Jeff is only a year older than me. “I should talk to her about the baby that I currently have inside me and what I should do about it, seeing as she had Jeff when she was around my age,” I think with a smile on my face as I look back down at my food and start to eat with a smile on my face. ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ It was getting closer to the time that Aunt Ruth and Jeff`s plane was going to land. I was currently getting dressed in a thigh-high, pastel pink dress, and I walked to my closet and grabbed some light blue flats that I really like that go well, with this dress. “Honey, it’s time to go, are you ready?” I hear dad yell from the bottom of the stairs. “Yeah” I reply back to him running to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I swing my door open and run downstairs and to the front door so that I can leave. When my dad sees me he smiles and opens the door and I walk out returning the smile, I look at the car and see mom already sitting in it looking at her phone. I hear the door close behind me and I look back to see dad lock the door, I turn back and walk towards the car and open the backseat door behind the driver’s side. We arrive at the airport and get out of the car and walk into the airport and look at the board that tells us when and which gate the planes will land. “There,” my mom says pointing to a part of the board. “Ah, we have 30 minutes to get there before their plane lands,” my dad says and starts to walk to the place that everyone getting off the plane comes out of. We walk over and find a couch to sit on while we wait. After some time, I see Jeff walk past one of the tall plants that are just before the door to leave. “Jeff!” I jump up and run to him when I see him. He smiles and opens his arms knowing that I was running to give him a hug. Because we are so close in age we and Jeff got along well, he was like my older brother, he was always there and always offered to beat up any guy that broke my heart. “Hey Lissa,” Jeff says letting go of me so that I am staring at him. “Hi Aunt Ruth,” I say turning away from Jeff, as he turns and gives my parents a hug, and turning towards Aunt Ruth smiling and giving her a hug. “Hi darling,” Aunt Ruth says returning my hug. It always amazed me the height difference between everyone, I mean Aunt Ruth is the shortest at about 5’4” and then there’s me and my mom at about 5’7” and then there’s Jeff that is only a couple of inches shorter than my dad. And then Uncle Bruce, Jeff’s father, and Aunt Ruth’s husband is the tallest out of all of us. “Hey, it’s so nice to see you guys again,” my mom says while we walk to the baggage claim. “It’s so good to be here and see you guys again,” Aunt Ruth says and I see Jeff nod his head with a smile from my peripheral vision. Once we get to the baggage claim they grab their bags and we start to walk to the car. We got in and drove home when we got home my dad and Jeff got the bags out of the car while my mom and I showed Aunt Ruth where she would be staying and I turned and saw Jeff walking down the hall and showed him to his room. They both said their thanks and decided that they would take a nap seeing as they came all the way from Cali. After a couple of hours, I decided that I should try to talk to Aunt Ruth before I talked to my parents. I knock on her door and wait for a response, I hear a quiet response from the other side of the door, and I put my hand on the handle and turn it and open it slowly and I look and see Aunt Ruth sitting on her bed reading a book. Once she sees me she sets down her book and sits up giving me her full attention. “Hey, Melissa, how are you? How’s that boyfriend of yours?” She says patting a spot next to her telling me to come and sit next to her. “I’m good, except me and Brad broke up yesterday,” I say sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her. She looks at me with a sad expression and gives me a hug. “Oh, honey, why did you guys break up?” She asks while pulling out of the hug, I just look at her, tears coming to my eyes just thinking about it, I decided that since she went through the same thing as me maybe she can give me some advice as to what I should do. “I’m pregnant,” I say trying to hold back tears that were threatening to come out. But, there’s one tear that betrayed me and falls down my cheek, Aunt Ruth brushes the tear away and then they all started to fall. “Oh, baby, what did he say when you told him?” She asks giving me a hug and I start to cry harder into her shoulder when she brings up the moment that I told him. We stay like that for a couple of minutes and when my cries become whimpers, Aunt Ruth pulls out of the hugs and looks at my face, and I tell her what everything that happened yesterday. I could tell that she was angry at him but that she was also trying to hold it in for my sake. “Did you tell your parents yet?” She asks and I shake my head. I don’t know how they would react; everyone didn’t react well when Aunt Ruth said that she was pregnant with Jeff. But I have to take a chance and tell them and risk the same thing happening, but they’re going to find out sooner or later, and they’re going to have to accept it at some point, they can’t deny that I’m going to be having their grandchild their whole lives. “But I’ll tell them today over dinner, I have to tell them at some point and might as well as, rip the bandage off,” I say looking at Ruth and she nods her head, I get up to leave so then she can finish reading and do whatever before it is time to leave for dinner. I go to my room and lay down on my bed, and think about how I’m going to tell my parents about me being pregnant, I don’t know how long I was laying there for, but before I knew it I had fallen asleep. ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ When I wake up, I look at the time and notice that we are going to leave soon, and the knock on the door tells me that I am right. “Sweetie get up it's time to go” I hear my mom say from the other side of the door. “Ok, mom I’m getting ready, I’ll be down in a minute,” I say getting up and out of bed and I hear the clicking of my mom’s heels clicking against the hardwood floor telling me that she is walking away. I get up and walk to the bathroom with a change of clothes and get changed and grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and to my nightstand to grab my phone, I open the door and walk out and downstairs and I see Jeff at the front door standing there with a smile when he sees me, I smile back and he opens the door, and we get in the car and drive to a restaurant. Once we get to the restaurant we walk in and get a seat and when the waitress comes we order and eat our food. While eating I look at my parents and they’re all happy. “I don’t want to ruin the night,” I think to myself. Then I look at Aunt Ruth and she’s looking at me waiting for me to say something, or to be specific for me to tell them that I’m pregnant. “Um....the reason me and Brad broke up is because......um... I’m p-p-pregnant,” I say looking at my hands, we sit there for a couple of minutes in silence, the awkward type of silence. I look up and see my dad sitting there with a surprised face then I look over at my mom and she looks angry. “We’ll talk about this when we get home.” My mom says and I nod and we continue to eat there is some more awkward silence. When we’re done eating my parents pay and we drive home my aunts holding my hand the entire way, in some more awkward silence. Once we get home, and my dad puts the car in park and turns it off my mom opens the door and slams it causing me to jump a little, this catches everyone’s attention. “I’ll go and talk to her really quick,” dad says opening the car door and shutting it, and walking up the front door of the house. I sigh, and Aunt Ruth squeezes my hand, I look at her and she nods her head and I nod back. I get out of the car and walk towards the front of the house with Aunt Ruth and Jeff following close behind me. “What do you mean you’re pregnant?” My mom asked when I got into the house. I sigh and walk over to the couch and sit down on it with Aunt Ruth sitting down next to me still holding my hand. “I’m pregnant,” I said shrugging my shoulders and looking at my hands on my lap, my aunt squeezes my hand to tell me that she’s on my side like she always has been, anytime I’ve gotten in trouble Aunt Ruth has always been on my side. My mom stops pacing and stands right in front of me. “You’re getting an abortion,” she says staring at me. “No, I’m not,” I say looking up at her with tears in my eyes. She sighs and starts to pace around the room, my dad sitting down in his chair, looking angry at me. “You will, I won’t have a daughter who has a baby at 16 and, and makes this family the laughing stock, of the town.” My mom says standing by my father, my mother has always cared about what people thought of her, she won’t let me do anything that could make her humiliated. “No, I won’t!” I say yelling at my mom and standing up, my aunt lightly squeezes my hand and I sit back down trying to calm down. “Yes, you will!” My father yelled it surprised me because this is the first time I’d heard him yell. I look at my mom and dad then at Aunt Ruth and Jeff who is sitting next to me with his arm around my waist. I lean on his shoulder and the tears start to fall as I silently cry. “If she doesn’t want to, then she doesn’t have to,” My aunt says standing up and looking at my parents. “Then I want her out of my house and to never return,” my mom says and I stare at them in disbelief. My mom leaves and my dad is not far behind, this tells me that the conversation is over. “It’s okay you can come and live with me and Jeff,” My aunt said sitting back down and grabbing my hand. I just nod and go upstairs and to my room, I start to pack some of my stuff but I don’t get too far when the tears start to fall again “I can’t believe that my parents are just going to do this to me,” I think and sit down on my bed and put my head in my hands and let the tears fall. After a couple of minutes of crying, I lay down, and let the darkness, consume me.…

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