Chapter 1

1419 Words
“Oh! It’s the fortune teller. I wonder what will she see today, Armageddon, catastrophe, famine or maybe the end of the world!” Terry, my brunette and fish-faced girl classmate shouted as I entered my classroom. My other classmates joined in the laughter as I dragged my obese body to my regular seat beside the garbage can. I tried to ignore their sneers but my mind is getting woozy again. The same feeling when I will see something strange and horrendous visions of accidents and tragedies. It’s different from predictions and horoscopes because unlike them, mine didn’t even happen. But out of my fear, I told my classmates what I saw happening to them so they can prepare. But no… they laughed at me because nothing happened… Right now, I’m getting dizzy and I closed my eyes and prepared myself for another horrific vision… I saw Terry in my mind’s eye. She and her girlfriends are playing a prank on a lower classman. They are throwing papers and stones at the poor child. Suddenly, the girl got a wooden stick and hit Terry on the head. Terry screamed and ran away while her head was bleeding… and a flash of white light and I suddenly opened my eyes… My classmates are still roaring in laughter as they threw pieces of trash and paper on me. Terry stood up and walked to my desk. I cower in fear and tried to push my fat body far from her as possible. “Hey! Looks like she has another of those predictions again,” She laughs as if there’s no more tomorrow. “Whose gonna get hurt now? Me or you?” Terry asked as she pulled out a ruler. I bowed my head and spoke in a small voice, “Do--don’t play a prank on the little girl… You will get hurt!” Terry didn’t listen and instead, she hit me with the ruler and I controlled my voice and tears as she hit me with it repeatedly. -0- I am still wincing as I head for the cafeteria of my school. For your information, my school is for children with Dyslexia and ADHD. There are no written signs around because kids can’t read that good. Instead, there are picture signs that point out to where the cafeteria or the canteen is. I hugged my body bag with my fat arms on my chest as I wobbled on my way to the mini park. Daddy made me some snacks so I don’t have to go to the cafeteria to buy any food. Besides, the children will make fun of me when they saw me buying dozens of foods. I sat on my usual place and opened my bag. I took out a ham sandwich and a jug of water. I was to take out a bite when a group of children walked in the park. Three boys and two blonde girls, one is Terry who is ogling to the black-haired boy at the center. In my curiosity, I stared at him and check him out. At first, I dismissed him as a regular looking kid with pointed straight nose, long eyelashes and thin lips with pale skin. But the longer I look at him, the more his features are enhanced. I noticed his jet-black hair and sunflower yellow eyes. He also seemed to have dimples on both cheeks and an aura of elusiveness. In a few seconds in my eyes, he changes from regular to extraordinary like you have to really look at him to appreciate his looks. I forgot my food as I look at him and suddenly, I felt woozy and dizzy again. I groaned as I closed my eyes. I saw in my mind’s eye the boy that just arrived; he is walking on a crowded street alone. Then suddenly, a group of thug kids ganged him up and beat him. My vision blurred as if it fast forward and I saw him walking home with bruises and what seems like a broken arm. I snapped out of it and I saw him passing near me. My shyness was overcome by my worry that I quickly stood up, dropped my food and ran in front of him. “Don’t walk alone on a street, you will get hurt…” I said in a direct voice as I stare at those flowery yellow eyes. Terry stepped in front of me and pushed me, “Don’t bother with this pig, she is just trying to get your attention. I heard the teachers talking to each other that she has a mental illness and must be delivered to the hospital.” They all laughed at me, even the handsome boy. I feel that I am almost sinking to the ground. I bowed my head and ran as fast as I can to my bag and left. When I get back to the classroom, my classmates seemed to know what happened and they are all laughing at me. I forced my tears back and buried my face on my notebook as I bend the pencil I am holding. I don’t know what is happening to me. Ever since I was five years old, I am having this stupid visions and premonitions. Now that I’m nine years old, I’m still seeing it and more frequently as ever. I know they are accurate but I don’t know when it will happen. I sobbed uncontrollably and waited for the afternoon dismissal. -0- “Hey! Welcome home my sweet baby!” My father, Kurt said as I walked inside our small apartment later that afternoon. My dad was wearing an apron and is holding a tomato sauce. Unlike me, he is lean and muscled. The neighbors often gossip about him being only twenty-four and having a nine-year-old kid at that age is such a crime from them. I looked at my dad and smiled sadly. He seemed to know what happened and gestured me to come near him. He gave me a hug, lifted me and let me sit on his lap. “You’ve seen visions again huh?” Dad said as he wiped the remains of tears in my eyes as he studied my face. I looked at him and if not for the eyes, I wouldn’t believe he is my father. My father has a rather than face but muscled. He has thick eyelashes and reddish-brown eyes that sometimes when he is derived from sleep, looks vivid red. He has a matt of straight hair that is neatly cut and a small pointed nose and thin lips. Our female neighbors tried to hit on him but he said that he will love only my mother until he dies. He is about six foot and can pass as a dashing leading man in the stories he is making. Kurt Strife is a script writer focusing on drama and tragedies. He is getting a lot of money from it and every script he written was made in a television series or movies and is always a major hit. He told me that living in an apartment was better than buying a large house that the only two living on it is the two of us. “Dad, I want to stop seeing things. I can’t help but pity others that they don’t know what is coming to them.” I said as I sobbed again and cover my face with my pudgy hands. My dad patted me on the head and hugged me closer, “It’s not your fault they are an i***t Melpy. Look at me, I listen to everything you said and I was prepared for what is going to happen. All thanks to you.” “But why can’t I stop it from happening?” I asked. “Because there are things that are beyond our control my daughter. Let’s be thankful that you can see them and warn them. Don’t be upset if they don’t believe you. It’s their choice and… Where did you get this Melpy?” My dad asked in a silent voice that made me shiver.
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