Chapter two

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Martha's Pov I woke up the next day still tired of all of the cleaning and cooking and then more cleaning after their dinner. I knew that i wold have to get up and start doing more chores soon, so i got up and went to the little area in my room that had a sink, small shower, and toilet and a small mirror. When i looked into the mirror i saw how tired i looked. My natural black wavy hair was now a dull black and looked like a rats nest. my skin was pasty white, at least i no blemishes. My eyes were hazel with i tad bit of gold in them which means my wolf is near the surface. As i was heading down the stairs the pack slut Missy bumped into me making me fall and tumble down two flights of stairs. When i finally landed with a loud thud on the ground Missy yelled '' Stupid mutt cant even go down the stairs without falling.'' I think i broke a rib or two but that didn't matter right now all that mattered right now is getting all the chores done. Yesterday alpha Ian told me that hes having another pack over for dinner tonight to discuss a new pack alliance and they would be staying for three days. I was actually happy because tomorrow is my birthday and that's when ill be able to find my mate and hopefully its one of the people in the pack that comes. The alpha made me clean every single room and bathroom witch was a lot of work by itself considering there were over one-hundred rooms and each had their own bathroom. I also had to mop, sweep, and wax all of the tiled floors and vacuum all the carpet. He also made me make the dinner for both packs and i wasn't even aloud to attend the dinner or even talk to the upcoming pack members. It took me 10 hours to complete everything. All the sudden i heard a knock on the door and down came Alpha Ian. He said '' Remember what i said and if the alpha so happens to talk to you which i doubt he will. don't look into his eyes while hes here. Do you understand me mutt?'' I didn't say anything. '' DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME MUTT?'' he said once again in his alpha voice. i simply nodded. '' Now go and get the door and lead them into the dinning room.'' I did as he said and led them to the dinning room and had them all sit. As i was about to leave in came my pack. each and every single one of them bumping into me making me fall by the last one. my pack laughed at me but the other pack stayed silent. i got up and walked out of the room with my head held high. Alpha Johnathan's Pov we are on our way to Killer blood pack when i start to get this feeling i my gut that says something huge is about to change my life for the better. We were driving in 2 cars because only a few of my pack members are coming like my beta,third in command, gamma, six warriors, and myself. We were driving for forty minutes until we came upon a huge mansion. Well is was big but no where near as big as our pack house because we are the biggest, strongest, and dangerous known pack in the world. We have over two thousand pack while other packs have a little under eight hundred members. We all got out and went to the door and i knock. we waited a few more minutes before a stunning she-wolf opens the door with her head held down. She said '' Welcome Alpha Johnathan of Moon Creek pack.'' She has the most adorable voice iv'e ever heard. '' Please follow me to the dinning room for dinner.'' She let us in and after we were all in the closed the door and directed us towards a door. We walked in. She didn't say anything she said that her pack will join us shortly. I was about to say something until she started to walk out and while she was leaving in came Alpha Ian followed by some members of his pack they all bumped into the young lady and laughed. Once all of them were in, she fell to the ground with a loud thud. After a minute or so she got up and walked out with her head held high. I admired her for her actions. I turned towards Alpha Ian and asked ''Who was that?'' ''Oh that, that was nothing. Shes just some girl that packs pass back and forth as they may. If you would i would be more then obliged to send her to you once we are done with her'' he said. I was appalled at how he talking about her. women she not be mistreated like that. They should be cherished and loved not abused and passed back and forth. I don't know what took over me but i let out a growl while every one was laughing over her. '' ''Whats her name?'' ''To be honest we don't really know her name or how old she is. We just call her mutt.''he said. After that the dinner went on with small chitchat but my mind kept going back to that she-wolf. Once dinner was done Alpha Ian show all of us our rooms. Before he left me he said that we can discus the alliance in the morning after breakfast in his office. After he left put on some shorts and took off my shirt and fell into a deep sleep thinking abut her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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