Permission to Leave 1.0

1338 Words
An ancient voice murmured amongst the creaking wood and rustling leaves deep within the Saige park past the point where humans could venture.  Long ago when the rocks were young and I was but a sapling the beast ran wild gating amongst themselves and with those of the outer realms. Ferocious in nature the beast roved in packs alliances rose and fell but their numbers remained few and constant. The gates to the outer realm stood open and clear where the many races came and left as they pleased for this land was the only one where those of the various realms could interact. Then the humans evolved; they spread rapidly across the land at first peaceful then fearful and at last destructive. They sought to slay the beasts for hide and trophy but for each beast they felled hundreds died. When they fought those of the realms many died on both sides and somewhere enslaved. Soon the war ravaged everywhere, and more innocents died than not. When at least the humans were cowed, and a time of peace settled the humans lived and forgot dreaming of more and grew greedy they grew restless and once again they sought to have what was not for them. When even the land became a victim of the raging war a new decision was made.  The humans were a young and short-lived species and they would fight amongst themselves even worse than the beasts they were more restless and controlling than those of the outer realms but their very energy seemed supportive of this realm. Thus, to preserve the netting territory it was decided that the humans would be left to forget. Those that wished to live within the human’s realm would dawn skins of man to live amongst them and would in turn monitor their crazed thirst for more than what they have.  The Beasts changed first, those that chose to remain amongst the humans became the Beastskins while those that refused to where the appearance of prey returned to the depths of the wild. Those of the outer realms made a different compromise while within the human’s realm they oiled where the seeming of man and those that chose to stay there took the seeming into their nature so that it was a real as their original form. They gathered in clans some just a single species of either Beastskin or Realmskin some growing to be a blending of many races. “I know Grandpa Oak; the other races took the form of humans and as more time passed so too did they begin to take the nature.”  It is rude to interrupt young sapling, the story must be told in its fullest. At first, they would still talk to us as to the changing of the world but as with everything time brings change. Eventually even the long lived amongst them has forgotten the truth of our existence. Now it seems that they have gained more than just the appearance of man but that their connection to that children’s race reached more than skin deep. While they still held access to their true form the more time passes the more, they like the human form for its many diverse tastes and access for the Beastskins and for the Realmskin the form was best for its unfettered access to their human prey.  “Geeze, Grandpa that sounds terrible. Like there secretly stalking, killing and eating them. Even the demon skins like the vampires don’t bother with such hunts now. Also, it’s like saying that we are harmless to humans.” Sorrel, please you must listen if you are to make like the dandelions and drift with the wind. “Okay, okay you finish. Though I’m much prettier than a dandelion.” Sorrel properly folded his hands in his lap and took a posture to indicate that he listened intently. A long sigh of rustling leaves sounded before the old voice continued. Even those Beastskin with one foot still brushing their roots have long forgotten how things first started. Alas time always moves on and like the Realmskin we too must adapt. We must be the hunters, not the prey. You are to take advantage of our endless patience in conjunction with the form you have gained to seamlessly blend into the current world and discover the truth of the flesh walkers’ intentions. “I got it Grandpa, you're finished now right? So, I can go? Also, you shouldn’t call the other races flesh walkers. It sounds bad.” Another deep sigh sounded before a long branch reached out and flicked lightly at Sorrel. Yes, I am finished but you are not just allowed to go wander anywhere first you must pass our test.  “A test, what sort of test?” Sorrel asked as he straightened his back from the house slouch, he had slumped into as the speech droned on. He was seated cross legged on the protruding root of the old oak tree head tilted to one side.  Simple enough Aunt Lata has planted a seed in one of the unruly samplings in the Bellare district. You are to go and retrieve the seed.  “Yeah, that’s really easy won’t take but a few moments.” Ah, but you will have to track the sapling on your own. He will be surrounded by the rest of his grove so as you are supposed to be subtle you must not kill.  “Eh so it’s a game of tag where I have to catch one person while not letting a bunch of other people catch me? Sounds fun. Can I knock the others out?” Subtle, and hard to detect does not correspond with rushing in and leaving everyone incapacitated till you make your objective.  “Oh, so I can knock them out so long as I do it stealthily.” They should not be able to identify you on sight. A murmur of laughter drifted into the conversation before an old but cheery voice interrupted Grandpa Oak’s long-suffering argument. You have grown to staid in your old years. Just look at those brilliant violet flowers he’s sporting how subtle do you expect him to be with such flare? Besides if you ask him to be too inconspicuous, you’ll waste Grandma Birch’s efforts in making those clothes for him. Considering she dipped into that pricy hide she’d been hoarding she’ll take the bark of you if you’re not careful. Don’t worry Sorrel you go have a good time. I’ll keep the old grump from complaining to much.  Sorrel bounced up self-consciously and smoothed a hand over his clothes. A pair of dark brown leather pants that laced up the sides, with additional laced sleeves from thigh to waist designed to hold six sharp birch needles on each side. Black half calf boots with thick soles and a vest coat that stopped just above the waist at the front leaving a thin line of pale skin visible while the back flowed down to stop just above his ankles. Turning this way and that Sorrel stretched around before he smiled. “Thanks Grandad Ash,” A gentle chuckle like the cracking of bark resounded before the cheerful voice continued. Best tie your hair up first, you won’t want it to get caught on things and break while you’re moving around. It's fine to let it grow however when there are no particular restrictions, but you best keep your tamer. Sorrel nodded deeply before he reached around and carefully braided his long silver hair tying the end with a small cotton ribbon. Despite the rapid work the rich violet flowers in full bloom in his hair were left clearly displayed down the length of the braid. 
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